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AllianceProvisioner Stoutforge
Image of Provisioner Stoutforge
Title <Service Medal Quartermaster>
Gender Female
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 120
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Boralus Harbor, Boralus[66.88, 25.78]VZ-BoralusBlip
Status Alive

Provisioner Stoutforge is a dwarf located in Boralus Harbor in Boralus. She trades Inv alliancewareffort [7th Legion Service Medal] for goods.

Vendor information[]

Inv trilobitemount blue [Azureshell Krolusk]
200 7th Legion Service Medal
Inv misc cape cataclysm melee d 01 [Banded Gilnean Cloak]
75 7th Legion Service Medal
Inv jewelry ring 176 [Captain's Signet of Command]
300 7th Legion Service Medal
Trade alchemy dpotion a22 [Draught of Ten Lands]
5 7th Legion Service Medal
Inv misc horn 03 [Dwarven War Horn]
75 7th Legion Service Medal
Ability upgrademoonglaive [Glaive Tosser]
125 7th Legion Service Medal
Inv misc book 12 [Hymnal of the 7th Legion]
75 7th Legion Service Medal
Inv misc powder purple [Kaldorei Powder of Twilight]
75 7th Legion Service Medal
Inv nightsaber2mountwhite [Priestess' Moonsaber]
750 7th Legion Service Medal
Inv cape basic plain a 02 blue [Royal Blue Cloak]
125 7th Legion Service Medal
Inv nightsaber2mount [Sandy Nightsaber]
350 7th Legion Service Medal
Inv misc scrollrolled02b [Tidesages' Warscroll]
75 7th Legion Service Medal
Inv pet pettrap01 [Trecker's Cage]
100 7th Legion Service Medal
Inv misc clothscrap 03 [War-Torn Royal Blue Cloak]
50 7th Legion Service Medal


  • During the PTR, she had the <7th Legion Commendations> title.

Patch changes[]

See also[]

External links[]
