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NeutralFishing Holes
Start Rowie
End Nunvuq[13.8, 49.2]VZ-Azure SpanBlip
Level 60-70
Category Iskaara Tuskarr
Rewards Inv misc questionmark [Fishing Holes]

Fishing Holes is the unlock quest for Fishing Holes in the Dragon Isles. Rowie will run up and offer this quest when you reach Renown level 4 with the Iskaara Tuskarr.


Speak to Nunvuq at Iskaara in The Azure Span.

  • Learn Spell: Dragon Isles Fishing


Hello again! Did you know I'm gonna be the bestest fisherman in the village? I caught a giant piranha once. It tried to eat my face!

<Rowie looks around distractedly.>

Oh yeah! I have a message for you. Nunvuq, back in Iskaara, wants to tell you about fishing holes.


The following will be cast on you:


Hail, fellow fisher.

I'm almost hesitant to tell you of these serene fishing holes. But I must, because not doing so would deny you a bounty of fish and also the pleasure of a relaxing time fishing.

In telling everyone I worry about crowding my fishing spot, but I'll admit I can only take so much of the quiet. A good conversation with fishing friends is an even better way to relax than fishing alone!


On accept
Rowie mounts up on a kite and starts to fly away.
Rowie says: Bye! See you in Iskaara.

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