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Fizzcrank Pumping Station

The Fizzcrank Pumping Station is an oil platform located in the Geyser Fields in the Borean Tundra.[65, 23.5]VZ-Borean TundraBlip The gnomes built it to make fuel for their flying machines at Fizzcrank Airstrip.[1]

One day while a crew was siphoning oil off the pump station in the geyser fields, they found a bunch of strange mechanical parts stuck in their pipelines. Since no gnome can turn down a puzzle, they figured out that all those parts belonged together, and they rebuilt them into a robot that looked like a giant gnome. It turned on, called itself Gearmaster Mechazod, and claimed to have been built by the titans. He informed all the gnomes that they were flawed beings, mechagnomes who had been tainted by the Curse of Flesh, and then kidnaped any gnomes he could find in order to convert them into cyborg monstrosities, which took control of the station. Fizzcrank Fullthrottle lost several people to being turned into angry little robots before Mechazod got stopped by adventurers.[2]

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