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NeutralFialla Sweetberry
Image of Fialla Sweetberry
Title <Food & Drink>
Gender Female
Race High elf (Humanoid)
Level 75 / 105
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kirin Tor, Magocracy of Dalaran
Occupation Vendor
Location Dalaran
Status Alive

Fialla Sweetberry is a high elf food and drink vendor found outside One More Glass in Dalaran.

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

During the purge of Dalaran, she was cowering in fear.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

When the entire city was moved by a giant Blink spell above Deadwind Pass, it caused a lot of troubles for the various citizens and their shops. Lucian Trias was upset because he though that half of his cheese had disappeared during the sudden transportation, and the idea that he could serve an abundance of wine and only mere crumbles of cheese was so preposterous to him that he felt faint afterwards. Meanwhile, Fialla was trying to calmly remind him that all the aged goods were actually properly stored before departure.


Dalaran above Deadwind Pass

Oh, don't mind him. He's quite forgetful. All of the aged goods were stored well before our departure.

Be sure to come visit us when the shop's up and running again! I'm sure we'll reach our final destination soon enough!

Vendor information[]

In Northrend
Inv misc food 100 hardcheese [Briny Hardcheese]
1g 60s
Inv drink 01 [Caraway Burnwine]
Inv misc food 102 flatbread [Crusty Flatbread]
Inv drink 02 [Glass of Aged Dalaran Red]
Inv drink 02 [Glass of Dalaran Red]
Inv drink 22 [Glass of Dalaran White]
Inv drink 04 [Northrend Honey Mead]
Inv misc food 105 snowplum [Savory Snowplum]
1g 60s
Inv drink 02 [Snowplum Brandy]
1s 50c
Inv misc food 101 sourcheese [Sour Goat Cheese]
Inv misc food 103 potatobread [Sweet Potato Bread]
1g 60s
Inv misc food 104 tundraberries [Tundra Berries]
In Broken Isles
Inv drink 29 sunkissedwine [Bradensbrook Gorse Wine]
Inv misc food 112 frostcaps [Dried Bilberries]
2g 50s
Inv misc food 93 skethylberries [Foxberries]
2g 50s
Inv drink 02 [Glass of Aged Dalaran Red]
Inv drink 02 [Glass of Dalaran Red]
Inv drink 22 [Glass of Dalaran White]
Inv drink 11 [Kaldorei Ginger Wine]
2g 50s
Inv misc food 38 [Moist Azsunian Feta]
2g 50s
Inv misc food 06 [Pungent Vrykul Gamalost]
2g 50s

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Northrend Deadwind Pass The Broken Isles