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BossFelhounds of Sargeras
Image of Felhounds of Sargeras
Race(s) Charhound & Gloomhound (Demon)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Den of the Devourers, Antorus, the Burning Throne
Status Killable

Felhounds of Sargeras is a boss encounter in Antorus, the Burning Throne. The two hounds are F'harg and Shatug.


When troops from the Army of the Light were attempting to pull back from Fiend's Run in the Antoran Wastes, F'harg and Shatug were sent out to harry them; merely racing around and trampling the soldiers was enough to seriously injure them. Fortunately, an order hall leader was able to rescue many of the troops from certain death, though Turalyon was sure they would remember the howls of the Felhounds even as they marched on Antorus's gates.[1]

Adventure Guide[]

Infused with fire and shadow, F'harg and Shatug are the prized pets of Sargeras. Bred for carnage, these hounds delight in eviscerating their master's enemies.

With the Army of Light and their allies advancing upon Antorus, the Legion prepares to unleash these vicious creatures onto the battlefield and put an end to the mortals' invasion.


The Felhounds of Sargeras combat players while performing attacks at specific power thresholds, but each has their own power generation rate. Focusing Power temporarily suspends this power generation. While within 40 yards of each other, Sargeras' Blessing imbues them with 100% increased damage.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers[]

  • Be aware of targets afflicted with Desolate Gaze, as it inflicts damage from F'harg to the targets' direction.
  • Avoid standing in front of F'harg and Shatug because of Burning Maw and Corrupting Maw.
  • Help players afflicted with Weight of Darkness as the duration divides amongst nearby targets.
  • Assist players afflicted with Siphoned during Siphon Corruption, and avoid players afflicted with Enflamed during Enflame Corruption.

Healer Alert Healers[]

  • Be aware of targets afflicted with Desolate Gaze, as it inflicts damage from F'harg to the targets' direction.
  • Pay attention when a Felhound reaches 100 power, as Erupting Flames and Erupting Shadows inflict sustained raid-wide damage.
  • Molten Touch' targets take high amounts of Fire damage through Singed in a short period of time.
  • Assist players afflicted with Siphoned during Siphon Corruption, and avoid players afflicted with Enflamed during Enflame Corruption.

Tank Alert Tanks[]

  • Be aware of targets afflicted with Desolate Gaze, as it inflicts damage from F'harg to the targets' direction.
  • Watch for the Burning Maw or Corrupting Maw auras, as they indicate that the targeted boss can cast the aforementioned ability.


  • F'harg


    • Spell fire flameshock Burning Maw Tank Alert — Viciously bites at a target, inflicting 5780000 to 6070000 Fire damage and applying Smouldering.
      • Spell fire flameshock Smouldering — Inflicts 296000 Fire damage every 1.5 sec for 12 sec to enemies in a 25 yard frontal cone. This effect stacks.
    • Spell fire fireball Molten Touch Heroic Difficulty — Pulls targets through the Twisting Nether, stunning them for 1.8 sec while rapidly swiping. Each swing applies Singed and triggers a Molten Flare.
      • Spell fire incinerate Singed — Inflicts 93300 Fire damage every second for 9 sec. This effect stacks.
      • Spell fire fireball02 Molten Flare — Ejects a pulse of flame, sending it flying towards a ground location inflicting 774000 to 856000 Fire damage to enemies within 5 yards.
    • Ability warlock moltencore Desolate Gaze — Gazes at a target, casting Desolate Path in their direction upon expiration.
      • Ability rhyolith magmaflow wave Desolate Path — A manifestation of flame charges forward, knocking back and inflicting 2440000 to 2560000 Fire damage to enemies in a frontal line.
    • Spell fire moltenblood Erupting Flames Important — Flames erupt from the caster, inflicting 270000 Fire damage to all enemies every 1 sec. for 9 sec.
    • Spell fire moltenblood Enflame Corruption Important — Incinerates the corruption within enemies over 9 sec, periodically afflicting them with Enflamed. In this difficulty, Enflame Corruption triggers Lingering Flames upon completion.
      • Spell burningsoul Enflamed — Pulses for 1300000 Fire damage after 4 sec to the target and nearby allies within 8 yards.
      • Spell burningsoul Erupting Flames — Fire magic erupts from the caster, inflicting 275000 Fire damage to all enemies every 1.5 sec. during Enflame Corruption.
      • Spell mage flameorb Lingering Flames — Manifests a crystal of flame for 20 sec which blasts the nearest player every 1 sec, inflicting 50000 Fire damage and increasing damage taken Lingering Flames by 15% for 5 sec. This effect stacks.
  • Shatug


    • Spell shadow burningspirit Corrupting Maw Tank Alert — Viciously bites at a target, inflicting 5780000 to 6070000 Shadow damage and applying Decay.
      • Decay — Inflicts 556000 Shadow damage every 3 sec for 12 sec to enemies in a 25 yard frontal cone. This effect stacks.
    • Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater Consuming Sphere — Ejects a sphere of shadow magic towards a targeted location, inflicting 407000 Shadow damage every second upon contact.
      • Ability priest surgeofdarkness Consumed — Increases damage taken by Consuming Sphere by 75%. This effect stacks.
      • Inv enchant voidsphere Consuming Obliteration — The sphere detonates, obliterating targets within 15 yards, inflicting 8000000 Shadow damage.
      • Spell priest void-blast Consuming Detonation — The sphere's detonation sends out a shockwave, inflicting 1000000 Shadow damage to all enemies plus up to 1000000 additional Shadow damage to all enemies based on distance from the detonation.
    • Spell shadow psychicscream Weight of Darkness Heroic Difficulty — Crushes a target under the weight of darkness, progressively slowing targets over 5 sec, then fearing targets within 8 yards for 20 sec, dividing the duration amongst targets. If this is divided amongst at least 3 targets, the effect is neutralized.
    • Ability deathknight deathsiphon2 Erupting Shadows Important — Shadow magic erupts from the caster, inflicting 390000 Shadow damage to all enemies every 1.5 sec. for 9 sec.
    • Ability deathknight deathsiphon2 Siphon Corruption Important — Detonates the corruption within enemies over 9 sec, periodically afflicting them with Siphoned. In this difficulty, Siphon Corruption triggers Siphoned Soul upon completion.
      • Warlock curse shadow aura Siphoned — Pulses for 4000000 Shadow damage after 4 sec divided evenly amongst the target and nearby allies within 8 yards.
      • Warlock curse shadow aura Erupting Shadows — Shadow magic erupts from the caster, inflicting 380000 Shadow damage to all enemies every 1.5 sec. during Siphon Corruption.
      • Ability warlock soulsiphon Siphoned Soul — Siphons soul fragments from targets which move towards Shatug. If they reach the caster, they trigger a Soul Determination and enhance the target with Soul Empowerment.
        • Spell warlock soulburn Soul Empowerment — Empowers the target, increasing all damage done by 25% for 15 sec. This effect stacks.
        • Ability warlock improvedsoulleech Soul Determination — Erupts corrupt magic, inflicting 950000 to 1050000 Shadow damage to all enemies.
  • Sha ability rogue bloodyeye Destroyer's Boon — Imbues the Felhounds with Sargeras' Blessing while within 40 yards of each other.
    • Sha ability rogue bloodyeye nightmare Sargeras' Blessing — Increases all damage done by 100%.
  • Ability creature felfrenzy Focusing Power — Focuses on the dark power within, temporarily suspending power generation for 15 sec. In this difficulty, this afflicts enemies with Flametouched or Shadowtouched.
    • Spell warlock demonsoul Shadowtouched Important — Reduces Shadow damage taken by 25%. Receiving Fire damage triggers a Shadowscar.
      • Spell shadow shadowfury Shadowscar — Blasts the nearest ally for 950000 to 1050000 Shadow damage, drawing the ally to the Shadowtouched player's location.
    • Sha spell warlock demonsoul nightmare Flametouched Important — Reduces Fire damage taken by 25%. Receiving Shadow damage triggers Burning Flash and Burning Remnant.
      • Inv misc orb 05 Burning Flash — After a short delay, a targeted location explodes for 1425000 to 1575000 Fire damage to players within 5 yards.
      • Spell burningbladeshaman blazing radiance Burning Remnant — Sets the ground ablaze for 2 min. Contact with the singed ground inflicts 950000 Fire damage every second.
  • Ability warlock soullink Soul Link — 100% of all damage taken is shared between linked targets.
  • Ability titankeeper cleanse Dark Reconstitution — Upon reaching 1 health, attempts to create a link with the Twisting Nether, restoring 15% of the caster's health while both F'harg and Shatug live.


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Item Type
Inv enchant essencearcanesmall [Gravitational Condensate] (LFR · H · M) Arcane Artifact Relic
Spell shaman convection [Fraternal Fervor] (LFR · H · M) Life Artifact Relic
Inv misc nightsaberclaw mana [Corrupting Dewclaw] (LFR · H · M) Shadow Artifact Relic
Whistling Ulna (LFR · H · M) Storm Artifact Relic
Inv helm mail raidhunter s 01 [Shadowfused Chain Coif] (LFR · H · M) Chain helmet
Inv 7 0raid necklace 07b [Collar of Null-Flame] (LFR · H · M) Necklace
Inv shoulder mail raidhunter s 01 [Pauldrons of the Soulburner] (LFR · H · M) Mail shoulders
Inv shoulder cloth raidwarlock s 01 [Soul-Siphon Mantle] (LFR · H · M) Cloth shoulders
Inv chest leather raiddruid s 01 [Harness of Oppressing Dark] (LFR · H · M) Leather chest
Inv robe cloth raidpriest s 01 [Vestments of Enflamed Blight] (LFR · H · M) Cloth chest
Inv glove plate raidpaladin s 01 [Molten Bite Handguards] (LFR · H · M) Plate Gauntlets
Inv belt plate raiddeathknight s 01 [Flamelicked Girdle] (LFR · H · M) Plate belt
Inv boot leather raiddruid s 01 [Vicious Flamepaws] (LFR · H · M) Leather boots
Inv misc enchantedpearlc [Eye of F'harg] (LFR · H · M) Tank trinket
Inv misc enchantedpearle [Eye of Shatug] (LFR · H · M) Tank trinket
Inv misc blacksaberonfang [Shadow-Singed Fang] (LFR · H · M) DPS trinket
Inv felhound3 shadow fire [Antoran Charhound] Mount

Related achievements[]


Illidan Stormrage yells: Sargeras has left us a few of his favorite pets to play with. Remove these abominations from the battlefield.
Illidan Stormrage yells: That's two demons down, but countless more await the attention of your blade.
Last Boss killed on the Ground Level
Prophet Velen yells: Well done, champions. For the first time in millennia, a blow has been struck against the denizens of the Burning Throne.
Prophet Velen yells: Yet this battle is far from over. A great power roils in torment at this world's core.
Prophet Velen yells: Rendezvous with the Vindicaar so we can prepare for the final attack.

Patch changes[]



External links[]

F'harg Shatug