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Fishing icon WoW Icon update Fishing (Profession)

Fishing pools, or Schools of Fish, are location objects found in different bodies of water in WoW that have a significance to the fishing profession. Typically, a higher portion of more desirable items can be fished within a fishing pool. Fishing pool is a more general term; School of Fish is a fishing pool that contains (primarily) fish. School of Fish can also mean a kind of critter object in WoW that is not directly fishable (but appears only in fishable waters), and so fishing pool is more specific as regards the fishing profession; School of Fish critter objects are not fishing pools.


Fishing pools are shallow cylindrical regions within fishable water. They designate small regions within fishable water that give better kinds of catches than the surrounding water. Some fish can only be obtained from Fishing pools.

In order to fish a Fishing pool, your bobber must be within the circular area on the surface of the water that defines the boundaries of the fishing pool. Only the top surface has significance for fishing.

To do this, face the pool, pole in hand. Cast, then if you want to only fish the pool, recast each time you miss. An AddOn such as Fishing Buddy can make this easier to do.

If your bobber lands close to the boundary of the pool, it may be unclear if it is within the pool or not. You can often tell from what you catch, but if you are in a hurry you may not want to wait.

Some of the uncertainty is from the 3-D nature of the pool. Depending on the type of pool, it may be partly outlined by fish critters swimming within the pool boundaries. These will be under the surface of the pool and from your point of view will appear to be offset toward you on the surface. Also, some of the defining graphics fade in and out, simulating the effects of light on water.

Another visual challenge is that the barrels and crates in a Floating Wreckage pool can somewhat obscure your bobber. Also, they are slightly bobbing, and can make your bobber seem to be bobbing prematurely relative to themselves. (Enabling sound effects can avoid this problem, if you're not near other fishers; just listen for the splash.)

Fishing pools never yield junk, even at a skill level of 1, and they give skillups just as fast as the surrounding water.

Fishing pools are not permanent, but appear and remain until fished out (like mineral nodes are mined out) then respawn at a different location. The respawn rules vary, some types have a delay, some do not.


Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor schools[]

Name Main Catch Coastal or Inland Zones Located
Bloodsail Wreckage Inv box 02 [Mithril Bound Trunk] Coastal Stranglethorn Vale
Firefin Snapper Pool Inv misc monsterhead 01 [Firefin Snapper] Coastal Various
Floating Debris Inv box 01 [Tightly Sealed Trunk] Coastal & Inland Azshara
Northern Barrens
Redridge Mountains
Silverpine Forest
Floating Wreckage Inv box 02 [Mithril Bound Trunk] Coastal Stranglethorn Vale
Greater Sagefish School Inv misc fish 21 [Raw Greater Sagefish] Inland Eastern Plaguelands
Western Plaguelands
Mixed Ocean School Inv misc monsterhead 01 [Firefin Snapper] Inland Stranglethorn Vale
Muddy Churning Waters Inv misc fish 05 [Zulian Mudskunk] N/A Zul'Gurub
Oily Blackmouth School Inv misc monsterhead 04 [Oily Blackmouth] Coastal Arathi Highlands
Blasted Lands
Hillsbrad Foothills
Swamp of Sorrows
Sagefish School Inv misc fish 20 [Raw Sagefish] Inland Ashenvale
Silverpine Forest
Stranglethorn Vale
School of Deviate Fish Inv misc monsterhead 01 [Deviate Fish] Inland Northern Barrens
Schooner Wreckage Inv box 01 [Watertight Trunk] Coastal & Inland Ashenvale
Hillsbrad Foothills
Stonetalon Mountains
Speckled Tastyfish Pool Inv misc fish 21 [Speckled Tastyfish] Coastal Stranglethorn Vale
Stonescale Eel Swarm Inv misc fish 11 [Stonescale Eel] Coastal Blasted Lands
Swamp of Sorrows
Thousand Needles
Waterlogged Wreckage Inv box 01 [Iron Bound Trunk] Coastal & Inland Desolace
Dustwallow Marsh
Western Plaguelands

Muddy Churning Waters and Speckled Tastyfish Pools were removed in Patches 4.0.3 and 5.1.0 respectively.

Outland schools[]

Name Main Catch Zones Located
Bluefish School Inv misc fish 23 [Icefin Bluefish] Nagrand
Brackish Mixed School Inv misc fish 36 [Golden Darter]
Inv misc fish 39 [Spotted Feltail]
Terokkar Forest
Highland Mixed School Inv misc fish 36 [Golden Darter]
Inv misc fish 14 [Furious Crawdad]
Terokkar Forest
Mudfish School Inv misc fish 41 [Figluster's Mudfish] Nagrand
Pure Water Inv elemental mote water01 [Mote of Water] Nagrand
Steam Pump Flotsam Inv crate 01 [Heavy Supply Crate]
Inv gizmo 03 [Steam Pump Debris]
Zangarian Sporefish School Inv misc fish 34 [Zangarian Sporefish] Zangarmarsh

Northrend schools[]

Name Main Catch Coastal or Inland Zones Located
Borean Man O'War School Inv misc fish 49 [Borean Man O' War] Coastal Borean Tundra
Deep Sea Monsterbelly School Inv misc fish 60 [Deep Sea Monsterbelly] Off Coast The Frozen Sea
Borean Tundra
Dragonfin Angelfish School Inv misc fish 54 [Dragonfin Angelfish] Inland Dragonblight
Fangtooth Herring School Inv misc fish 67 [Fangtooth Herring] Inland Howling Fjord
Glacial Salmon School Inv misc fish 51 [Glacial Salmon] Inland Grizzly Hills
Glassfin Minnow School Inv misc fish 69 [Glassfin Minnow] Inland Crystalsong Forest
Imperial Manta Ray School Inv misc fish 59 [Imperial Manta Ray] Coastal Borean Tundra
Grizzly Hills
Moonglow Cuttlefish School Inv misc fish 70 [Moonglow Cuttlefish] Off Coast The Frozen Sea
Musselback Sculpin School Inv misc fish 62 [Musselback Sculpin] Inland Borean Tundra
Nettlefish School Inv misc fish 72 [Nettlefish] Inland Sholazar Basin

Cataclysm schools[]

Name Main Catch Coastal or Inland Zones Located
Albino Cavefish School Inv misc fish 81 [Albino Cavefish] Inland Deepholm
Algaefin Rockfish School Inv misc fish 84 [Algaefin Rockfish] Coastal Twilight Highlands
Blackbelly Mudfish School Inv misc fish 85 [Blackbelly Mudfish] Inland Uldum
Fathom Eel Swarm Inv misc fish 80 [Fathom Eel] Coastal Uldum, Tol Barad
Highland Guppy School Inv misc fish 77 [Highland Guppy] Inland Twilight Highlands
Mountain Trout School Inv misc fish 90 [Mountain Trout] Inland Mount Hyjal
Pool of Fire Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire] Lava Mount Hyjal, Twilight Highlands
Shipwreck Debris Inv crate 03 [Sealed Crate] Coastal & Inland Tol Barad Peninsula

Pandaria schools[]

Name Main Catch Coastal or Inland Zones Located
Emperor Salmon School Inv misc fish 98 [Emperor Salmon] Coastal & Inland Valley of the Four Winds, Krasarang Wilds
Giant Mantis Shrimp Swarm Inv misc fish 101 [Giant Mantis Shrimp] Coastal Various
Jade Lungfish School Inv misc fish 95 [Jade Lungfish] Inland The Jade Forest
Jewel Danio School Inv misc fish 92 [Jewel Danio] Inland Timeless Isle
Krasarang Paddlefish School Inv misc fish 93 [Krasarang Paddlefish] Coastal & Inland Krasarang Wilds, Valley of the Four Winds
Redbelly Mandarin School Inv misc fish 94 [Redbelly Mandarin] Inland Townlong Steppes
Reef Octopus Swarm Inv misc fish 102 [Reef Octopus] Coastal Various
Spinefish School Inv misc fish 96 [Spinefish] Inland Various
Tiger Gourami School Inv misc fish 99 [Tiger Gourami] Coastal & Inland Kun-Lai Summit

Draenor schools[]

The continent of Draenor is available to players with the Warlords of Draenor Warlords of Draenor expansion.

Name Main Catch Coastal or Inland Zones Located
Blind Lake Sturgeon School Inv fishing f sturgeon2 [Blind Lake Sturgeon] Inland Shadowmoon Valley
Fire Ammonite School Inv fishing f ammonite2 [Fire Ammonite] Inland Frostfire Ridge, Nagrand
Jawless Skulker School Inv fishing f skulker2 [Jawless Skulker] Inland Gorgrond
Blackwater Whiptail School Inv fishing f whiptail2 [Blackwater Whiptail] Inland Talador
Abyssal Gulper School Inv fishing f gulper2 [Abyssal Gulper Eel] Inland Spires of Arak
Fat Sleeper School Inv fishing f sleeper2 [Fat Sleeper] Inland Nagrand
Savage Piranha School Inv misc fish 88 [Savage Piranha] Coastal & Inland Ashran
Sea Scorpion School Inv fishing f seascorpion2 [Sea Scorpion] Coastal Various
Felmouth Frenzy School Ability creature poison 05 [Felmouth Frenzy] Inland Tanaan Jungle

Broken Isles schools[]

The Broken Isles is available to players with the Legion Legion expansion.

Name Main Catch Coastal or Inland Zones Located
Black Barracuda School Inv fish blackbarracudablue [Black Barracuda] Coastal Broken Isles
Cursed Queenfish School Inv fish cursedqueenfishgreen [Cursed Queenfish] Coastal & Inland Azsuna
Highmountain Salmon School Inv fish highmountainsalmonred [Highmountain Salmon] Coastal & Inland Highmountain
Mossgill Perch School Inv fish mossgillperchgreen [Mossgill Perch] Coastal & Inland Val'sharah
Runescale Koi School Inv fish runescalekoigold [Runescale Koi] Coastal & Inland Suramar
Fever of Stormrays Inv fish stormraygreen [Stormray] Coastal & Inland Stormheim

Kul Tiran and Zandalarian schools[]

The Kul Tiras and Zandalar schools are available to players within the Battle for AzerothBattle for Azeroth expansion.

Name Main Catch Coastal or Inland Zones Located
Great Sea Catfish Inv fishing greatseacatfish [Great Sea Catfish] Inland Kul Tiras and Zandalar
Tiragarde Perch Inv fishing tiragardeperch [Tiragarde Perch] Inland Kul Tiras
Lane Snapper Inv fishing lanesnapper [Lane Snapper] Coastal Kul Tiras
Frenzied Fangtooth Inv fishing frenziedfangtooth [Frenzied Fangtooth] Coastal Kul Tiras
Redtail Loach Inv fishing redtailloach [Redtail Loach] Inland Zandalar
Slimy Mackerel Inv fishing slimymackerel [Slimy Mackerel] Coastal Zandalar
Sand Shifter Inv fishing sandshifter [Sand Shifter] Coastal Zandalar

Several rare schools of fish related to the Inv misc 2h draenorfishingpole b 01 [Underlight Angler], both in obtaining it and leveling it up:

Name Main Catch Coastal or Inland Zones Located
Ancient Highmountain Salmon Inv fish highmountainsalmonblue [Ancient Highmountain Salmon] Inland & Coastal Highmountain, Broken Isles
Ancient Black Barracuda Inv fish blackbarracudagreen [Ancient Black Barracuda] Coastal Great Sea, Broken Isles
Ancient Mossgill Inv fish mossgillperchblue [Ancient Mossgill] Inland & Coastal Val'sharah, Broken Isles
Tainted Runescale Koi Inv fish runescalekoipurple [Tainted Runescale Koi] Inland & Coastal Suramar, Broken Isles
Ghostly Queenfish Inv misc fish 73 [Ghostly Queenfish] Inland & Coastal Azsuna, Broken Isles
Oodelfjisk Inv fish oodelfjiskgreen [Oodelfjisk] Inland & Coastal Stormheim, Broken Isles

In addition, a handful of other fishing pools were added to newer zones later in the expansion:

Name Main Catch Coastal or Inland Zones Located
Viper Fish Inv fishing 82 viperfish [Viper Fish] Inland Nazjatar
Mauve Stinger Inv fishing 82 mauvestinger [Mauve Stinger] Inland Nazjatar
Ionized Minnow Inv fishing f sturgeon1 [Ionized Minnow] Inland & Coastal Mechagon
Aberrant Voidfin Inv misc fish 63 [Aberrant Voidfin] Inland Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Malformed Gnasher Inv nzothfish void [Malformed Gnasher] Inland & Coastal Uldum

Shadowlands Pools[]

Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

These schools are available to players within the Shadowlands expansion:

Name Main Catch Coastal or Inland Zones Located
Lost Sole Inv fishing lostsole [Lost Sole] Inland All Shadowlands zones except for The Maw
Iridescent Amberjack Inv fishing iridescentamberjack [Iridescent Amberjack] Inland Ardenweald
Silvergill Pike Inv fishing silvergirllpike [Silvergill Pike] Inland Bastion
Pocked Bonefish Inv fishing pockedbonefish [Pocked Bonefish] Inland Maldraxxus
Spinefin Piranha Inv fishing spinefinpiranha [Spinefin Piranha] Inland Revendreth
Elysian Thade Inv fishing elysianthade [Elysian Thade] Inland All Shadowlands zones except for The Maw

Special Pools[]

There are some pools that, while visible at the water surface, are not used as a fishing resource. These may be used as quest objectives or to summon a boss. These have a slightly different appearance than normal fishing schools. A normal Fishing school will look like a circular outlined darker patch of water. A quest objective pool will look like a speckled surface area.


The following achievements require fishing from Pools:

Additionally some element of pool fishing is needed to complete these Achievements:

Patch changes[]

  • Wrath-Logo-Small Hotfix (2009-04-16): Certain fishing nodes for one of the fishing daily quests should no longer be spawned on land.[1]
  • WoW Icon update Patch 1.9.0 (2006-01-03): Schools of fish have appeared around the world that can be fished from a few times before being fished out.


  1. ^ Blizz Bornakk 2009-04-16. Recent In-Game Fixes - 4/16/09. Retrieved on 2009-05-24.