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HordeEstelle Gendry
Image of Estelle Gendry
Title <Heirloom "Curator">
Gender Female
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 50
Class Rogue
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Undercity
Location Rogues' Quarter, Undercity;[78, 76]VZ-UndercityBlip Gates of Orgrimmar, Orgrimmar
Status Active

Estelle Gendry is a Forsaken rogue that can be found in the Rogues' Quarter inside Undercity. Prior to Cataclysm, she provided rogues with a set of Inv misc gear 03 [Thieves' Tools] after accepting the quest H IconSmall Undead MaleIconSmall Undead Female Rogue [20] Tools of the Trade.

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Following the Battle for Lordaeron, she relocated to the Gates of Orgrimmar in Orgrimmar.


Icon-time This section contains information that is out-of-date. Reason: Some heirloom items are missing.

Estelle sells Heirlooms.

Vendor-purchased heirlooms
Item Cost Cost Cost Cost Slot Type Primary
Inv shoulder 02 [Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle] (90 · 100) 500g N/A N/A 1,000 Honor Points Shoulder Cloth Intellect/Haste
Inv misc bone taurenskull 01 [Tattered Dreadmist Mantle] (90 · 100) 500g 25 Champion's Seal 50 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Shoulder Cloth Intellect/Crit
Inv shoulder 05 [Exceptional Stormshroud Shoulders] (90 · 100) 500g N/A N/A 1,000 Honor Points Shoulder Leather Agility/Haste
Inv shoulder 01 [Lasting Feralheart Spaulders] (90 · 100) 500g N/A N/A 1,000 Honor Points Shoulder Leather Intellect/Haste
Inv shoulder 07 [Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders] (90 · 100) 500g 25 Champion's Seal 50 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Shoulder Leather Agility/Crit
Inv shoulder 06 [Preened Ironfeather Shoulders] (90 · 100) 500g 25 Champion's Seal 50 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Shoulder Leather Intellect/Crit
Inv shoulder 10 [Prized Beastmaster's Mantle] (90 · 100) 500g N/A N/A 1,000 Honor Points Shoulder Mail Agility/Haste
Inv shoulder 29 [Aged Pauldrons of The Five Thunders] (90 · 100) 500g N/A N/A 1,000 Honor Points Shoulder Mail Intellect/Haste
Inv shoulder 29 [Mystical Pauldrons of Elements] (90 · 100) 500g 25 Champion's Seal 50 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Shoulder Mail Intellect/Crit
Inv shoulder 01 [Champion Herod's Shoulder] (90 · 100) 500g 25 Champion's Seal 50 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Shoulder Mail Agility/Crit
Inv shoulder 20 [Strengthened Stockade Pauldrons] (90 · 100) 500g N/A N/A 1,000 Honor Points Shoulder Plate Strength/Haste
Inv shoulder 10 [Pristine Lightforge Spaulders] (90 · 100) 500g N/A N/A 1,000 Honor Points Shoulder Plate Intellect
Inv shoulder 30 [Polished Spaulders of Valor] (90 · 100) 500g 25 Champion's Seal 50 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Shoulder Plate Strength/Crit
Inv shoulder 14 [Burnished Pauldrons of Might] (90 · 100) 500g 25 Champion's Seal 50 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Shoulder Plate Strength
Inv chest cloth 49 [Tattered Dreadmist Robe] (90 · 100) 500g 25 Champion's Seal 50 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Chest Cloth Intellect/Crit
Inv chest leather 07 [Stained Shadowcraft Tunic] (90 · 100) 500g 25 Champion's Seal 50 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Chest Leather Agility/Crit
Inv chest leather 06 [Preened Ironfeather Breastplate] (90 · 100) 500g 25 Champion's Seal 50 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Chest Leather Intellect/Crit
Inv chest chain 07 [Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate] (90 · 100) 500g 25 Champion's Seal 50 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Chest Mail Agility/Crit
Inv chest chain 11 [Mystical Vest of Elements] (90 · 100) 500g 25 Champion's Seal 50 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Chest Mail Intellect/Crit
Inv chest plate03 [Polished Breastplate of Valor] (90 · 100) 500g 25 Champion's Seal 50 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Chest Plate Strength/Crit
Inv chest plate16 [Burnished Breastplate of Might] (90 · 100) 500g 25 Champion's Seal 50 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Chest Plate Strength/Haste
Inv staff 13 [Grand Staff of Jordan] (90 · 100) 750g N/A N/A 1,500 Honor Points Two-Hand Staff Intellect/Haste
Inv sword 19 [Reforged Truesilver Champion] (90 · 100) 750g N/A N/A 1,500 Honor Points Two-Hand Sword Strength/Haste
Inv gizmo 02 [Repurposed Lava Dredger] (90 · 100) 750g 40 Champion's Seal 75 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Two-Hand Mace Agility
Inv jewelry talisman 12 [Dignified Headmaster's Charge] (90 · 100) 750g 40 Champion's Seal 75 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Two-Hand Staff Intellect/Crit
Inv axe 09 [Bloodied Arcanite Reaper] (90 · 100) 750g 40 Champion's Seal 75 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Two-Hand Axe Strength/Crit
Inv staff 29 [Burnished Warden Staff] (90 · 100) 750g 40 Champion's Seal 75 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Two-Hand Staff Agility/Haste
Inv weapon bow 08 [Charmed Ancient Bone Bow] (90 · 100) 750g 40 Champion's Seal 75 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Ranged Bow Agility/Haste
Inv weapon rifle 09 [Upgraded Dwarven Hand Cannon] (90 · 100) 750g N/A N/A 1,500 Honor Points Ranged Gun Agility/Crit
Inv weapon shortblade 03 [Sharpened Scarlet Kris] (90 · 100) 650g N/A N/A 1,000 Honor Points One-Hand Dagger Agility/Crit
Inv hammer 07 [The Blessed Hammer of Grace] (90 · 100) 650g N/A N/A 1,000 Honor Points One-Hand Mace Intellect/Haste
Inv sword 36 [Battleworn Thrash Blade] (90 · 100) 650g N/A N/A 1,000 Honor Points One-Hand Sword Stamina/Thrash
Inv sword 12 [Bloodsoaked Skullforge Reaver] (90 · 100) 650g 25 Champion's Seal 50 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A One-Hand Sword Strength/Haste
Inv hammer 05 [Devout Aurastone Hammer] (90 · 100) 650g 25 Champion's Seal 50 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A One-Hand Mace Intellect/Crit
Inv hammer 17 [Venerable Mass of McGowan] (90 · 100) 650g 25 Champion's Seal 50 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A One-Hand Mace Agility
Inv sword 17 [Balanced Heartseeker] (90 · 100) 650g 25 Champion's Seal 50 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A One-Hand Dagger Agility
Inv sword 43 [Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge] (90 · 100) 650g 25 Champion's Seal 50 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A One-Hand Sword Agility
Inv misc book 06 [Musty Tome of the Lost] (90 · 100) 500g 25 Champion's Seal 50 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Off-hand frill Intellect/Haste
Inv shield 13 [Weathered Observer's Shield] (90 · 100) 500g 25 Champion's Seal 50 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Off Hand Shield Intellect/Haste
Inv shield 20 [Flamescarred Draconian Deflector] (90 · 100) 500g 25 Champion's Seal 50 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Off Hand Shield Strength/Haste
Inv jewelry trinketpvp 01 [Inherited Insignia of the Alliance] (90 · 100) (Alliance) 700g N/A N/A 1,250 Honor Points Trinket CC break
Inv jewelry trinketpvp 02 [Inherited Insignia of the Horde] (90 · 100) (Horde) 700g N/A N/A 1,250 Honor Points Trinket CC break
Inv jewelry talisman 09 [Inherited Mark of Tyranny] (90 · 100) 700g N/A N/A 1,250 Honor Points Trinket +Health
Inv jewelry talisman 01 [Swift Hand of Justice] (90 · 100) 700g 35 Champion's Seal 70 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Trinket Haste/Heal
Inv jewelry talisman 08 [Discerning Eye of the Beast] (90 · 100) 700g 35 Champion's Seal 70 Darkmoon Prize Ticket N/A Trinket Intellect/Heal
Inv jewelry necklace 08 [Eternal Amulet of the Redeemed] (90 · 100) 700g N/A N/A N/A Neck Healer
Inv jewelry necklace 05 [Eternal Emberfury Talisman] (90 · 100) 700g N/A N/A N/A Neck Strength DPS
Inv jewelry necklace 11 [Eternal Horizon Choker] (90 · 100) 700g N/A N/A N/A Neck Intellect DPS
Inv jewelry amulet 04 [Eternal Talisman of Evasion] (90 · 100) 700g N/A N/A N/A Neck Strength tank
Inv jewelry talisman 07 [Eternal Will of the Martyr] (90 · 100) 700g N/A N/A N/A Neck Agility DPS
Inv misc herb 15 [Eternal Woven Ivy Necklace] (90 · 100) 700g N/A N/A N/A Neck Agility tank

She also sells Scouting Map toys that reveal maps and unlock flightpaths.

Item Cost
Inv misc map03 [Scouting Map: A Stormstout's Guide to Pandaria] 10000g
Inv misc map09 [Scouting Map: Cataclysm's Consequences] 10000g
Inv misc map03 [Scouting Map: Into the Shadowlands] 10000g
Inv misc map05 [Scouting Map: The Dangers of Draenor] 10000g
Inv misc map09 [Scouting Map: The Eastern Kingdoms Campaign] 10000g
Inv misc map09 [Scouting Map: The Eastern Kingdoms Campaign] 10000g
Inv misc map07 [Scouting Map: The Many Curiosities of Outland] 10000g
Icon treasuremap [Scouting Map: The Wonders of Kul Tiras and Zandalar] 10000g
Inv misc map08 [Scouting Map: True Cost of the Northrend Campaign] 10000g
Inv misc map06 [Scouting Map: United Fronts of the Broken Isles] 10000g
Inv misc map09 [Scouting Map: Walking Kalimdor with the Earthmother] 10000g
Inv misc map09 [Scouting Map: Walking Kalimdor with the Earthmother] 10000g




How can I help you, <handsome/gorgeous>?

Buy I want to browse your goods.

WoW Icon update The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft but is present in Classic Era.

With the sanction of Lady Sylvanas, the Deathstalkers' numbers grow. More blades to strike at our enemies when they least expect it.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
