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AllianceFel Moss Corruption
Start Ilthalaine[45.6, 74.6]VZ-ShadowglenBlip
End Ilthalaine[45.6, 74.6]VZ-ShadowglenBlip
Level 1-10
Category Shadowglen
Reputation +250 Darnassus
Rewards Money, XP;
Inv pants 02 [Canopy Leggings],
Inv boots 01 [Tracking Boots],
Inv gauntlets 05 [Viny Gloves], or
Inv pants 02 [Moss-Encrusted Chain Pants];
and 3x Inv misc herb 01 [Healing Herb]
Previous A [1-10] The Balance of Nature
Next A [1-10] A Favor for Melithar or
A [1-10] Priestess of the Moon


Collect 6 Fel Moss from the grellkin to the west of Ilthalaine.


You seem to know what you're doing. Perhaps I can task you with something a little more important.

As you may well know, the corruption in Teldrassil was supposedly wiped away. Yet something lingers. The creatures have not calmed and all manner of problems still plague us.

I need you to deal with the grellkin that have gathered to the west, and while you're there, I want you to search them for fel moss. This will help me determine from where this continuing corruption stems.


You will receive one of these rewards:
Inv pants 02 [Canopy Leggings] Inv boots 01 [Tracking Boots]
Inv gauntlets 05 [Viny Gloves] Inv pants 02 [Moss-Encrusted Chain Pants]

You will also receive:


Satisfy my suspicions, <name>. Bring to me fel moss from the grellkin.


Your service to the creatures of Shadowglen is worthy of reward, <name>.

You confirmed my fears, however. The grellkin are still tainted by fel moss, despite Teldrassil's blessing. Something sinister remains within the tree. I can only hope that the Gnarlpine tribe of furbolgs are free of the corruption, or we are still in grave danger.

I will look into this further and contact those who might be of aid. Thank you, <class>.


  1. A [1-10] The Balance of Nature
  2. A [1-10] Fel Moss Corruption & A [1-10] Demonic Thieves
  3. A [1-10] Priestess of the Moon
  4. A [1-10] Iverron's Antidote
  5. A [1-10] The Woodland Protector
  6. A [1-10] Webwood Corruption
  7. A [1-10] Vile Touch
  8. A [1-10] Signs of Things to Come
  9. A [1-10] Teldrassil: Crown of Azeroth
  10. A [1-10] Precious Waters
  11. A [1-10] Teldrassil: Passing Awareness
    Side quest: A [1-30] Dolanaar Delivery

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