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AllianceFarming Stimulator
Start Farmer Burton
End Farmer Burton
Level 30-60
Category Stormsong Valley
Experience 16,450
Reputation +75 Storm's Wake
Rewards Inv ring 80 05c [Vineshaper's Grasp]
or Inv bracer leather kultirasquest b 01 [Darkwater Bracers]
or Inv bracer cloth kultirasquest b 01 [Tidespeaker Cuffs]
or Inv brace mail kultirasquest b 01 [Stormchaser Bracers]
or Inv bracer plate kultirasquest b 01 [Dread Corsair Bracers]
23g 40s
Previous A [30-60] Gadgets and Gizmos Aplenty & A [30-60] Stop Vining!


Use the Piloted Farmhand to slay 30 enemies.

  • Enemies slain (30)


The plants have gone amok since you defeated their masters! Don't worry though, I've got a plan.

I've been busy fixing up one of the farmhands that didn't go completely haywire. It should have enough juice for one more trip through the fields.

We've got some serious technology in these harvesters. Their tools should be more than enough to take care of some small plants and even a couple quilboar.

What do you say? You up for some farming the Stormsong way? Hop on in and get to work!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv ring 80 05c [Vineshaper's Grasp] Inv bracer leather kultirasquest b 01 [Darkwater Bracers]
Inv bracer cloth kultirasquest b 01 [Tidespeaker Cuffs] Inv brace mail kultirasquest b 01 [Stormchaser Bracers]
Inv bracer plate kultirasquest b 01 [Dread Corsair Bracers]

You will also receive:


Take out as many of them as you can!


Yeah, that'll show them! Those quilboar will think twice before invading my farm again!


Interact with the Repaired Farmhand next to Burton. It has two abilities:

  1. Ability xavius tormentingswipe Harvest Crops — Inflicts 56,215 Physical damage to all enemies in front of the caster. Instant (1.5 sec cooldown)
  2. Ability thunderclap Hammer Smash — Stuns all enemies within 10 yards, rendering them unable to move or attack for 5 sec. Inflicts 13,789 Physical damage to enemies within 10 yards. Instant (5 sec cooldown)

While in the vehicle is a great time to complete the bonus objective A [30-59B] Weed Whacking!


Optional breadcrumb at Brennadam: A [30-60] Checking Out the Collapse

  1. A [30-60] Gadgets and Gizmos Aplenty & A [30-60] Stop Vining!
  2. A [30-60] Farming Stimulator

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