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"Tirisfal" redirects here. For how the zone was prior to Cataclysm, see Tirisfal Glades (Classic). For other uses, see Tirisfal (disambiguation).
HordeTirisfal Glades
Level: 1-30
Battle Pet Level: 1 - 2
Tirisfal Glades concept
Capital(s) Horde Ruins of Lordaeron
  Formerly Horde The Undercity †
Races ForsakenForsaken Forsaken
IconSmall UndeadElf MaleIconSmall UndeadElf Female Darkfallen
ScourgeScourgeScourgeScourge Scourge
HumanHuman Human
OrcOrc Orc
MurlocMurloc Murloc
IconSmall UndeadGnollGnoll Gnoll
Leper gnomeLeper gnome Leper gnome
Ruler(s) Horde The Desolate Council
Former ruler(s) Horde IconSmall Sylvanas Sylvanas Windrunner
Mob IconSmall Human Male Michael Goodchilde †
Mob IconSmall Sally Sally Whitemane †
Alliance IconSmall Terenas Terenas Menethil †
Major settlements Neutral Scarlet Monastery
Horde Brill
Mob Agamand Mills
Minor settlements Horde The Bulwark
Horde Deathknell
Horde Calston Estate
Horde Death's Watch Waystation †
Horde Cold Hearth Manor
Neutral Garren's Haunt (abandoned)
Neutral Balnir Farmstead
Mob Scarlet Palisade
Mob Solliden Farmstead
Affiliation Forsaken, Horde, Alliance, Scarlet Crusade, Scourge, Vile Fin tribe
Former affiliation(s) Rotbrain undead, Rot Hides, Mindless Ones, Kingdom of Lordaeron, Alliance of Lordaeron
Location Northwestern Lordaeron
PvP status Contested territory

“Tirisfal... a place of beauty and darkness. A land fraught with regret... and graves.”


Tirisfal Glades (also known as the Tirisfal Glade[1][2] or simply Tirisfal, pronounced TEER-ihs-fahl)[3] is an eerie region found on the northern coast of Lordaeron. It was named after the Titan Keeper Tyr,[4] as Tirisfal means "Tyr's Fall" in the vrykul tongue.[5] The lands of the Forsaken, the wooded hills are seeped through with the curse of the Lich King's plague. The sky over Tirisfal is eternally gloomy and tinted a blighted green, and the trees and other flora desperately cling to their last shreds of life.

Those who inhabit the area of Tirisfal used to feel two conflicting energies emanating from the earth: the remaining spiritual essence of Keeper Tyr, and that of his enemy Zakajz. Some tapped into Tyr's energy; others would become attuned with the C'Thrax's dark aura.[6] Although tainted and melancholy, Tirisfal still very much has its own unique, haunting beauty, particularly in such areas as the stony North Coast, the town of Brill, and the deep atmosphere of the ruined Agamand Mills.

Tirisfal Glades is home not only to the Forsaken but to their enemies as well. The Scarlet Crusade has several outposts here, including the seat of their religious faith, the Scarlet Monastery. The minions of the Scourge are also ever-present, tainting the derelict farmsteads and dilapidated mills with their foul presence.

In the aftermath of the Battle for Lordaeron, Tirisfal Glades became a contested territory between the Alliance and the Horde, with the ruins of Capital City becoming heavily plagued and the central areas of Tirisfal itself being overrun with Blighted Soldiers risen by Sylvanas Windrunner, who attack anyone on sight.

Tirisfal once again belongs to the Forsaken after the end of the Fourth War, although the Undercity remains uninhabitable.[7]


Rise of humanity[]

Hand of Tyr

Hand of Tyr.

When Loken, the Titanic Watcher left in charge of Ulduar fell to corruption, Tyr and his allies stole the Discs of Norgannon to investigate the extent of Loken's betrayal. Discovering the theft, Loken sent horrific monsters after Tyr's group, but Tyr sacrificed his life to fight the creatures while his comrades escaped with the discs. The C'Thraxxi generals Zakazj and Kith'ix engaged in combat with Tyr, arcane and shadow magic ripping through the glade. The struggle lasted for six days. Ultimately, to protect his friends, Tyr unleashed all of his power, erupting in a crater. Tyr and Zakazj were dead while the wounded Kith'ix fled to the west. In honor of her fallen comrade, Ironaya named the glade surrounding the crater as "Tyr's Fall" which in the vrykul tongue translated to "Tirisfal". She and her followers buried Tyr and his foe where they lay, and they placed Tyr's massive silver hand atop his final resting place as a memorial to his valiant sacrifice. In the end, Tyr's hammer became lost with him somewhere beneath the land now named in his honor.[4] The peaceful vrykul that were accompanying the Keepers wanted to further honor Tyr and decided to settle near the battlefield and protect the Tomb of Tyr. Ironaya and Archaedas honored the vrykul's wish to settle in Tirisfal.[8] Among the vrykul that remained in Tirisfal was Yrgrim the Truthseeker but later left the place.[9]

Over time, the area became a place of legend for the vrykul people in northern Kalimdor. As a result of the Curse of Flesh, the Dragonflayer vrykul began giving birth to deformed children, giving rise to fear. King Ymiron intended to unite all vrykul clans and ordered the malformed infants killed. Some Dragonflayer vrykul couldn't do that and decided to find the legendary land of Tirisfal and give the children to the vrykul living there. In the ages that followed, the children and their offspring continued transforming into beings called humans.[10] As such, humanity first emerged in Tirisfal Glades. The vrykul had formed Tyr's Guard. Knowing they would not live forever, they allowed the humans to join the order.[11]

Tirisfal Glades were the landing place of the Highborne (later high elves) led by Dath'Remar Sunstrider after the night elves exiled them from Kalimdor. Forging inland, the high elves founded a settlement within the tranquil Tirisfal Glades, co-living with the tribes of primitive humans who told them legends about Tyr. Among known elves that were born in Tirisfal is Lorash Sunbeam.[12] After a few years, many of them began to go mad due to shadowy powers. It was theorized that something evil slept beneath that particular part of the world, but the rumors were never proven to be true. The Highborne argued whether they should expel the humans from the land or even conquer them. Dath'Remar did not agree with this because he sensed dark magic. To avoid violence, the Highborne packed up their encampment and moved northward towards another land rich with ley energies, Quel'Thalas.[13][14]

Over thousands of years, the Tirisfal vrykul died out, but humanity would flourish in the Eastern Kingdoms. Warlord Thoradin set to unite the human tribes, including that of Tirisfal Glades which was the only human tribe powerful enough to end King Thoradin's dream of unity. This tribe was led by the native warrior Lordain. While Thoradin won the Alteraci by show of strength, the Tirisfal humans would not submit to shows of force like the Alteraci. To win their loyalty, Thoradin needed to appeal to their religious beliefs. Thus Thoradin and his personal guards made a pilgrimage to the region's shrines and sacred groves. At each site, the king performed rituals as was the custom of Lordain and his kin. Thoradin even wore a pendant of the silver hand, an image held sacred by Tirisfal's humans. At the end of the pilgrimage, Thoradin met with Lordain. The king pledged that if the tribe joined him, he would adopt their mystic ways and spread them among the Arathi. To seal his promise, Thoradin ran his palm along Strom'kar's edge and mixed his blood with the earth of Tirisfal. And so it was, Lordain and his people bent the knee to King Thoradin,[15] with the Tirisfal leader becoming Thoradin's general.[16] With the human tribes united, the kingdom of Arathor arose.[17]

During the Troll Wars, Tirisfal Glades were considered a territory of the Amani Empire.[18] When the Troll Wars ended, Thoradin abdicated and spent some time in Tirisfal studying its ruins and becoming obsessed with the humanity's history as well as that of the vrykul. Using the elven enchantments of Strom'kar, he located Tyr's tomb.[15] Thoradin led a retinue of guards and sorcerers there and encountered Tyr's Guard. Thoradin's group forced themselves past them[11] and entered the depths of darkness to which Thoradin heroically succumbed.[15]

By the year -2,700, the area had the most coveted and fertile lands. The Arathi established a stronghold to protect their farmsteads from gnolls, kobolds, and other dangerous wildlife. Many former soldiers settled in this region, which they renamed Lordaeron in honor of the late general Lordain.[19]

Guardians of Tirisfal[]

Tirisfal Glades was a place of power for centuries, being the seat of the Council of Tirisfal, who secretly waged their war against the demons of the Burning Legion. Among the places the Council members used was the Venomweb Vale protected by magically conjured spiders.[20]

2,600 years BDP, fishermen reported a demon stalking the shore of Brightwater Lake. In fact, the dreadlord Kathra'natir corrupted the land around the lake, causing deaths, diseases, insects, and droughts of well waters. There were Eidre's people to rule and protect, and she asked her lover Alodi to come home with her. As a member of the Council, Alodi refused to go with her love, but instead, the half-elf and Meryl Winterstorm devised a plan with his colleagues to defeat the dreadlord. The council members were to give him his powers, and as a Guardian he rode a phoenix from the Venomweb Vale to the lake where Eidre's keep was located. Noticing the dreadlord on an island in the lake, Alodi defeated the demon and banished him back to the Twisting Nether through a rift. Eidre understood now Alodi's true calling. Looking from her keep's window, she witnessed the lake's restoration.[20]

The fracturing of Arathor[]

By the year -1,200, the kingdom of Arathor began to split apart. As Strom's power continued to wane due to the lack of nearby natural resources, the nobles of the capital decided to depart to the fertile valleys and pastures of the north. In Tirisfal they founded a city-state and named it after the surrounding region: Lordaeron. The nobles used their wealth to buy up large plots of land, some of which had been developed by early settlers. These areas included the Agamand Mills and the farmsteads owned by the Balnir and Solliden families.[21]

Over 800 years BDP, Magna Scavell taught several members of the Council, including the young Aegwynn, in the Glade.[1]

Second War and aftermath[]

The Horde led by Orgrim Doomhammer crossed the Alterac Mountains into the Glades and besieged Lordaeron's Capital City. However, due to the betrayals within the Horde and the arrival of the Alliance of Lordaeron led by Turalyon from behind, the isolated Horde army was certain to lose, so Warchief Orgrim sounded for retreat to Khaz Modan, with the Alliance racing after them.[22][23]

By the time of the Third War, the Agamand family living at the Agamand Mills was the most prosperous family in Tirisfal Glades.[24] Archbishop of the Church of the Holy Light Alonsus Faol died prior to the Third War and was buried at Faol's Rest.

Third War and aftermath[]

Under the rule of King Terenas, Tirisfal became a land of peaceful farms and small towns, its people living happily for generations. Unfortunately, it was one of the first places to fall to Arthas Menethil' armies after he ransacked Lordaeron, and its people were killed and risen as undead slaves to the Lich King. Tirisfal suffered a huge number of deaths when the Plague of Undeath swept through the region, and mass graves were created to hold the bodies.[25]

As Lordaeron fell, Arthas arrived to the ravaged Balnir Farmstead and raised his former horse, Invincible, as a skeletal steed.[26] The Scourge also raised Archbishop Faol from his grave.[27] The Agamand Mills were taken by the undead as well and so were most of the settlements in the area.

During the Scourging of Lordaeron, Thomas Thomson was sent by the superior Knights of the Silver Hand to spent time with his family at the Thomson farm, located southwest of the Agamand Mills in Tirisfal Glades. As he was returning home, he encountered pockets of Scourge as the Capital City has fallen. Days later, a courier arrived at the farm and delivered a message about the death of Lord Uther. Ultimately, the farm was abandoned as Thomas sent his wife and children with Kul Tiran ships while he joined the remaining members of the paladin order. Like the other farms, the Thomas farm was growing pumpkins.[28]

Just after the Third War ended, the Lich King began losing power thanks to the spell of Illidan Stormrage, and so was Arthas Menethil. After the Battle for Mount Hyjal, the death knight returned home and scoured the surrounding of the Capital City of any human citizens he could find. They were trying to leave the area and get to Dalaran, but Arthas, Kel'Thuzad, and Sylvanas Windrunner defended the passes and killed the fleeing refugees and their Silver Hand protectors.[29]

Upon the successful cleansing, Arthas was recalled to Northrend to aid the Lich King. However, the weakened death knight was betrayed and the Dreadlord Insurgents attempted to kill him. Arthas fled the ruins of Capital City,[30] and accompanied by Sylvanas' banshees, trekked through the Glades. Arriving to a field area near the Balnir Farmstead, the banshees attacked Arthas' last followers and Sylvanas shoot an arrow at the death knight, poisoning him. Kel'Thuzad and his skeletons found soon after, defeated the banshees and forced Sylvanas to retreat.[31] With that, the lich and the death knight continued to a landing site from which Arthas left Lordaeron.[32]

When Sylvanas and Garithos' Alliance resistance were besieging Capital City, the group of dwarves serving the Alliance went astray and became lost in the wilderness near the Capital City, with some of them being captured by local kobolds.[33]

After a civil war in the Plaguelands, Sylvanas and her free-willed undead took Capital City, forming the Forsaken. The rebel undead managed to take control of Tirisfal and establish it as their home territory.[34]

Ruins of Lordaeron Comic

The Forsaken move to Lordaeron.

During that time, remnants of the Knights of the Silver Hand spied on the Forsaken moving into the Ruins of Lordaeron. To continue observing them, Alexandros Mograine and his team took the deserted Monastery in northern Tirisfal. With the subsequent splintering of the Silver Hand, the fanatical Scarlet Crusade established themselves and took the Monastery as their sanctuary.[35] It was here that Balnazzar, posing as Saidan Dathrohan later transformed the maddened Thomas Thomson into an undead monstrosity that haunts not only Brill but all of Azeroth during the Hallow's End.[28] Over time, the Crusaders took several watch towers in Tirisfal posing threats to the Forsaken.

Another threat that remained in the land was the Scourge. They led a series of assaults against the Scarlet Monastery.

Scarlet camp

A Scarlet camp in Tirisfal.

At some point, a farm near Brill was stalked by Captain Renee Lauer and her force of Scarlet Crusaders, executing Jillian Grell and Rinn Firecaster in the process of cleansing the world of non-humans. Soon after, the relatives of the deceased, Barnabas Grell and Reynah Firecaster began searching the woods of Tirisfal, killing the Crusaders they found. Renee's group had a camp on the outskirts of the western Glades. Reynah and Barnabas soon found it and worked their spells and abilities against the enemies. Although they managed to capture the captain, other crusaders bested them and eventually killed, but not before Reynah could use her fire magic against them. As soon as they died, Sylvanas and Varimathras discovered the camp as well and led their force to kill the Crusaders.[36]

World of Warcraft[]

WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

One of the zeppelin towers.

Tirisfal Glades at Night

Tirisfal Glades at night.

The Forsaken, having joined the Horde, battled against the Mindless Ones, Rot Hide gnolls, and the Scarlet Crusaders to solidify their hold on the area. Various parts of the Glades are protected by the Deathguards.

Bc icon This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

Prior to the start of the invasion of Outland, the gates of Lordaeron were invaded by a group of Burning Legion demons led by Highlord Kruul.[37]

Battle for the Undercity[]

Wrath-Logo-Small This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

During the war against the Lich King, members of the Horde and Alliance formed a temporary alliance at the siege of Angrathar the Wrathgate. Grand Apothecary Putress's betrayal ended seven years of cold war between the two factions as their armies converged on the Undercity. Warchief Thrall's forces stormed the front gates of the Ruins of Lordaeron while King Varian Wrynn's army assaulted the Sewer entrance to the city. These two armies confronted Putress, Varimathras, and finally each other at the Battle for the Undercity.


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Following the defeat of the Lich King, Sylvanas and the Forsaken made a number of improvements to Tirisfal Glades. The town of Brill was upgraded from the original, dilapidated "human" housing, to the modern Forsaken structures. The Bulwark still has Argent Dawn members (only Horde races) but is now accompanied by Undercity forces as well.

Deathknell was left mostly the same, but the Val'kyr sworn to Sylvanas are actively raising new undead to bolster their population. However, not every raised undead is willing to join the Forsaken, such as the Rotbrain undead or Lilian Voss, a former Scarlet Crusade member brought back from death by one of the Val'kyr in Deathknell, who was eager to get her revenge against the Crusade after her father refused her. The Crusaders also reinforced the Scarlet Palisade.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

The Twilight's Hammer cult led by Twilight Deacon Farthing made a camp in the Whispering Forest near Tyr's Fall and breached the Tomb of Tyr. Newly recruited heroes of the Conclave, the Valarjar, and the reformed Silver Hand made their way into the tomb as well, defeated the maddened cultists, and claimed its artifacts as their own. The tomb ultimately collapsed.[38]

Battle for Azeroth[]

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

In order to reclaim the Ruins of Lordaeron, the Alliance attacked Tirisfal Glades from the northern beach. In their march south, they completely destroyed Brill down to its foundations and knocked down the zeppelin towers. The area between Brill and the Ruins of Lordaeron is covered in blight that was released by Sylvanas during the Battle for Lordaeron. The rest of Tirisfal remains intact and inhabited.

During the Fourth War, the remaining Horde forces in the region appear to be largely in retreat towards neighboring Forsaken lands, with the Bloodfang Pack successfully capturing Fenris Isle,[39] from where Horde refugees from Tirisfal are later evacuated across Lordamere Lake.[40] According to Captain Roderick Brewston in Stromgarde Keep, the Alliance fighting to reclaim Stromgarde and Arathi is largely to ensure that they are able to continue to occupy neighboring Lordaeron.[41]

In the aftermath of Sylvanas's defection from the Horde, Lilian Voss arranged a meeting with Calia Menethil and Derek Proudmoore at the Calston Estate in the Tirisfal Glades, where she apologized for her role in Derek's rebirth and introduced the two to Delaryn Summermoon and the other night elven dark rangers, who had likewise been abandoned by Sylvanas. Calia and Derek quickly offered to help the undead elves and subsequently left the estate with them,[42] vowing to help them find a future rooted in something beyond hatred and malice.[43] Tirisfal Glades once again belongs to the Forsaken according to the report Shaw made for Anduin after the end of the fourth war.[44]


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

Sometime after the defeat of Zovaal, the Forsaken took to mustering in the ruins of their former home, as they sought to reclaim as much as they could of the Tirisfal Glades. They had successfully taken Brill and were in the process of rebuilding it when Lilian Voss, Calia Menethil, Belmonot, Velonara, and Faranell, influential figures that had risen to prominence among the Forsaken, plotted their next moves to secure the Ruins of Lordaeron.[45] During this meeting, Voss wanted to directly focus on dealing with the plague in the Undercity.

Faranell used an empowered Plague Eater to cleanse the plague. This plan was ultimately successful as the plague manifested as an Amalgam and was slain, liberating the city ruins from the plague.[46]


The instanced, winged dungeon known as the Scarlet Monastery can be found in Tirisfal Glades. There are no other dungeons or battlegrounds in the area.

The western end of Tirisfal contains a large, inaccessible area. There is a path leading to the area accessed via a small lake in the northwest by the coast, past the Solliden Farmstead. The path is currently blocked by large rocks.

Places to stay[]

  • Undercity - As a racial capital, the Undercity offers a full range of amenities for travelers.
  • Brill - This quaint little town offers the recent dead a place of rest and respite from the horrors of Tirisfal. Be sure to check out the Gallows' End Tavern while in town.
  • Bulwark - Though possessing limited supplies, the Argent Dawn and Forsaken forces at the Bulwark do offer members of the Horde a place to repair armor.

Maps and subregions[]

VZ-Tirisfal Glades-t1

Map of Tirisfal Glades in Battle for Azeroth.

VZ-Tirisfal Glades

Map of Tirisfal Glades in Cataclysm.


Undisplayed locations

Lore locations

WC3RoC-logo Warcraft III


Dungeon Name Level Range Group Size Approximate Run Time
Instance portal Scarlet Monastery 29-45 5-man Unknown

Travel hubs[]

Tirisfal Glades
Horde Zeppelin towers south of Brill[]
Horde Flight paths from Undercity[]
Horde Flight paths from Brill[]
Horde Flight paths from The Bulwark[]

Western Tirisfal Glades.

Western Tirisfal Glades[]

To the west of Deathknell is a blank area surrounded by mountains. For a long time, this was simply unincorporated terrain. In World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, it now contains a small lake and some trees, as well as an interesting circle of white mushrooms. The southern half of the area is called the Whispering Forest.

Adjacent regions[]

Zone Name Faction Level Range Direction Access
Silverpine Forest Horde 10 - 60 South By foot.
Western Plaguelands Horde Alliance 35 - 60 East By foot.
Eversong Woods Bc icon Horde 1 - 20 Far to the northeast Orb of Translocation located in Ruins of Lordaeron (Horde only).

Notable characters[]

Main article: List of Tirisfal Glades NPCs

Tirisfal Glades is home to several Forsaken of status. From the base camp in Deathknell, Executor Arren sends promising young Forsaken out into the world. In Brill, Executor Zygand leads the effort to reclaim Tirisfal from the Scarlet Crusade, and at the Bulwark, High Executor Derrington seeks to eradicate the foothold the Scourge has established in the Plaguelands.


Main article: Tirisfal Glades storyline
See also: Tirisfal Glades quests


Lunar Festival[]

During the Spring Lunar Festival, two elders appear in Tirisfal Glades.


Mass Graves

The Mass Graves.

Battle pets[]

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

Wild creatures[]

Venomweb Vale

Venomweb Vale

Rare spawns[]

Ressan the Needler

Ressan the Needler


Warcraft III[]

WC3RoC-logo This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

The area around the city of Lordaeron was home to kobolds, and numerous Scourge undead roamed the city before the Forsaken conquered it, including a unique kind of zombie; Lordaeron City Mutants. A small group of red dragons burned down blighted farms outside the city gates.[47]

A non-campaign map also exists called Tirisfal Glades.

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

The Forsaken partially control Silverpine Forest, but Tirisfal Glades is entirely within their grasp. They rule the area from beneath Lordaeron in their capital of Undercity. Though the Forsaken claim to be free from the Scourge and willing to work with other races to destroy the Lich King, they seemed unhappy if they see living people.[48]


Once a human land, Tirisfal's warriors served in the Second and Third Wars. The Scourge ravaged the region in the Third War and its people fled. After the war, Sylvanas Windrunner bent the Lich King's yoke enough to free herself and many others from his dominance. She termed these free undead the Forsaken and took the ruins of Lordaeron's capital city as her own. Tirisfal Glades is their unofficial kingdom.

The Forsaken attempt to carve out a home and battle against gnolls and worse. Some factions send in agents to sabotage and curtail the Forsaken's efforts, seeing them as no better than the Scourge.

While the Forsaken hunting and living in Tirisfal Glades consider darkhounds only a minor nuisance, occasionally a large enough pack poses a threat to alchemists exploring the woods for components.[49]

The orc shaman Hakin was sent to Tirisfal to meet a Forsaken ambassador. He wasn't happy to be here because the spirits of the land — they cried in Lordaeron, painfully.[50] When Brann Bronzebeard wandered through Tirisfal Glades, he met several undead members of the Cult of Forgotten Shadows. One of them was prophet.[51] The fact that the Forsaken hold the Tirisfal Glades irritates the human nations.[52]


The most obvious feature of Tirisfal Glades is the sky — altered by magic, it is a swirling blue pane that bathes the land in a cerulean glow, adding to the land's already surreal aspect. Mists constantly waft through the trees, and with the constant, twisted sky above you would not tell the difference between night and day. The undead plague has worked its evil on the trees, though not to the same extent as in the Plaguelands. Instead of becoming giant toadstools, the trees' bark has withered to a sickly violet and they bleed infected green-yellow sap. Danger lurks everywhere and death floats beneath the mist.

To Tirisfal's south is Silverpine Forest; to its east are the Western Plaguelands. The land borders Lordamere Lake to the southeast, while to the north and west are Lordaeron's oceans.[48]

Like Silverpine Forest, Tirisfal Glades is an immense woodland with forbidding trees, threatening shadows and lurking mists. The animals in the woods are not as vicious as those in Silverpine, however. This haunting land, under the Forsaken's rule, may, in fact, be safer than Silverpine Forest.

The Forsaken control Tirisfal Glades and have several settlements throughout the area. This region is a place of mystery and adventure.[53]

Magic has twisted the land; the trees are grown a sickly purple and ooze orange sap, and the sky is a constant swirling blue, shedding a surreal light on the wafting mists and lurking creatures.[54]

Notes and trivia[]

  • Before its fall, the citizens of Tirisfal used to enjoy picnics among the hills of Tirisfal during the last days of late autumn.[55]
  • When Aegwynn was little, her mother would take her to woods of Tirisfal Glades to a camping trip. The forests that lay just north of the capital of Lordaeron had always been a place of beauty and of quiet. She was surprised at the animals ranging freely, stunned by the incredible colors of the vegetation and amazed at how many stars she could see in the night sky away from the torchlight and lanterns of the city.[56]
  • The Flight from Lordaeron states there's a river in Tirisfal. No river is present in WoW.
  • The border between Tirisfal and the Western Plaguelands once had one of the highest level gaps in the game, with mobs and quests going from level 10 in Tirisfal to level 50 in the Plaguelands (see Welcome Bear). This effect has diminished somewhat with Cataclysm, and other areas have similar gaps these days (e.g. Mulgore and the Southern Barrens), making it less remarkable.
  • An ancient plague wiped out thousands of innocent victims. Later it was discovered that the deadly agent in the plague was preserved through the venom of Night Web Spiders from Tirisfal.[57]
  • The farm of Thassarian's family is said to be outside Lordaeron.[58]
  • North of the Scarlet Monastery, there's a forested area. The area was used as a meeting place for Varimathras, Balnazzar, and Castillian.[59]
    • In the game, there are mountains north of the Monastery which are inaccessible due to the start of the northern Lordaeron and its invisible wall.
  • In Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, Sylvanas met with Balnazzar, Varimathras, and Detheroc in some ruins in the Tirisfal Glades.[60] Arthas: Rise of the Lich King changed this to Silverpine Forest.[61]
  • The word "Tirisfal" was first introduced in the Warcraft II manual, but originally referred exclusively to the Council and Guardians of Tirisfal. In the novel The Last Guardian, Khadgar doesn't recognize the word, despite being from Lordaeron,[62] and Medivh states that he doesn't know if Tirisfal was a person, place, or concept.[63] "Tirisfal" was first used as the name of a place with the introduction of the Tirisfal Glades in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. The following year, The Guardians of Tirisfal—a chapter of the History of Warcraft—established that the council was in fact named after the glades. The in-universe, Vrykul origin of the name "Tirisfal" was revealed in Chronicle Volume 1.
  • The existence of some kind of darkness beneath Tirisfal was first hinted at in The Founding of Quel'Thalas chapter of the History of Warcraft, which described how early high elf settlers in the area went mad and that this was theorized in-universe as being due to "something evil" sleeping beneath that part of the world. It was commonly speculated by fans that the evil in question was an Old God, until Blizzard stated in Ask Creative Development that while there was "something incredibly unsettling" in the area, it wasn't an Old God. In Legion and Chronicle Volume 1, the evil was revealed to be the C'Thrax Zakajz.
  • Despite the Battle for Lordaeron officially revamping the center of Tirisfal, the western and eastern portions of it remain untouched as of current.


Battle for Lordaeron[]



Patch changes[]

  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Zone updated for the Battle for Lordaeron, with some locations destroyed. Zidormi can take the player back to how it once was.
  • Legion Patch 7.3.5 (2018-01-16): Level scaling implemented, previous zone level: 1 - 10.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Zone revamped.
  • WoW Icon update Patch 1.6.0 (2005-07-12):
    • Tirisfal Glades (excluding the Bulwark graveyard) has been converted over to the new graveyard system. The system will place your character's spirit at the closest allowed graveyard in the zone.
    • The Ruins of Lordaeron above Undercity now has a Horde-only graveyard. Horde characters dying inside the Undercity will use this new graveyard. Alliance characters will continue to solely use the Faol's Rest graveyard.
  • Test-inline Patch 0.6 (2004-04-13): Scarlet Monastery added.


  1. ^ a b Cycle of Hatred
  2. ^ H [60P] Stinking Up Southshore
  3. ^
  4. ^ a b Legion: Paladin Artifact Review
  5. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1
  6. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 63
  7. ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, pg. 106
  8. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 62 - 63
  9. ^ Libram of Ancient Kings#Truthguard
  10. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 65 - 66
  11. ^ a b Libram of Ancient Kings#The Silver Hand
  12. ^ A Good War, pg. 50
  13. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 117 - 118
  14. ^ Achievement boss pathaleonthecalculator [Exile of the High Elves]
  15. ^ a b c Saga of the Valarjar#Strom'kar, the Warbreaker
  16. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 127
  17. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 126
  18. ^ File:Chronicle Troll Wars Map.jpg
  19. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 133
  20. ^ a b Legends Volume 5: The First Guardian
  21. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 141
  22. ^ Tides of Darkness
  23. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2
  24. ^ H [1-30] Deaths in the Family
  25. ^ H [1-30] Graverobbers
  26. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, chapter 16
  27. ^ Before the Storm
  28. ^ a b Legends Volume 5: A Cleansing Fire
  29. ^ King Arthas (WC3 Undead)
  30. ^ The Flight from Lordaeron (WC3 Undead)
  31. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, chapter 23
  32. ^ Sylvanas' Farewell (WC3 Undead)
  33. ^ A New Power in Lordaeron (WC3 Undead)
  34. ^ World of Warcraft: Game Manual#The Lich King Triumphant
  35. ^ Ashbringer: Ashes to Ashes
  36. ^ Legends Volume 3: Crusader's Blood
  37. ^ Dark Portal Opens
  38. ^ N Paladin [10-45] The Silver Hand
  39. ^ War Campaign Generic Lordamere Lake
  40. ^ War Campaign Generic Lordamere Lake
  41. ^ A [50] Back to Boralus
  42. ^ H [50] The Hidden Need
  43. ^ Jez Corden 2020-03-12. World of Warcraft interview: Looking back at Battle for Azeroth, and looking ahead to Shadowlands. Windows Central. Retrieved on 2020-03-14.
  44. ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, pg. 106
  45. ^ N [60] Assemble the Forsaken
  46. ^ N [60] The Remedy of Lordaeron
  47. ^ "Legacy of the Damned: A New Power in Lordaeron", Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Blizzard Entertainment.
  48. ^ a b Lands of Conflict, pg. 105
  49. ^ Monster Guide, pg. 25
  50. ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 65
  51. ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 160
  52. ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 187
  53. ^ Lands of Conflict, pg. 106
  54. ^ World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg. 21
  55. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, chapter 7
  56. ^ Cycle of Hatred, chapter 12
  57. ^ H [11] A New Plague
  58. ^ Death Knight, chapter 1
  59. ^ Ashbringer: Dust to Dust, epilogue
  60. ^ A Kingdom Divided
  61. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, chapter 21
  62. ^ The Last Guardian, pg. 95
  63. ^ The Last Guardian, pg. 151

External links[]
