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NeutralFargon Mortalak
Image of Fargon Mortalak
Title <Superior Armorer>
Gender Male
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Booty Bay
Location Booty Bay, Cape of Stranglethorn
Status Alive

Fargon Mortalak is a dwarf armor vendor located at the Plate-n-Chain in Booty Bay in the Cape of Stranglethorn.


Pointer repair on 32x32 This vendor offers a repair service.

Inv belt 03 [Augmented Chain Belt]
92s 64c
Inv boots 01 [Augmented Chain Boots]
1g 38s 40c
Inv bracer 07 [Augmented Chain Bracers]
93s 31c
Inv gauntlets 04 [Augmented Chain Gloves]
93s 65c
Inv helmet 03 [Augmented Chain Helm]
1g 43s 6c
Inv pants 03 [Augmented Chain Leggings]
1g 83s 54c
Inv chest plate12 [Augmented Chain Vest]
1g 82s 86c
Inv belt 34 1x [Heavy Notched Belt]
2g 27s 98c
Inv shield 03 [Heavy Pavise]
1g 61s 60c
Inv shield 10 [Metal Buckler]
1g 30s 54c

See also[]

External links[]
