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For the monk talent, see Ability ardenweald monk [Faeline Stomp].
Faeline Stomp
Ability ardenweald monk
  • Faeline Stomp
  • Monk ability
  • 30 yd range
  • 4% of base mana
  • 30 sec recharge
  • Instant
  • Strike the ground fiercely to expose a faeline for 30 sec, dealing (40% of Attack power) Nature damage to up to 5 enemies, and restores (91% of Spell power) health to up to 5 allies within 30 yds caught in the faeline.

    Brewmaster Brewmaster :
    Monk stance drunkenox [Stagger] is 5% more effective for 8 sec against enemies caught in the faeline.

    Mistweaver Mistweaver :
    Up to 5 allies are healed with an Ability monk essencefont [Essence Font] bolt.

    Windwalker Windwalker :
    Up to 5 enemies suffer an additional (65% of Attack power) damage.

    Your abilities have a 6% chance of resetting the cooldown of Faeline Stomp while fighting on a faeline.
Class Monk
School Nature
Recharge 30 sec
Related buff
Ability ardenweald monk
  • Faeline Stomp
  • Fighting on a faeline has a 6% chance of resetting the cooldown of Faeline Stomp.
  • Duration: 30 sec

Faelin Stomp is the monk class ability of the Night Fae Covenant. It's available to all monks who join the Night Fae.

This ability is also temporarily available during the Ardenweald portion of the Shadowlands campaign. It is unlocked after the quest N [55-60] Preparing for the Winter Queen and lasts until completing the Ardenweald storyline.

Patch changes[]

  • Shadowlands Patch 9.0.5 (2021-03-09): Fixed an issue that caused Faeline Stomp to not deal damage when used to engage creatures in combat.
  • Shadowlands Patch 9.0.2 (2020-11-17): Added.

External links[]
