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For the War Campaign troop units, see Kul Tiran Marines.
Vigil Hill Marine

Kul Tiran marine in Battle for Azeroth.

Marines (or mariners) are soldiers specialized in the support of naval and army operations on land and at sea, and can be found among the fleets of many factions and organizations across Azeroth. In times of war, they are primarily engaged in taking over positions near the sea, such as beaches, forts, and harbors, or precisely to defend them from enemies. In times of peace, they are in charge of the protection of merchant and civilian ships as well as their passengers. Marines may also serve aboard the various airships and gunships of the Alliance and Horde navies, working alongside their sailors.

Among the Seven Kingdoms, the Admirality of Kul Tiras is specialized in naval warfare and as such has a high number of marines among its ranks.


Kul Tiran landing Theramore Isle - Reforged

Kul Tiran marines landing and taking over Theramore Isle in Reforged.

During the Second War, the Kul Tiran Third Fleet under the command of Derek Proudmoore[1] was destroyed by red dragons controlled by the Dragonmaw clan,[2] and its marines were cursed with undeath due to a forbidden artifact one of the vessels carried: A Cursed Eye of Paleth.[3]

During the Third War, the Kul Tiras Marines had a base on the Darkspear Islands. Led by an archmage named Sanath Tidebringer, they frequently attacked the Darkspear tribe. The trolls enlisted the help of Thrall's New Horde to stop the settlement from attacking them. Near the end of the fight, Horde soldiers and Tirasian marines were captured by the Underworld Minions in order to be used as sacrifices to the sea witch Zar'jira. Despite sharing a common foe, the marines continued to attack the Horde. Consequently, their base was destroyed on the orders of the Warchief.[4]

Following the Invasion of Durotar, a sizeable second wave of Kul Tiras sailors and marines, led by Lieutenant Benedict, established themselves in Tiragarde Keep, continuing to fight the Horde as per Admiral Proudmoore's orders.[5] Even though the Horde was unable to expel them for many years, the keep and its marines were finally destroyed by the Cataclysm.[6] By then most of the other survivors of Daelin's fleet had already sailed back to the Eastern Kingdoms.[7]

During the war against Deathwing, the Alliance and Horde navies sent their fleets to the Twilight Highlands in order to storm the Bastion of Twilight. However, they began to fight each other when they arrived, and the marines from both factions were sent to take control of the region's beaches.[8][9]

In Menethil Harbor, the Merchant Marines are in charge of both the merchant ships' and merchants' comings and goings in the port town.[10]

Prior to its destruction, the city-state of Theramore was in charge of protecting the Alliance and Horde merchant ships arriving in Kalimdor, notably through patrols of their marines tasked with tracking down pirate crews.[11]

When the Iron Horde led a major incursion into the Blasted Lands from the Dark Portal, the Alliance and Horde navies responded by sending their fleets to the nearby shores in order to halt the orcs' advance. Led by Vindicator Maraad and Thrall, these marines and sailors landed in the Blasted Lands and quickly engaged the Iron Horde army on the beach while establishing a command post and artillery positions. They eventually began to push inland.[12][13]

During the Fourth War, marines were deployed by both the Alliance and the Horde on Kul Tiras and Zandalar during the War Campaign and Faction Assaults.

Kul Tiran marines[]

Proudmoore Academy

The Proudmoore Academy in Boralus.

The known minimum age required to enlist as a mariner is sixteen years old.[14]

Upon completing their training, the marines of Theramore received a medal proving their military status.[15]

When they are not on mission or on the battlefield, the marines rest like all other soldiers in barracks.[16]

In Boralus, the Proudmoore Academy is a facility, central to the proud naval tradition of House Proudmoore, which oversaw the instruction of its marines and officer class.

As storm silver is lightweight and resists corrosion, Kul Tirans use it in their ships and for the armors of their marines, so that they can swim without sinking.[17]


Notable marines[]

Main article: List of marine NPCs
7th Legion Marine BfA

Marine of the 7th Legion in Boralus Harbor.




Notes and trivia[]

Mariner Maiev HS

Mariner Maiev in Hearthstone.


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.


See also[]

