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Start | Captain Drine [59.4, 34.7] |
End | Captain Drine [54.8, 47.2] |
Level | 68-70 |
Category | Thaldraszus |
Experience | 10,250 |
Reputation | +100 Valdrakken Accord |
Rewards |
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Locate Clues within Valdrakken.
- Crafter's Consortium investigated [34.7, 61.3]
- Bank investigated [59.1, 54.8]
- Inn investigated [47.0, 47.7]
The Primalists have been spewing their propaganda among the citizens of Valdrakken.
Our enemies are too wily to say anything in the presence of my Scalesworn, but perhaps you might be able to get close enough to eavesdrop on their conversations and see if there is anything of value to learn.
I have marked locations on your map for further investigation.
Take this enchanted stone, as long as you have it on hand we will be able to communicate.
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[Eavesdropper's Cowl] | ![]() |
[Eavesdropper's Cap] | |
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[Eavesdropper's Coif] | ![]() |
[Eavesdropper's Helm] |
You will also receive:
- 27
- 10,250 XP
- +100 reputation with Valdrakken Accord
Well, find anything unusual?
So, the Primalists are up to something in the south and soldiers have not been arriving from South Hold Garrison... This does not sound good <name>. That does not sound good at all.
Drop down (or take the teleport) to the ground level. From the water feature in the center of the plaza, head southwest past the auction house to the Artisan's Market at [35.8, 60.9]
- Captain Drine says: Many people come here for commerce. Find a place to blend-in with the merchants and keep your ears open.
Check on the Consortium Ledger at [34.7, 61.3]:
- A blue and a yellow dragonspawn walk up.
- Valdrakken Citizen says: Did you hear?
- Valdrakken Citizen says: Hear what?
- Valdrakken Citizen says: A drake tells me that the Trueborn are on the move. Something important is about to happen!
- Valdrakken Citizen says: Truly?
- Valdrakken Citizen says: I do not know the details, but... he is close to finding it. Soon he will have the power to put the flights in their place... as they deserve.
- Valdrakken Citizen says: Shhhh! Do not let the Scalesworn hear you speak like that!
Head north, at the Roasted Ram inn [48.3, 49.8]:
- Captain Drine says: Everyone comes to the Roasted Ram eventually. Grab a drink to blend in, but keep your wits about you.
- Brigita says: Welcome to the Roasted Ram! Seating is open.
Interact with the Goblet at [47.0, 47.7]:
- Two citizens walk up to the bar that Tithris, the innkeeper, is tending.
- Valdrakken Citizen 1 says: Greetings, brother. Any news?
- Valdrakken Citizen 2 says: A delay, unfortunately. They are still looking for it at South Hold Gate.
- Valdrakken Citizen 1 says: Still?! Should they not have found it by now?
- Valdrakken Citizen 2 says: I am sure everything will be handled by the time our benefactors are ready. He will make sure of it.
- Valdrakken Citizen 1 says: Careful! We speak too casually, there are unfamiliar faces about.
To the southeast, enter the Valdrakken Treasury Hoard at [55.0, 57.4]:
- Captain Drine says: I doubt the Primalists come to bank vaults to discuss their plans, but we may still overhear something useful. Act like you are inspecting one of the holding chests.
Interact with the Storage Chest at [59.1, 54.8]:
- A red dracthyr runs up to Vekkalis's desk.
- Vekkalis says: My apologies, there is nothing here awaiting you.
- Valdrakken Citizen says: What do you mean? Commander Eranog said it would be here.
- Vekkalis says: I have not seen him. Come to think of it, I have not seen anyone from South Hold come by today. Very strange.
Turn in at the base of the tower, not up top.
[68-70] To Valdrakken or
[60-70] Thaldraszsus
[68-70] A Message Most Dire
[68-70] Nowhere to Hide &
[68-70] Eyes and Ears
[68-70] Southern Exposure
[68-70] Vengeance, Served Hot &
[68-70] The Fog of Battle
[68-70] Remember the Fallen,
[68-70] Slightly Used Weapons, &
[68-70] Tying Things Together
[68-70] Clear the Sky
[68-70] Where's The Chief?
[68-70] Fire Fighter
[68-70] Reporting In
Patch changes[]
Patch 10.0.2 (2022-11-15): Added.