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NeutralExecutioner Verathress
Image of Executioner Verathress
Gender Male
Race Naga (Humanoid)
Level 30-35 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Executioner
Location Biel'aran Ridge, Shimmering Expanse
Status Alive
Executioner Verathress

Executioner Verathress

Executioner Verathress is a naga located in Biel'aran Ridge, Shimmering Expanse. He is only available during the B [30-35] Visions of the Past: The Slaughter of Biel'aran Ridge chain, where an adventurer is living out the greater events of Naz'jar Battlemaiden Nar'jira's life. She helped capture a Kvaldir High-Shaman so that he could be executed by Verathress, sending a clear message to his people.



  • Kvaldir Limbripper says: Tides take you!
Kvaldir Limbripper says: These waters will be your grave.
Executioner Verathress yells: On your knees!
Executioner Verathress yells: Let this be a lesson to all Kvaldir. You are weak! Facing Azshara brings only death.
  • Executioner Verathress yells: Slink back to your pathetic mist. Return and we will slagther every last one of you.


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He may be a part of the Naz'jar naga.

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