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Eternal Summoner HS

An undead troll necromancer in Hearthstone.

“That is the good thing about necromancers—we never let anything go to waste.”


Necromancy (also called the dark arts[2][3] or the black arts)[4] is the study and use of magic to raise and control the dead.[5] In the Great Dark Beyond, necromantic magic (or necrotic and death magic) is the manifestation of Death, and the main source of magic used to practice necromancy. This art of "animating unliving flesh" may also be empowered by the magic of any cosmic forces,[6] and can be used to reconstruct the flesh and bones of undead creatures, allowing them to function again even after the foul monsters have been destroyed.[7] The most common practitioners of necromancy are known as necromancers and others include death knights, necrolytes, necrolords, as well as the nathrezim.

Origins and characteristics[]

“Do you feel it, mortal? Death seeps through me, enveloping all that I touch. With just a snap of my finger your soul will languish in damnation for all eternity.”

— The Lich King Arthas Menethil[8]
Primus in Korthia

The Primus, creator of necromancy.

In the Shadowlands, Maldraxxus is the birthplace of necromantic magic,[9] where necromancy was developed by the Primus. He is responsible for the creation of Maldraxxi rune magic, who devised this unique language of intricate symbols, each individually representing a specific word tied to the very foundations of Maldraxxus and the might of the five houses, from simple commands, to necromantic energy manipulation. In order to imprison his brother, Zovaal, the Primus invented an even more potent death runic language: Domination. Its sole purpose was to be the utter suppression of another.[10]

In the Shadowlands, anima is the source that is drawn upon when using death magic, and is comparable to the mana used in the Great Dark Beyond.[11]

The Primus established the House of Rituals and its liches to constantly innovate and advance the art of necromancy with new incantations and formulae.[12]

Necromantic magic is considered to be a dark, corruptive energy and its use was made illegal in the Seven Kingdoms.[13][7] In the Magocracy of Dalaran, researching into banned fields of magic such as necromancy is expressly forbidden by laws almost as old as the Kirin Tor itself. For the mages, necromantic magic is highly illegal, should be avoided at all costs, and they only discussed to have a basic understanding of its use, as any practitioner of necromancy is the enemy of the Kirin Tor.[7] Those who persist are censored, stripped of their power and influence, and banned from the kingdom.[14]

According to Margrave Sin'dane, necromancy is just the art of animating unliving flesh, which is mainly performed through the magic of Death, but can also be empowered by the magic of any cosmic forces.[6] Raised by the naaru Saa'ra, Calia Menethil is an example of someone brought back to undeath through the Light.[15] During the War of the Ancients, Krasus used magic to temporarily resurrect a dead goblin, citing himself as a servant of Life.[16] During the Troll Wars, the mage Meryl Winterstorm raised himself as an undead through Arcane magic.[17] During the Cataclysm, the black dragons Sintharia and Nefarian were raised through Void magic by cultists of the Twilight's Hammer.[18] During the war in Draenor, Gul'dan raised the annihilan Mannoroth through Fel magic.[19]

Blood magic and Voodoo can also be used to perform necromantic rituals, notably to enslave spirits[20] and raise the dead.[21][22]

On Azeroth, the first known examples of necromancy were the not-living, undead proto-dragons raised by Galakrond through unknown means after having cannibalized them.[23] During the Third War, the studies of necromancy took an important role and were used heavily by the Cult of the Damned, which spread the plague across Lordaeron, resurrecting its denizens under the control of the Lich King.


“Let this be your first lesson. I have no love for you or your people. On the contrary, I intend to scour humanity from this planet, and make no mistake: I have the power to do it.”

— The Lich King Ner'zhul to Kel'Thuzad[24]
Raise Dead HS

A necromancer raising a corpse into his service.

While necromantic magic is mainly used to perform necromancy, in order to raise and control the dead, necromancers can also bestow a number of dark enchantments upon their fellow undead warriors, and greatly accelerate an undead's movement and attack rates, however, those under the influence of this spell find themselves moving so quickly that their bodies begin to burn and ache, slowly dying from the effects of their unholy frenzy. They can cause their enemies' muscles to suddenly spasm and quake, leaving them immobile and effectively helpless.[25]

During the Second War, the death knights of the Old Horde were able to channel their necromantic powers to create a field of dark energy that drains the life-force from any who come in contact with it, replenishing their strength with the life force consumed. By enveloping their truncheons with their dark essence, they depleted vital energies from those they lash out against. They were also able to transform a portion of a being's life force into an unearthly, phantasmal suit of armor that would absorb the damage from any attack for a limited amount of time.[26]

Prime Arcanum rune circle

Maldraxxi necromancy runes in the Prime Arcanum.

Through their necromantic powers, modern death knights can call upon the forces of darkness at will, causing bolts of death to issue from their hands. They can absorb the unholy energies of their minions to heal themselves, and also exude a dark and raging battle aura, which causes the near undead to move and regenerate faster.[27] They can spread infection, channel runic power and corrupt life energy to sustain themself,[28] but also curse, draw and strangulate their target, fire blast of unholy energy, and attack the mind. To gain the advantage in battle, they can increase their speed, use an aura that create ice beneath their feet, protect themselves with an anti-magic shell and dominate an undead, controlling it for a period of time.

The swirling negative energies known as the "Death and Decay" spell are favored by the liches for their power to decompose, rot and destroy everything. They can also destroy their minions, in order to absorb their energies to replenish their dark magical powers.[29] By melding the powers of necromancy and the warped music of their screams, banshees can form protective shells around any creatures, which makes them impervious to all magics for a short period of time. They can also channel the powers of their unholy screams, which cause their enemies to temporarily lose their honed combat skills.[30]

The necromantic runic language, which serves to manipulate necromantic energy, is notably used through the runes found on the runeforged weaponry of Azerothian death knights. Their runeblades are emblazoned with words of power set in runes, each with translations such as "Razorice" and "Fallen Crusader".[31] The rune "Taam", known as "the mark of the Lich", is used in various death magic rituals, such as the creation of aberrations and bone golems, but can be employed in many rituals requiring powerful death magics.[32] The necrolytes in the Maw of Neltharion also used necromantic runes to deposit the power they've drained from dead dragons.[33]

Necrotic magic can also be used to bind and restrain individuals.[34] While it can hold lightspawn captured, the Light can dispel the binding necrotic energies.[35] It can also be used to summon magical shields and portals.[36][37]

Effects on beings[]

“To be raised into undeath is to be forever haunted by the ghosts of your past.”

Lilian Voss to Overlord Geya'rah[38]
Animate Dead HS

A corpse raised by necromancy.

Those who practice death magic gradually become undead, and thus don't need to be killed and brought back from the dead. They end up losing their soul, if they haven't already sold it, and their bodies bear the marks of decay. In the Scourge, they receive a Scourgestone upon their "birth", like all the other undead who are "created".[39] Without being killed, Arthas Menethil ends up becoming an undead after he took Frostmourne and became a death knight in the service of the Lich King.[40]

According to Jaina Proudmoore, it is believed that if necromancers are not perfectly precise in their magical workings, or if they are killed, then they are subject to begin to rot immediately. A rumor that was confirmed after Arthas killed Kel'Thuzad, as the necromancer's body decomposition, which should have taken days, occurred in just a few seconds.[41]

The Plague of Undeath was created by the Lich King Ner'zhul, in order for those who die from it to be only lying "dormant" in their graves, awaiting one skillful in necromancy to awaken them. According to Antonidas, the long-term affliction of the plague causes a certain reanimation of activity in the dead, as if the corpse is waiting for further commands.[42]

In the Great Dark Beyond, the souls of the undead are imperfectly attached to their bodies; the necromantic magic that sustains them is a buffer that prevents their souls from properly joining with their bodies. This is why undead feel only faint sensations of pain or discomfort from most physical stimuli, and why the Light is so painful to their existence.[43]

At some point in the ancient past, the Jailer's nathrezim infused the titan world-soul of the planet Argus with death magic, turning him into a resurrection engine that would allow the Burning Legion's armies to resurrect instantaneously. In truth, they transformed him into a weapon able to neutralize the Arbiter, the being responsible for judging mortal souls in the Shadowlands.[44][45]

At the end of the Scourge invasion of Quel'Thalas, the Sunwell was tainted by Arthas' ritual to resurrect Kel'Thuzad, corrupting it with necromantic energies. Afterward, the corrupted powers of the well permeated not only the elves, but all that they had built. Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider soon learned this and surmised that the energies would kill the elves and cause a catastrophe. Kael'thas painfully concluded that the Sunwell had to be destroyed.[46]



The Lich King AoIC Back

The Lich King, the Dark Lord of the Dead.

The necromancers are the most known practitioners of necromancy. As the masters of this tainted field of magic, they can conjure festering diseases, harness the shadows into bolts of incendiary energy, and chill the living with the power of death. Necromancers are the enemies of life itself, and all hands are raised against them. Some of the worst evils in Azeroth's history have been perpetrated by necromancers, and they deserve their malevolent reputation. Few things are as abhorrent and horrifying as necromancy.[5]

Death knights[]

The original death knights were created for Orgrim Doomhammer by Gul'dan as powerful soldiers of the Horde. These death knights were created by placing the souls of the slain warlocks of the Shadow Council into the corpses of fallen Stormwind knights. Unlike modern death knights of the Scourge, these ghoulish fiends were not battle-hardened warriors; they were insidious necromancers who possessed a superior intellect and tremendous magical power. Further empowered with magical energies culled from the slain necrolytes, the death knights wielded an arsenal of necromantic and elemental spells that mete out all but certain death to the enemies of the Horde.[47]

The modern death knights were the former champions of the Scourge. While they managed to free themselves from the Lich King’s grasp, some death knights still embody the ever-corrupting nature of the Scourge plague that once threatened to consume Azeroth. They fortify their bodies and drain life energy itself with the power of blood, sharpen their blades and strike powerfully with the power of frost, and raise the dead while striking with the unholy fervor granted by undeath. No matter their allegiance or cause, they remain defilers of life; and nowhere is their callousness more on display than when threatened. Inflictors of the most aggressive of diseases—and masters of raising unhallowed minions from the ground—these unholy death knights are vicious melee combatants, capable of striking with the force of an undead legion and unleashing pestilence that would bring their foes to ruin.[48] Under the Lich King, the death knight Arthas wielded necromantic magic and used it to raise Invincible.[49]


In pursuit of furthering the Shadow Council's magical resources, Gul'dan opened a new school of magical discipline that became known as necromancy. The Shadow Council began training young warlocks in the arcane mysteries of life and death. Again, with tutelage from the demon Kil'jaeden, these necrolytes delved into the dark arts, eventually gaining power enough to animate and control the bodies of the newly dead.[50]

By the time of the war against Deathwing, the Dark Horde would still have necromancers among their ranks.[51]

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

On the alternate Draenor, the warlocks of the alternate Shadow Council were desecrating the dead in the Icescar Boneyard,[52] summoning demons to inhabit the bones of the dead.[53] After Ner'zhul sacrificed the heart and soul of his tribe in an attempt to join the Iron Horde, the alternate Shadowmoon clan formed necrolytes who employed necromancy by using the power of the Void.[54]



Arch-Lich Kel'Thuzad, Master of Naxxramas.

Among the necromancers of the Scourge, the former archmage Kel'Thuzad is the most notable example of a modern necromancer. He greatly contributed to the initial spread of the Scourge and the fall of Lordaeron.[7] Many modern necromancers were trained by Kel'Thuzad and his agents in the Scholomance beneath Caer Darrow, otherwise known as the School of Necromancy. The school contains notable figures such as the lich Ras Frostwhisper, as well as the headmaster of the facility, Darkmaster Gandling. The Lich King Ner'zhul granted these malevolent sorcerers true power over the dead in exchange for their loyalty and obedience.[55]

The Cult of the Damned is the organization of living beings who served the Lich King, and was formed years before the Third War. They aspire to become undead, and remain alive because undeath is considered an honor one must earn, and because living beings are useful for their ability to spy, and recruit powerful individuals from among the living.[56] An elite branch of necromancers, under the command of the dark master Maleki the Pallid, refer to themselves as the Thuzadin, in honor of their lord and first of their kind, Kel'Thuzad.


The Maldraxxi are the undead that inhabit the eponymous realm of the Shadowlands known as Maldraxxus and make up the forces of the Undying Army. They are an immortal army charged with the defense of the Shadowlands,[57] with masters of the powers of death turning legions of ambitious souls into relentless immortal armies, and necrotic soldiers being forged by an eternity of war or are made from the bodies taken as spoils of war.[58] All necrolords receive a portion of the Primus' power in order to carry out their duty of defending the Shadowlands from external forces.[59]


During the War of the Ancients, the Burning Legion started to experiment with creating an army of unliving, but Kalimdor was probably not the only place that they've been attempting this.[60] When Illidan Stormrage found out that the eredar warlocks could raise the dead, he admired the audacity of the demons.[61] During the raid on the Sunwell Plateau, the annihilan Brutallus raised the skeletal remains of blue dragon Madrigosa as Felmyst, a fel dragon. The demons guarding the Tomb of Sargeras also knew necromancy and raised many orcs into undeath.[62][63]

The dreadlord Balnazzar used his necromantic power to raise the humans of the Scarlet Crusade in Stratholme as vile undead slaves known as the Risen.[64]


During the Age of a Hundred Kings, the mogu found necromancy. Powerful mogu necro-lords ruled their tribes from crypts dug deep beneath the surface.[65]

The mogu appear to have abandoned the practice of necromancy at some point before the reign of Emperor Shaohao, but have resumed it in recent times.[66] Among them, the magically gifted mogu race practice "spirit-capture magic",[67] allowing them to capture and bind willing or unwilling spirits in constructs,[68] bend them to their will,[69] and even summon spirits from beyond the grave.[70][71] While the schools of magic practiced by the mogu do not fall within the ordinary class categories,[67] the deathspeakers and possibly the spiritbinders can be referred to as necromancers.[72] The Rajani openly call this magic necromancy, which they call forbidden and disgraceful arts.[73]


Gul'dan Mercenaries 3

Gul'dan, the Great Betrayer. Creator of the ogre magi, necrolytes, and the first death knights.

The ogre magi were originally a small band of extremely loyal ogre enforcers, transformed by Gul'dan into scheming and malicious sorcerers.[74] By warping and twisting the elf-magiks of the Runestone at Caer Darrow, Gul'dan was able to infuse the magical abilities of long dead warlocks into the bodies of these unsuspecting hosts. Once hulking simpletons, the transformed ogre-magi can direct their death magiks as easily as their lesser cousins would deliver a crushing blow to any foolish enough to stand in their path.[75]

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

The Gor'vosh ogres found on alternate Draenor practiced necromancy as well, where they raised the dead in the Ashmaul Burial Grounds.[76] Their connection to the Shadowmoon clan and the Shadow Council is unknown, so it is not known if they were influenced by either group or if these ogres discovered necromancy on their own.

Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

The Darkmaul ogres spread necrotic energies on Exile's Reach and created a massive undead army. Their end goal was to sacrifice enough souls to raise the dragon Ravnyr into undeath.


After the Great Sundering, Hakkar taught the Atal'ai jungle trolls necromancy for their unwavering loyalty.[77] Centuries later, the troll Zanzil was exiled from the Skullsplitter tribe for using his necromantic poisons on several of his unsuspecting fellow trolls, but his exile has not been the punishment that his kindred had hoped. Indeed, since that time, several witch doctors have joined Zanzil. With their assistance, he has built up an undead army that is loyal to him alone.[78] It is well-known that his toxic elixirs can even rouse the dead from their graves.[79]

The Sandfury sand trolls practice necromancy with voodoo.

The Shadowpine troll priests tried to bolster their numbers through necromantic means, as they were raising mummies. Deathstalker Maltendis believed that Shadowpine troll priests used the unknown power unknown power source within Troll Juju to animate the dead.[80]

In the aftermath of the Lich King's defeat, the Icetusk tribe of ice trolls was formed by Drakani Death-Defilers. The group settled upon a chain of islands known as the Dread Chain. In order to survive, the Icetusk turned to necromancy, with many of their dead having been risen as servants. They mined Azerite along the isles, and came into conflict with adventurers looking to do the same.[81]

Blood trolls fuel their voodoo with profane blood rituals, harnessing undead monstrosities to do their bidding.[82] They have necromancer in their ranks such as the Bloodfire and Nazmani Necromancers.


Sister Svalna HS

The Scourge val'kyr Sister Svalna.

While Northrend's vrykul naturally know little magic, some have been trained in necromancy by the Lich King.[83]

From the vrykul in his service, the Lich King learned of the Val'kyr and their ability to corral spirits and even delve into the Shadowlands, the realm of the death, and managed to create some at his service.[84] The Scourge Val'kyr are sisters who chose to continue their service in death, and were created from the female vrykul of Valkyrion, who fought and trained to receive the Lich King's unusual gift.[85] During competitions for the chance to become powerful undead servants of the Lich King, these winged spirits with vast necromantic powers were charged with raising the elite vrykul warriors into powerful undead known as the Ymirjar;[86] while those who were not successful were turned into vargul instead.[87]


As they are the servants of Life, the red dragonflight has some knowledge of necromancy as well. They are able to raise the dead as animated corpses for a short amount of time, though they take no joy in it.[88] Members of the black dragonflight such as Searinox and Lord Valthalak were shown to possess necromantic powers.

At the time of the Third War, living nerubians such as Nerubian Webspinners, Nerubian Seers, Nerubian Queens and the Nerubian Lord could use the Raise Dead ability.

The centaurs of Kalimdor are known to have necromancers among them.[89][90] On the Dragon Isles, the Clan Ukhel practice necromancy and committed greater sacrilege by raising the spirits of long-deceased ancestors and khans to fight during the Nokhud Offensive.

The Scourge lich Amnennar the Coldbringer recruited the Razorfen quilboar of Razorfen Downs, creating the new Death's Head tribe, which includes necromancers.

The Deadtalkers once tended to the sacred burial grounds of the yaungol tribes and held funerals for fallen warriors,[91] but for unknown reasons they recently began using dark magic to defile the corpses of their former clanmates.[92]

Through the traitorous mage of the Argent Crusade named Magus Bisp, who supplied and perhaps even trained the Redpine tribe,[93] some gnolls of the Redpine tribe have learned the art of necromancy.[94]

The Necrofin tribe of deep sea murlocs is known to practice necromancy. Legend has it that they discovered necromancy on a series of runed tablets at the bottom of the sea.[95]

The quilboar on Exile's Reach, working under the Darkmaul ogres that rule the island, performed necromantic rituals on expedition captives.[96]

The Witch doctors of the Oomlot tribe on the Lost Isles can create zombies.[97]

Items and objects[]


Rod of Necromancy in Reforged.

Notes and trivia[]

  • Draenei tails are potent necromantic ingredients when ground finely.[98]
  • Every year around Hallow's End in Draenor, the Bonefleet, a pirate fleet of skeletal orcs, attempt to spread their undead curse onto dry land. Like a sickness, it will slowly overtake the landscape if left unchecked. The stench of undeath permeates the barrels of fertilizer they use to sow their dread crops. They are the source of the spreading plague.[99]


Trading Card Game


  1. ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 138
  2. ^ Instructor Chillheart#Dungeon Journal
  3. ^ Exarch Maladaar#Dungeon Journal
  4. ^ Entertainment, Blizzard. "Unit Descriptions", Warcraft: Orcs & Humans Manual, Orc - 22. 
  5. ^ a b Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 21
  6. ^ a b N [60] House of Plagues
  7. ^ a b c d The Schools of Arcane Magic - Necromancy
  8. ^ A [10-30] The Echo of Ymiron
  9. ^ Blizzard Entertainment Blizzard Entertainment. Shadowlands - Home. Retrieved on 2019-11-02.
  10. ^ World of Warcraft: Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond, pg. 116 - [...] the Primus [...] was recently confirmed to be the devisor of the language of Domination - the very force used to bind the Jailer within the Maw.
  11. ^ Blizzard Entertainment Blizzard Entertainment 2019-11-01. BlizzCon 2019 - World of Warcraft: What's Next. Retrieved on 2019-11-02.
  12. ^ N [60] Errant Enchantments
  13. ^ Road to Damnation
  14. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 29
  15. ^ Before the Storm
  16. ^ The Sundering, chapter 6
  17. ^ The First Guardian
  18. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 199
  19. ^ Mannoroth (tactics)
  20. ^ H [9] Minshina's Skull
  21. ^ N [15-30] Darkest Mojo
  22. ^ B [15-30] Not Just Any Body
  23. ^ Dawn of the Aspects
  24. ^ Road to Damnation
  25. ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos manual, Undead Units, Necromancer
  26. ^ Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual, Death Knight Spells
  27. ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos manual, Undead Hero Units, Death Knight
  28. ^
  29. ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos manual, Undead Units, Lich
  30. ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos manual, Undead Units, Banshee
  31. ^ World of Warcraft: Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond, pg. 118
  32. ^ Invocations of the Scourge
  33. ^ N [15-30] The Best of Intentions
  34. ^ N [60] Keys to the Ruin
  35. ^ N [6-10] Freeing the Light
  36. ^ N [60] No Hesitation, No Surrender
  37. ^ N [60] Sustain, In Vain
  38. ^ H [50] Warchief of the Horde
  39. ^ N [25-30] The Scourgestone
  40. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 53
  41. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, pg. 89 - 90
  42. ^ Journal of Archmage Antonidas
  43. ^ Nyorloth on the Official Forums - 09/02/2012
  44. ^ N [60] Acquaintances Forgotten
  45. ^ World of Warcraft: Sylvanas, chapter 25
  46. ^ Blood of the Highborne, chapter 3
  47. ^ Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual, Ground Units of the Orcish Horde, Death Knight
  48. ^ Legion Class Preview Series: Death Knight
  49. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King
  50. ^ Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual#The Rise of the Shadow Council
  51. ^ Blackrock Necromancer
  52. ^ H [10-40] Desecration of the Dead
  53. ^ H [10-40] Stop the Flow
  54. ^ Shadowmoon Burial Grounds - Ner'zhul - Adventure Guide
  55. ^ Necromancer (Warcraft III)
  56. ^ Magistrate Marduke#Quotes
  57. ^ Necrolord Covenant: A Closer Look Inside the Might of Maldraxxus
  58. ^ Blizzard Entertainment Blizzard Entertainment 2020-06-11. Shadowlands Preview: Maldraxxus and the Necrolord Covenant. Archived from the original on 2020-06-11.
  59. ^ N [60] Power of the Primus
  60. ^ The Demon Soul, chapter 14
  61. ^ The Demon Soul, chapter 15
  62. ^ The Tomb of Sargeras (WC2x Orc) Intro: "Although the inhabitants of this place died long ago, their bodies have been torn from earthen graves by the vile magics of the Daemons and made to stalk this region for all eternity."
  63. ^ Pit Lord (Tomb of Sargeras)
  64. ^ N [15-30D] The Dreadlord Balnazzar
  65. ^ N [10-50] Ancient Crypt Key
  66. ^ N [10-35] An Urgent Plea
  67. ^ a b Archaeology 5 0 crackedmogurunestone [Cracked Mogu Runestone]
  68. ^ Spirit Binders
  69. ^ N [90 Daily] Unleashed Spirits
  70. ^ Inv offhand 1h deathwingraid d 01 [Incantation of Gura]
  71. ^ N [10-35] Break the Cycle
  72. ^ N [25-35 Daily] When The Dead Speak
  73. ^ N [50] Built to Fall
  74. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 163
  75. ^ Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual, Ground Units of the Orcish Horde, Ogre-Mage
  76. ^ Gor'vosh Necromancer
  77. ^ Troll Compendium/Jungle Troll Tribes#The Atal'ai - The Atal'ai knew that they needed greater numbers to achieve their goal. Fortunately, their unwavering loyalty to Hakkar had pleased him greatly, and he taught them further dark magics, including necromancy.
  78. ^ Troll Compendium/Other Trolls#Zanzil the Outcast and His Followers
  79. ^ Zanzil (tactics)#Dungeon Journal
  80. ^ H [1-30] Troll Juju
  81. ^ N [10-50] Icetusk Fur Cloak
  82. ^ Blizzard Entertainment Blizzard Entertainment 2018-06-06. Battle for Azeroth Preview: Nazmir Visitor’s Guide. Retrieved on 2018-06-12.
  83. ^ The Old Wizard's Almanac
  84. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 19
  85. ^ N [25-30] Off With Their Black Wings
  86. ^ H [25-30 Daily] Blood of the Chosen
  87. ^ N [25-30] The Duke
  88. ^ The Sundering, pg. 202
  89. ^ Centaur Deathcaller
  90. ^ Outcast Necromancer
  91. ^ N [25-35 Daily] The Deadtalker Cipher
  92. ^ N [25-35 Daily] Assault Deadtalker's Plateau
  93. ^ N [15-30] Bagging Bisp
  94. ^ H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Three Little Pygmies
  95. ^ Inv fishing innards eye [Necrofin Tadpole]
  96. ^ B [1-10] Down with the Quilboar
  97. ^ H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Three Little Pygmies
  98. ^ Achievement character draenei female [Draenei Tail]
  99. ^ N [40-70 Daily] Foul Fertilizer