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Fishing icon WoW Icon update Fishing (Profession)

This page details items obtained by fishing. There are many kinds of items that can be caught using the fishing skill, going far beyond the denizens of the deep. Containers holding long-lost loot, legendary monsters and even weapons and armor can be retrieved from the waters with enough patience, skill and time.


In WoW, some fished water (or lava) creatures are not fish in a biological sense, although most are fish. There are many kinds of fish that can be caught. Most fit a specific game function category; some fish overlap more than one category.

Fish listed on this page are caught by fishing, but some mobs, such as murlocs will drop some these same fish, and some vendors sell some of these same fish.

Some fish are only sold by vendors and cannot be caught by fishing. These are just like any other vended food, but have the food type 'fish' which matters mainly to hunters for their hunter pets.

Some fish, such as the Threshadons, are water mobs and are killed in combat, not fished. Mobs have a graphic model that can be interacted with. Fished items generally have no specific graphic representation until they are caught, then appear as an inventory icon.

Note that, in terms of the "Cooking Skill Required" as it appears in the tables below, each of these reflects the individualized cooking skill of the expansion that these fish were introduced in.

Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor[]

These fish can be caught in various areas around the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. Slitherskin Mackerel can also be caught on the Lost Isles. The fish in the below table can be consumed raw or cooked with recipes in order to increase their benefits.

Name Item level Found in Use (raw) Required level to use (raw) Name (cooked) Cooking skill needed Use (cooked) Required level to use (cooked)
Inv misc fish 08 [Raw Brilliant Smallfish] 5 Coastal and inland waters Restore 84 health over 15 sec. 0 Inv misc fish 07 [Brilliant Smallfish] 1 Restore 94 health over 18 sec. 1
Inv misc fish 24 [Raw Slitherskin Mackerel] 5 Coastal and inland waters Restore 84 health over 15 sec. 0 Inv misc fish 24 [Slitherskin Mackerel] 1 Restore 94 health over 18 sec. 1
Inv misc fish 32 [Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper] 5 Coastal and inland waters Restore 94 health over 18 sec. 5 Inv misc fish 32 [Longjaw Mud Snapper] 50 Restore 260 health over 21 sec. 5
Inv misc fish 25 [Raw Rainbow Fin Albacore] 15 Coastal waters Restore 94 health over 18 sec. 5 Inv misc fish 27 [Rainbow Fin Albacore] 50 Restore 260 health over 21 sec. 5
Inv misc fish 03 [Raw Loch Frenzy] 15 Loch Modan Restore 94 health over 18 sec. 5 Inv potion 01 [Loch Frenzy Delight] 50 Restore 260 health over 21 sec. 5
Inv misc fish 20 [Raw Sagefish] 20 Inland waters Restore 162 health and 328 mana over 21 sec. 10 Inv misc fish 20 [Smoked Sagefish] 120 Restore 205 health and 310 mana over 21 sec. If you spend at least 10 sec. eating, you become well fed and gain 2 mana every 5 sec. for 15 min. 10
Inv misc fish 30 [Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish] 25 Coastal and inland waters Restore 260 health over 21 sec. 15 Inv misc fish 30 [Bristle Whisker Catfish] 100 Restore 331 health over 24 sec. 15
Inv misc fish 21 [Raw Greater Sagefish] 30 Inland waters Restore 432 health and 672 mana over 21 sec. 30 Inv misc fish 21 [Sagefish Delight] 175 Restore 573 health and 310 mana over 21 sec. If you spend at least 10 sec. eating, you become well fed and gain 6 mana every 5 sec. for 15 min. 30
Inv misc fish 02 [Raw Mithril Head Trout] 35 Inland waters Restore 331 health over 24 sec. 25 Inv misc fish 02 [Mithril Head Trout] 175 Restore 1240 health over 25 sec. 25
Inv misc fish 04 [Raw Rockscale Cod] 35 Coastal waters Restore 331 health over 24 sec. 25 Inv misc fish 04 [Rockscale Cod] 175 Restore 1240 health over 25 sec. 25
Inv misc fish 19 [Raw Sunscale Salmon] 35 Inland waters (Moonglade; Eastern Plaguelands; Blasted Lands); only during daytime Restore 1240 health over 25 sec. 35 Inv misc fish 19 [Poached Sunscale Salmon] 250 Restore 983 health over 27 sec. Also restores 1 health every 5 sec. for 10 min. 35
Inv misc fish 23 [Raw Nightfin Snapper] 35 Inland waters (Moonglade; Eastern Plaguelands; Blasted Lands); only during nighttime Restore 1240 health over 25 sec. 35 Inv drink 17 [Nightfin Soup] 250 Restore 983 health over 27 sec. Also restores 8 mana every 5 sec. for 10 min. 35
Inv misc monsterhead 03 [Raw Glossy Mightfish] 35 Coastal waters (Tanaris; Thousand Needles; Azshara) Restore 1240 health over 25 sec. 35 Inv misc monsterhead 03 [Cooked Glossy Mightfish] 250 Restore 869 health over 27 sec. Also increases your Stamina by 8 for 10 min. 35
Inv misc monsterhead 02 [Large Raw Mightfish] 45 Coastal waters (Swamp of Sorrows; Blasted Lands) Restore 1218 health over 30 sec. 45 Inv misc food 47 [Mightfish Steak] 300 Restore 4410 health over 30 sec. Also increases your Stamina by 8 for 10 min. 45
Inv misc fish 13 [Winter Squid] 35 Coastal waters (Swamp of Sorrows; Blasted Lands; Tanaris; Darkmoon Island) Restore 1240 health over 25 sec. 35 Inv misc fish 13 [Grilled Squid] 240 Restores 869 health over 27 sec. If you eat for 10 sec. you will gain 8 Agility for 10 min. 35
Inv misc fish 03 [Raw Summer Bass] 45 Coastal waters (Swamp of Sorrows; Blasted Lands; Azshara; Thousand Needles) Restore 1240 health over 25 sec. 35 Inv misc fish 03 [Hot Smoked Bass] 265 Restores 724 health over 27 sec. If you eat for 10 sec. you will gain 2 Stamina and Versatility for 15 min. 35
Inv misc fish 06 [Raw Redgill] 45 Inland waters Restore 1240 health over 25 sec. 35 Inv misc fish 06 [Filet of Redgill] 225 Restores 1218 health over 30 sec. 35
Inv misc fish 01 [Raw Spotted Yellowtail] 45 Coastal waters Restore 1240 health over 25 sec. 35 Inv misc fish 01 [Spotted Yellowtail] 225 Restores 1218 health over 30 sec. 35
Inv misc fish 14 [Darkclaw Lobster] 55 Coastal waters Restore 1218 health over 25 sec. 45 Inv drink 17 [Lobster Stew] 275 Restores 2220 health over 30 sec. 45
Inv misc fish 20 [Raw Whitescale Salmon] 55 Inland waters Restore 1218 health over 25 sec. 45 Inv misc fish 20 [Baked Salmon] 300 Restores 2220 health over 30 sec. 45
Inv misc fish 40 [Crescent-Tail Skullfish] 65 Deadwind Pass n/a n/a Inv misc food 63 [Skullfish Soup] 35 (Outland) Restore 7668 mana over 30 sec. If you eat for 10 sec. gain 12 Critical Strike and Versatility for 30 min. 70

These are seasonal fish; the Winter Squid can only be caught from Sep. 23 to March 20. The Summer Bass can only be caught from March 20 to Sep. 23.

The fish below can mostly be consumed for food, giving similar benefits to those in the above table. Many of them are also part of Alchemy recipes or give unique, non-health effects.

Name Item level Found in Use Required level to Use
Inv misc fish 28 [Sickly Looking Fish] 5 Blackfathom Deeps; Tirisfal Glades (inland); the Ruins of Lordaeron; Undercity Restores 84 health over 15 sec. 0
Inv misc monsterhead 02 [Oil Covered Fish] 5 Inland Oil Spills; water in or under oil platforms (The Sludge Fen) Restores 94 health over 18 sec. 0
Inv misc fish 26 [Darkshore Grouper] 5 Coast of Darkshore (Auberdine) Restores 260 health over 21 sec. 5
Inv misc monsterhead 04 [Oily Blackmouth] 15 Stranglethorn; Darkshore; Azshara; Westfall; Wetlands; Eastern Plaguelands Used by Alchemists to create Inv drink 12 [Blackmouth Oil]. n/a
Inv misc monsterhead 01 [Firefin Snapper] 25 Stranglethorn; Tanaris; Azshara; Westfall; Wetlands; Dustwallow Marsh Used by Alchemists to create Inv potion 38 [Fire Oil]. n/a
Inv misc monsterhead 01 [Deviate Fish] 15 Northern Barrens (Wailing Caverns) "Eat me."

Also reagent for Inv potion 10 [Elixir of Giant Growth] and Inv misc monsterhead 04 [Savory Deviate Delight].

Inv misc bone 06 [Threshadon Fang] 16 Dustwallow Marsh (Theramore) Grey-quality weapon; vendor trash. Also drops from a number of mobs worldwide. 11
Inv misc fish 12 [Lightning Eel] 45 Moonglade; Eastern Plaguelands; Deadwind Pass; Feralas; Un'Goro Crater; Winterspring; Felwood; Badlands; Swamp of Sorrows Used for the Inv misc food 91 [Stormchops] cooking recipe n/a
Inv misc fish 03 [Giant Sunfish] 70 Isle of Quel'Danas Restores 10338 health over 30 sec. 70


Name Item level Found in Use (raw) Required level to use (raw) Name (cooked) Cooking skill needed Use (cooked) Required level to use (cooked)
Inv misc fish 37 [Barbed Gill Trout] 60 Deadwind Pass; Zangarmarsh; Terokkar Forest; Nagrand; Hellfire Peninsula n/a n/a Inv misc food 77 [Blackened Trout] 1 Restore 7386 health over 30 sec. 55
Inv misc fish 37 [Barbed Gill Trout] 60 Deadwind Pass; Zangarmarsh; Terokkar Forest; Nagrand; Hellfire Peninsula n/a n/a Inv misc food 64 [Stewed Trout] 20 Restore 12156 health over 30 sec. 70
Inv misc fish 37 [Enormous Barbed Gill Trout] 60 Nagrand; Terokkar Forest; Zangarmarsh n/a n/a Inv misc food 76 [Hot Buttered Trout] (2) 50 Restores 4200 health and 4034 mana over 30 sec. 65
Inv misc fish 39 [Spotted Feltail] 60 Terokkar Forest; Zangarmarsh n/a n/a Inv misc food 74 [Feltail Delight] 20 Restores 3732 health over 30 sec. If you spend at least 10 sec. eating you will become well fed and gain 5 Stamina and Versatility for 30 min. 55
Inv misc fish 39 [Huge Spotted Feltail] 60 Terokkar Forest; Zangarmarsh n/a n/a Inv misc food 88 ravagernuggets [Fisherman's Feast] (6) 75 Restore 4200 health over 30. If you spend at least 10 sec. eating you will become well fed and gain 7 Stamina and Versatility for 30 min. 65
Inv misc fish 34 [Zangarian Sporefish] 60 Zangarmarsh n/a n/a Inv misc food 79 [Blackened Sporefish] 30 Restore 3732 health over 30 sec. If you spent at least 10 sec. eating you will become well fed and gain 11 Stamina and 8 Mana every 5 sec. for 30 min. 55
Inv misc fish 41 [Figluster's Mudfish] 60 Nagrand n/a n/a Inv misc food 78 [Grilled Mudfish] 40 Restores 4200 health over 30 sec. If you spend at least 10 sec. eating you will become well fed and gain 7 Agility and Versatility for 30 min. 55
Inv misc fish 36 [Golden Darter] 60 Terokkar Forest; Zangarmarsh n/a n/a Inv misc fish 18 [Golden Fish Sticks] 45 Restores 4200 health over 30 sec. If you spend at least 10 sec. eating you will become well fed and increase Spell Power and Versatility by 7 for 30 min. 55
Inv misc fish 23 [Icefin Bluefish] 60 Nagrand n/a n/a Inv misc food 76 [Poached Bluefish] 40 Restores 4200 health over 30 sec. If you spend at least 10 sec. eating you will become well fed and increase Spell Power and Versatility by 7 for 30 min. 55
Inv misc fish 14 [Furious Crawdad] 60 Terokkar Forest n/a n/a Inv misc fish 16 [Spicy Crawdad] 70 Restores 4200 health over 30 sec. If you spend at least 10 sec. eating you will become well fed and increase Stamina and Versatility by 7 for 30 min. 55

A number of interesting grey-quality items can also be fished up in the Outlands, most of them in Zangarmarsh:

Name Item level Found in Use Required level
Inv misc fish 38 [Felblood Snapper] 60 Shadowmoon Valley; Hellfire Peninsula Vendor trash (8Copper); food for hunter pets n/a
Inv gizmo 03 [Steam Pump Debris] 70 Zangarmarsh (Steam Pump Flotsam) Vendor trash (50Silver) n/a
Inv misc fish 42 [Goldenscale Vendorfish] 70 Zangarmarsh; Terokkar Forest; Nagrand Vendor trash (6Gold) n/a
Inv gizmo 01 [Broken Engine Part] 70 Zangarmarsh (Steam Pump Flotsam) Vendor trash (10Gold) n/a

Mr. Pinchy[]

A unique fishing experience awaits adventurers in the Terokkar Forest. Highland Mixed Schools have a small chance of providing the rare Inv misc fish 14 [Mr. Pinchy] item. Much like the uncertainty of every cast that may have led to the new owner of this item finding it, Pinchy will provide a different effect upon use; each one of these items have three charges. The possible results are:

  • Mr. Pinchy's Blessing: Provides the user 500 extra health for two hours.
  • Furious Mr. Pinchy: Summons an enraged monolithic Pinchy that will attack the player! Be careful!
  • Benevolent Mr. Pinchy: Summons a kind Pinchy that will fight by your side for a limited time.
  • Inv misc gift 01 [Mr. Pinchy's Gift]: A package that contains a number of potions.
  • Magical Crawdad Box: The rarest of the five results, this box teaches the user how to summon the Magical Crawdad pet!


Fountains and Violet Hold moats[]

Name Item level Use Required level
Inv drink 09 [Half Full Bottle of Prison Moonshine] 1 "Also useful for removing paint." (Vendor trash.) 1
Inv drink 09 [Half Empty Bottle of Prison Moonshine] 1 "Also useful for removing paint." (Vendor trash.) 1
Inv misc hook 01 [Bent Fishing Hook] 1 "Looks like someone tried to fish in this fountain. Who would do such a thing?" (Vendor trash.) 1
Inv misc bone 02 [Partially Eaten Fish] 1 "Small tooth marks can be seen on the carcass." (Vendor trash.) 1
Inv misc fish 08 [Shimmering Minnow] 70 Restore 7386 health over 30 sec. 70
Inv misc fish 11 [Slippery Eel] 70 Restore 7386 health over 30 sec. If you spend at least 10 sec. eating you will become well fed and gain 9 Dodge for 60 min. 70
Inv misc fish 58 [Fountain Goldfish] (Northrend only) 70 Restores 10338 health over 30 sec. 70
Inv weapon shortblade 10 [Bloodied Prison Shank] 80 A grey-quality weapon. "The business end of this shank looks like profits were high this year." 70
Inv misc fish 103 [Big Fountain Goldfish] (Broken Isles only) 100 Restores 5% of health every 1 sec for 20 sec. (Does not work over level 110.) 100


Name Item level Use Required level
Inv misc bone taurenskull 01 [Drowned Rat] 1 "Looks like falling in the soup pot did not work out so well this time." (Vendor trash.) n/a
Inv rod adamantite [Partially Rusted File] 1 "The file has a slight green tinge to it." (Vendor trash.) n/a
Spell shadow demoniccircleteleport [Emblem of Margoss] (Broken Isles only) 1 Teleports the caster to Margoss's Retreat (see below). n/a
Inv misc monstertail 03 [Giant Sewer Rat] 1 Teaches you how to summon this companion. n/a
Inv misc fish 31 [Sewer Carp] 70 Restore 7386 health over 30 sec. 70
Inv misc fish 73 [Magic Eater] 70 Restore 6096 health over 30 sec. If you spend at least 10 sec. eating you aren't real sure what will happen. 80

Margoss' Retreat[]

The above-mentioned Emblem of Margoss will teleport the user to a small floating island near Dalaran. There players can find the eccentric Conjurer Margoss and his despondent familiar Blythe. The former has forsaken his commitment to the Kirin Tor in favor of focusing his favorite hobby: fishing! Should they choose to do so, players can join him, fishing from the small pond he lords over:

Name Item level Use Required level
Inv elemental primal water [Drowned Mana] 1 Unique (100). These items serve as currency with Margoss, allowing those fishing at his pond to buy rare and unique goods from him, including the adorable Trashy and the Inv fishmount [Brinedeep Bottom-Feeder] mount! n/a
Inv elemental mote water01 [Mark of Aquaos] 100 Toss the mark back into the water at Margoss' Retreat. This will summon the power and deranged water elemental Aquaos, who players must defeat to cause a brief period wherein all casts will hook Drowned Mana. 98
Inv misc fish 103 [Big Fountain Goldfish] 100 Restores 5% of health every 1 sec for 20 sec. (Does not work over level 110.) 100
Inv misc fish 48 [Silver Mackerel] 101 Crafting reagent for a number of cooking recipes (see Broken Isles section). n/a

Alchemic fish[]

Some fish are used in Alchemy to create potions and oils. Alchemic fish have the item type and subtype Trade Goods, Other, except Deviate Fish is a Consumable, Food & Drink.

Name Item
of Fish
of Bottles
Other Reagents
Bottle Type Product Use
Inv misc monsterhead 04 [Oily Blackmouth] 15 Mostly coastal waters, but also inland lakes Inv drink 12 [Blackmouth Oil] 80 2 1 (none) Empty Vial Ingredient
Inv misc monsterhead 01 [Deviate Fish] 18 The Barrens; oases and the Wailing Caverns Inv potion 10 [Elixir of Giant Growth] 90 1 1 One Inv misc herb 07 [Earthroot] Empty Vial End Product
Inv misc monsterhead 01 [Firefin Snapper] 25 Coastal waters Inv potion 38 [Fire Oil] 130 2 1 (none) Empty Vial Ingredient
Inv misc fish 11 [Stonescale Eel] 50 Coastal waters Inv potion 68 [Stonescale Oil] 250 1 1 (none) Leaded Vial Ingredient
Inv misc fish 55 [Pygmy Suckerfish] 70 Northrend Waters Inv potion 07 [Pygmy Oil] 375 1 1 - 2 (none) (none) Ingredient, Cosmetic Effect Potion
Inv misc fish 69 [Glassfin Minnow] 70 Crystalsong Forest Waters Inv drink 11 [Ethereal Oil] 380 2 1 (none) (none) Ingredient, Cosmetic Effect Potion
Inv misc fish 81 [Albino Cavefish] 70 Deepholm Inv potionf 1 [Deepstone Oil] 470 1 1 - 2 (none) (none) Ingredient
Inv misc fish 96 [Spinefish] 87 Sha-Touched waters Inv misc stoneoil [Desecrated Oil] 550 3 2 (none) (none) Ingredient, Cosmetic Effect Potion

Quest fish[]

Some fish are the object of a quest. They may or may not have other uses, and may appear in other sections of this page detailing that use.

The quest fish that are only used in a quest are typically a quest item type, and can only be caught while you are doing the quest. These will also typically have no vend value. Red Snapper, a typical quest item type quest fish, cannot be fed to a cat hunter pet that eats fish.

Some of these quests are repeatable. The quest fish for repeatable quests are typically not a quest type item and can be caught, traded, and vended normally.

Inv misc fish 21 [Speckled Tastyfish] are the object of the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza fishing competition, and disappear from all players' inventory four hours after the competition, so that each week's competition starts with zero fish already caught. The secondary 'quest' for these fish is a special turn-in to redeem these fish for cash before they disappear.

Name Needed For Fished In Quest Reward
Inv misc fish 06 [Red Snapper](10) A [1-30] Red Snapper - Very Tasty! Azuremyst Isle Inv fishingpole 02 [Fishing Pole] and Inv misc orb 03 [Shiny Bauble] Note: This Quest is completed by net-fishing instead of line-fishing, using the provided Inv misc net 01 [Draenei Fishing Net].
Inv misc fish 26 [Darkshore Grouper] A [14] The Family and the Fishing Pole Auberdine Blump Family Fishing Pole.
Inv misc fish 02 [Spotted Sunfish] A [21] Selling Fish Redridge Mountains Inv misc bowl 01 [Murloc Fin Soup] Cooking recipe. Note that this fish may also be found as loot when killing the murlocs that live nearby.
Inv misc monsterhead 02 [Feralas Ahi] N Fishing [15-30] Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme - (need all four fish) Feralas Raise Fishing Skill Cap from 225 to 300 - (need all four fish) (See Note)
Inv misc fish 21 [Misty Reed Mahi Mahi] N Fishing [15-30] Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme - (need all four fish) Swamp of Sorrows Raise Fishing Skill Cap from 225 to 300 - (need all four fish) (See Note)
Inv misc fish 32 [Sar'theris Striker] N Fishing [15-30] Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme - (need all four fish) Desolace Raise Fishing Skill Cap from 225 to 300 - (need all four fish) (See Note)
Inv misc fish 08 [Savage Coast Blue Sailfin] N Fishing [15-30] Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme - (need all four fish) Stranglethorn Vale Raise Fishing Skill Cap from 225 to 300 - (need all four fish) (See Note)
Inv misc fish 10 [Brownell's Blue Striped Racer] N Fishing [1-70] Rare Fish - Brownell's Blue Striped Racer Stranglethorn Vale during Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza Inv boots 09 [Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots]
Inv misc fish 09 [Dezian Queenfish] N Fishing [1-70] Rare Fish - Dezian Queenfish Stranglethorn Vale during Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza Inv fabric mageweave 02 [High Test Eternium Fishing Line]
Inv misc fish 08 [Keefer's Angelfish] N Fishing [1-70] Rare Fish - Keefer's Angelfish Stranglethorn Vale during Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza Inv helmet 31 [Lucky Fishing Hat]
Inv misc fish 21 [Speckled Tastyfish] N Fishing [1-70] Grand Prize - (competition winner) Stranglethorn Vale during Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza Inv fishingpole 01 [Arcanite Fishing Pole] or Trade fishing [Hook of the Master Angler]
Inv misc fish 21 [Speckled Tastyfish] N Fishing [1-70] Apprentice Angler - (after-competition turn-ins) Stranglethorn Vale during Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza 1g 12s per 5 fishes (updated with patch 2.3)
Inv misc fish 37 [Bloated Barbed Gill Trout] N Fishing [30 Daily] Shrimpin' Ain't Easy In Zangarmarsh lakes This container fish yields Inv misc fish 15 [Giant Freshwater Shrimp]
Inv misc fish 15 [Giant Freshwater Shrimp] N Fishing [30 Daily] Shrimpin' Ain't Easy Zangarmarsh, inside Inv misc fish 37 [Bloated Barbed Gill Trout] Inv misc bag 10 green [Bag of Fishing Treasures]
Inv misc fish 43 [Blackfin Darter] N Fishing [30 Daily] Bait Bandits Rivers in Terokkar Forest Inv misc bag 10 green [Bag of Fishing Treasures]
Inv misc fish 45 [World's Largest Mudfish] N Fishing [30 Daily] The One That Got Away In the lakes of Nagrand Inv misc bag 10 green [Bag of Fishing Treasures]
Inv misc fish 44 [Monstrous Felblood Snapper] N Fishing [30 Daily] Felblood Fillet In the waters of Hellfire Peninsula and Shadowmoon Valley Inv misc bag 10 green [Bag of Fishing Treasures]
Ability hunter pet crocolisk [Baby Crocolisk] N Fishing [30 Daily] Crocolisks in the City In Stormwind or Orgrimmar Inv misc bag 10 green [Bag of Fishing Treasures]
(Chance to get one of four baby crocolisk small pets in the bag)
Inv misc fish 09 [Tasty Reef Fish] N [10-70 Daily] The Way to His Heart... - (Fished using Net. Fishing skill not required.) Howling Fjord 500 Kalu'ak Rep
Inv misc fish 56 [Phantom Ghostfish] N Fishing [10-30 Daily] The Ghostfish In River's HeartSholazar Basin Inv misc bag 07 blue [Bag of Fishing Treasures]
Inv misc fish 11 [Bloated Slippery Eel] N Fishing [80 Daily] Monsterbelly Appetite The Frozen Sea Inv misc bag 07 blue [Bag of Fishing Treasures]
Inv misc fish 53 [Terrorfish] N Fishing [10-30 Daily] Dangerously Delicious Wintergrasp Inv misc bag 07 blue [Bag of Fishing Treasures]
Inv misc fish 27 [Bloodtooth Frenzy] N Fishing [10-30 Daily] Blood is Thicker Borean Tundra Inv misc bag 07 blue [Bag of Fishing Treasures]
Inv misc fish 87 [Crystal Bass] A Fishing [10-70 Daily] Diggin' For Worms Stormwind City +2 Fishing Skill and Inv misc bag 12 [Bag of Shiny Things] Note: To catch the Bass you will need to collect a special Achievement halloween worms 01 [Overgrown Earthworm] Lure for your line.
Inv misc fish 21 [Violet Perch] (5) A Fishing [10-70 Daily] Thunder Falls Elwynn Forest +1 Fishing Skill and Inv misc bag 12 [Bag of Shiny Things]
Inv misc fish 82 [Royal Monkfish] A Fishing [10-70 Daily] Big Gulp Stormwind City +1 Fishing Skill and Inv misc bag 12 [Bag of Shiny Things] Note: Royal Monkfish is a container that has a chance of containing the Inv jewelry necklace 16 [Precious Locket] item to complete the quest. †
Inv misc fish 14 [Rock Lobster] (6) A Fishing [10-70 Daily] Rock Lobster Stormwind City +1 Fishing Skill and Inv misc bag 12 [Bag of Shiny Things]
Inv misc fish 91 [Giant Furious Pike] H Fishing [10-70 Daily] A Furious Catch Southfury River,Durotar +1 Fishing Skill and Inv misc bag 12 [Bag of Shiny Things]
Inv misc fish 40 [Gigantic Catfish] (5) A Cooking [10-70 Daily] A Fisherman's Feast Stormwind City +1 Cooking Skill and Achievement profession chefhat [Chef's Award] Note: This Quest is completed by collecting the fish from barrels near the Stormwind Fishermen. It does not actually use fishing!
Inv misc fish 57 [Silver Goby] N Fishing [15-35 Daily] Who Knew Fish Liked Eggs? Krasarang Wilds 11g 40s 1 Lesser Charm of Good Fortune 5 Valor Points and +1 Fishing

Special Notes:

Trophy fish[]

See main article.

Certain uncommon fish can be caught which can be wielded in the off hand, with the exception of the trophy groupers and trophy lobsters which can not. Equipping the trophy fish in the off-hand will not show the fish on the character, but if the trophy fish is equipped, typing 'z' to show the wielded weapons will show the trophy fish.

Trophy fish are wieldable objects, they do not stack in your inventory. Each takes a slot, except see the wieldable cooking ingredient fish, which do stack.

These fish include the following:

Sizes Sizes Sizes Sizes
Inv misc fish 33 [10 Pound Mud Snapper]
Inv misc fish 33 [12 Pound Mud Snapper]
Inv misc fish 33 [15 Pound Mud Snapper]
Catfishes Inv misc fish 30 [17 Pound Catfish]
Inv misc fish 30 [19 Pound Catfish]
Inv misc fish 30 [22 Pound Catfish]
Inv misc fish 30 [26 Pound Catfish]
Inv misc fish 30 [32 Pound Catfish]
Redgills Inv misc fish 06 [34 Pound Redgill]
Inv misc fish 06 [37 Pound Redgill]
Inv misc fish 06 [42 Pound Redgill]
Inv misc fish 06 [45 Pound Redgill]
Inv misc fish 06 [49 Pound Redgill]
Inv misc fish 06 [52 Pound Redgill]
Groupers Inv misc fish 06 [40 Pound Grouper]
Inv misc fish 06 [47 Pound Grouper]
Inv misc fish 06 [53 Pound Grouper]
Inv misc fish 06 [59 Pound Grouper]
Inv misc fish 06 [68 Pound Grouper]
Sizes Sizes Sizes
Salmons Inv misc fish 02 [15 Pound Salmon]
Inv misc fish 02 [18 Pound Salmon]
Inv misc fish 02 [22 Pound Salmon]
Inv misc fish 02 [25 Pound Salmon]
Inv misc fish 02 [29 Pound Salmon]
Inv misc fish 02 [32 Pound Salmon]
Mightfishes Inv misc monsterhead 02 [70 Pound Mightfish]
Inv misc monsterhead 02 [85 Pound Mightfish]
Inv misc monsterhead 02 [92 Pound Mightfish]
Inv misc monsterhead 02 [103 Pound Mightfish]
Lobsters Inv misc fish 14 [7 Pound Lobster]
Inv misc fish 14 [9 Pound Lobster]
Inv misc fish 14 [12 Pound Lobster]
Inv misc fish 14 [15 Pound Lobster]
Inv misc fish 14 [19 Pound Lobster]
Inv misc fish 14 [21 Pound Lobster]
Inv misc fish 14 [22 Pound Lobster]

These bind on pickup and cannot be traded, and are very rare (estimated roughly 0.1% of catches in their respective locations.)

The quest fish Inv misc monsterhead 02 [Feralas Ahi] can be wielded in the off-hand as a trophy fish, but the Feralas Ahi can only be caught when you are on the quest, the fish has the unique property, so you can only have one, and the fish must be turned in to complete the N Fishing [15-30] Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme quest which grants artisan level fishing skill, raising the fishing skill cap from 225 to 300, so most people who catch it will prefer to turn it in than to display it. It can be used as a trophy fish while you are on the quest.

Mr. Pinchy[]

This very rare fish has a few magic effects. He binds on pickup. You'll need flight capability to even try to obtain him. Inv misc fish 14 [Mr. Pinchy] has three wish charges with one of five possibilities.

  • Mr.Pinchy's Blessing
500 Health for 2 hours
  • Furious Mr.Pinchy
Summons a Giant Pinchy Crawdad that will attack you
  • Benevolent Mr.Pinchy
Summons a Giant Pinchy Crawdad that will fight with you
Contains 4-5 Inv potion 131 [Super Healing Potion] or Inv potion 137 [Super Mana Potion]
Teaches the Companion Pet Magical Crawdad


Several kinds of containers can be fished.

Containers must be opened in order to loot the contents. After the container is fully looted, the container disappears. Except Clams (since patch 3.0.2) containers do not stack in your inventory, each takes a slot. Looting them can often save space since the loot will often stack.

If a container looks empty, but does not disappear, it still contains an item that you cannot see. Often the item is a Inv misc book 09 [Weather-Beaten Journal], which is not visible to you once you have learned the skill it grants. These containers can be sold to other players who need the Weather-Beaten Journal.

Container fish[]

The Bloated variety of container fish are exceptionally rare fish caught in the same waters of their non-bloated counterparts (with the exception of the Giant Sunfish and the Barbed Gill Trout; the trout being a quest fish). They all can be caught in the same area as the non-bloated variety, but are only containers; they can't be used as food and disappear after they are opened. A few of these fish are part of fishing quests and require catching and opening to obtain the quest objectives.

Name Item
Frequent contents & quest items
Inv misc fish 82 [Royal Monkfish] 1 Inv jewelry necklace 16 [Precious Locket], Inv jewelry ring 03 [Slimy Ring], Inv misc key 07 [Set of Rusty Keys]
Inv misc fish 37 [Stendel's Bane] 1 Inv misc fish 07 [Brilliant Smallfish], Inv misc gem variety 02 [Bright Baubles], Inv misc monstertail 03 [Nightcrawlers], Inv fabric mageweave 02 [Reinforced Fishing Line], Inv jewelry ring 13 [Stendel's Wedding Band]
Inv misc fish 11 [Bloated Slippery Eel] Inv misc desecrated mailglove [Severed Arm], Inv misc food 14 [Partially Digested Meat]
Inv misc fish 08 [Bloated Smallfish] 5 Inv misc gem emerald 03 [Malachite], Inv misc gem opal 03 [Tigerseye]
Inv misc fish 31 [Bloated Mud Snapper] 15 Inv misc gem emerald 03 [Malachite], Inv misc gem opal 03 [Tigerseye], Inv misc gem amethyst 01 [Shadowgem], Inv misc gem emerald 02 [Moss Agate]
Inv misc monsterhead 04 [Bloated Oily Blackmouth] 15 Inv misc gem emerald 03 [Malachite], Inv misc gem opal 03 [Tigerseye], Inv misc gem amethyst 01 [Shadowgem], Inv misc gem emerald 02 [Moss Agate]
Inv misc fish 29 [Bloated Catfish] 25 Inv misc gem emerald 02 [Moss Agate], Inv misc gem crystal 01 [Lesser Moonstone]
Inv misc fish 04 [Bloated Rockscale Cod] 35 Inv misc gem opal 02 [Citrine]
Inv misc fish 02 [Bloated Trout] 35 Inv misc gem crystal 01 [Lesser Moonstone], Inv misc gem opal 02 [Citrine], Inv misc gem stone 01 [Jade]
Inv misc monsterhead 03 [Bloated Mightfish] 45
Inv misc fish 06 [Bloated Redgill] 45 Inv misc gem crystal 02 [Aquamarine], Inv misc gem opal 02 [Citrine], Inv misc gem ruby 02 [Star Ruby]
Inv misc fish 06 [Bloated Salmon] 55 Inv misc gem opal 01 [Large Opal], Inv misc gem sapphire 02 [Blue Sapphire], Inv misc gem emerald 01 [Huge Emerald], Inv misc gem diamond 01 [Azerothian Diamond]
Inv misc fish 03 [Bloated Giant Sunfish] 70 Inv misc herb 06 [Seaweed], Inv misc bone 02 [Mostly Digested Fish], Inv misc fish 10 [Luminous Bluetail]
Inv misc fish 37 [Bloated Barbed Gill Trout] 60 Inv misc fish 15 [Giant Freshwater Shrimp], Inv misc herb 06 [Partially Digested Weeds]


Various Clams can be fished and should be opened for clam meats and occasional pearls. With the release of patch 3.0, clams are now stackable save for the Inv misc shell 01 [Brooding Darkwater Clam]; this is a rarer catch and was inserted into the game as a result of this post:

Venture Company crates[]

These infrequently-found non-locked Venture Company crates are labeled "Venture Company Supplies" and always contain a small quantity of engineering supplies such as Inv misc dust 01 [Rough Blasting Powder], Inv spear 05 [Iron Strut], etc.

Trunks & Crates[]

These boxes may also contain the Inv misc book 09 [Weather-Beaten Journal] which is used to learn Inv misc fish 02 [Find Fish].

Name Item
Frequent Contents
Inv box 01 [Tightly Sealed Trunk] 15 Inv fabric linen 02 [Bolt of Linen Cloth], Inv fabric wool 03 [Bolt of Woolen Cloth], Inv misc leatherscrap 03 [Light Leather], Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather], uncommon quality items
Inv box 01 [Watertight Trunk] 15 Inv fabric silk 03 [Bolt of Silk Cloth], Inv fabric wool 03 [Bolt of Woolen Cloth], Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather], Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather], uncommmon quality items
Inv box 01 [Iron Bound Trunk] 25 Inv fabric silk 03 [Bolt of Silk Cloth], Inv fabric mageweave 03 [Bolt of Mageweave], Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather], uncommon quality gear.
Inv box 02 [Mithril Bound Trunk] 35 Inv fabric mageweave 03 [Bolt of Mageweave], Inv fabric purplefire 02 [Bolt of Runecloth], Inv misc leatherscrap 02 [Rugged Leather], Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather], uncommon quality items
Inv crate 02 [Curious Crate] 60 Inv ore feliron [Fel Iron Ore], Inv misc leatherscrap 09 [Knothide Leather Scraps], Inv fabric netherweave [Netherweave Cloth]
Inv crate 01 [Heavy Supply Crate] 60 Inv gizmo felironbolts [Handful of Fel Iron Bolts], Inv misc missilesmall white [White Smoke Flare], Inv misc ammo gunpowder 07 [Elemental Blasting Powder], Inv ore feliron [Fel Iron Ore]
Inv crate 04 [Reinforced Crate] 70 Inv ore cobalt [Cobalt Ore], Inv misc leatherscrap 16 [Borean Leather Scraps], Inv fabric soulcloth [Frostweave Cloth]

Locked chests[]

These infrequently-found chests are locked and can be opened by a rogue or blacksmith and/or engineer. These chests have rather disappointing contents compared to the Trunks routinely fished from Floating Wreckage.

Name Item
Frequent Contents
Inv box 03 [Small Locked Chest]
Inv fabric wool 03 [Bolt of Woolen Cloth], Inv fabric silk 03 [Bolt of Silk Cloth], Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather], Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather], gray quality items
Inv box 01 [Sturdy Locked Chest]
Inv fabric wool 03 [Bolt of Woolen Cloth], Inv fabric silk 03 [Bolt of Silk Cloth], Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather], Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather], gray quality items
Inv box 01 [Ironbound Locked Chest]
Inv fabric mageweave 03 [Bolt of Mageweave], Inv fabric silk 03 [Bolt of Silk Cloth], Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather], Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather], gray quality items
Inv box 01 [Reinforced Locked Chest]
Inv fabric mageweave 03 [Bolt of Mageweave], Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather], Inv misc leatherscrap 02 [Rugged Leather], gray quality items


Inv drink 12 [Message in a Bottle] are infrequently found from ocean fishing in zones of level 20-40. Contents may include:

Inv misc flute 01 [Inscribed Scrollcase], found in Outland, contains scrolls.

Other objects[]


Various common potions are occasionally caught while fishing.

Rumsey Rums[]

Several varieties of Rumsey Rum brand alcoholic beverage are occasionally caught while fishing from Floating Wreckage. In addition to getting you drunk, these provide a stamina buff.

Crafting ingredients[]

Several items generally obtained through other means can also occasionally turn up while fishing.

Elemental goods[]

These drop from various elementals, but can also be fished. Azshara sometimes has Patch of Elemental Water Pools that will spawn, and Nagrand will sometimes have Pure Water Pools. These pools have an increased rate of elemental water catches.

Weapons and armor[]

Various weapon items or armor items are occasionally caught while fishing. This list is not intended to be an all-inclusive list, but only a list of those items that you can ONLY obtain via fishing. The Crushfish, Strongfish and Herring have the added benefit of looking like fish as you wield them.

Weapons and armor unique to fishing:

Fishing equipment[]

  • The Inv fishingpole 02 [Darkwood Fishing Pole], an extremely rare +15 fishing pole, can only be obtained by fishing. If you can find one, it fills a void in the fishing pole progression. Do not expect to find one in the auction house.
  • Although not obtained directly through fishing, the Achievement profession fishing journeymanfisher [Bone Fishing Pole] and Inv fishingpole 05 [Jeweled Fishing Pole] can rarely be found in Inv misc bag 12 [Bag of Shiny Things], which are rewards from daily fishing quests.
  • The Inv misc book 09 [Weather-Beaten Journal] can only be obtained by fishing. It is not fished directly but is fished in box-like containers. It is not equipment used while fishing, but rather teaches a skill useful for fishing - tracking fishing nodes on your mini-map.

Vendor Quality Items[]

Various Vendor trash items can be caught while fishing.

The mechanics of fishing skill level were changed significantly in patch 3.1. Prior to 3.1, each zone had a minimum skill requirement to be able to cast in that zone, and a cap where you achieved a 100% catch rate in that zone. In between there was a chance your fish could "get away"; you would catch nothing and receive no skill-up for that cast.

As of 3.1, there is no longer a minimum skill requirement to fish in any zone, and all casts will catch something and award a chance for a skill-up. However, if your skill level is too low for a zone, you will catch mostly junk items. The skill level required to guarantee "no junk" catches is equivalent to the old "no get away" level.

The following list of "junk" items are specific to fishing:

† The Old Teamster's Skull is a reference to real-life Teamster Jimmy Hoffa, who famously went missing.

Quest items[]

Some fished items are the object of a quest. These are typically a quest item type, are only used in that quest, and can only be caught while you are doing the quest. These will typically have no vend value, but note that 'Strange Engine Part' can be caught outside the quest (since it starts the quest) and vends for 1g. The quest is repeatable, although you can only have one active quest at a time.

Name Needed For Number
Fished In Quest Reward
Inv misc gear 03 [Electropeller] A Fishing [12] Electropellers 12 Darkshore 20 x Inv misc spyglass 01 [Aquadynamic Fish Lens]
Inv gizmo 02 [Gaffer Jack] A Fishing [12] Gaffer Jacks 8 Darkshore 2s 50c
Inv gizmo 01 [Strange Engine Part] A Fishing [10-30] Strange Engine Part 1 (starts quest) Steam Pump Flotsam nodes in Zangarmarsh 2g 95s
(additional units can be vended)

Raid boss[]

See also[]

External links[]
