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MobFirewing Point
Firewing Point
Type Town
Leader(s) Sharth Voldoun
Race(s) Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
Language(s) Thalassian
Affiliation(s) Sunfury
Location Northeastern Terokkar Forest[71, 38]VZ-Terokkar ForestBlip
Status Active

Firewing Point is an outpost maintained by Kael'thas Sunstrider's blood elves in northeastern Terokkar Forest. [71, 38]VZ-Terokkar ForestBlip In the courtyard of this outpost is a mana bomb similar to one found at the nearby Cenarion Thicket and set off by Kael's forces at Kirin'Var Village in what is now Netherstorm. The final code to set off the bomb is held by a Blood Knight named Sharth Voldoun, who resides at the top of the tower high above the courtyard.

The Blood Elves at Firewing Point wear Firewing Signets which allies of the Scryers in nearby Shattrath City can collect to enhance their reputation.


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