- For the fire elemental, see Flame Warden (fire elemental).
- This article is about the Alliance NPC. For the Horde version, see Flame Keeper. For the neutral version, see Flame Guardian. For the title, see Flame Warden (title).
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Gender | Both |
Race(s) | Human, Dwarf, Gnome, Night elf, Draenei, Pandaren (Humanoid) |
Level | 1-70 |
Reaction | Alliance Horde |
Location | Azeroth, Outland |
The subject of this article or section is part of Midsummer Fire Festival, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks, after which it is no longer available until the next year.

Blasted Lands Flame Warden

Suramar Flame Warden.

Drustvar Flame Warden

Tiragarde Sound Flame Warden
A Flame Warden is an Alliance NPC that watches over the Alliance Bonfires throughout Azeroth, during the Midsummer Fire Festival. Each warden is named after the zone they reside in (most of the time). They are followed by Summer Scorchlings.
[1-70] Honor the Flame
- An instance of this quest is available at each Alliance bonfire site.
- Gossip
Welcome, <class>. Have you come to honor this flame?
Remember: Our festival fires burn in every land with an Alliance settlement. Make time to honor each of them, if you can.
The Horde too, burns fires of their own. You would do well to desecrate such unworthy efforts when you see them.
- Kalimdor
- Ashenvale - South-East of Astranaar [37, 54]
- Azuremyst Isle - West of Azure Watch [44, 52]
- Bloodmyst Isle - South of Blood Watch [55, 67]
- Darkshore - Lor'Danel [48.8, 22.4]
- Desolace - South of Nijel's Point [65, 17]
- Dustwallow Marsh - North-West of Theramore [61, 39]
- Feralas - Eas of old Feathermoon Stronghold [46.8, 43.6]
- Silithus - East of Cenarion Hold [55, 35]
- Tanaris - East of Gadgetzan [52, 28]
- Teldrassil - Dolanaar [54, 60]
- Winterspring - North-East of Everlook [62, 35]
- Uldum (human)
- Eastern Kingdoms
- Arathi Highlands - Northeast of Refuge Point [50, 44]
- Blasted Lands - West of Nethergarde Keep [58, 17]
- Burning Steppes - Morgan's Vigil [81, 63]
- Dun Morogh - North of Kharanos [46, 47]
- Duskwood - South of Darkshire [73, 54]
- Elwynn Forest - Goldshire [43, 63]
- Hillsbrad Foothills - North of Southshore [50, 47]
- Loch Modan - North of Thelsamar [32, 40]
- Redridge Mountains - South of Lakeshire [26, 60]
- Stranglethorn Vale - East of Booty Bay [33, 74]
- The Hinterlands - East of Aerie Peak [14, 50]
- Wetlands - North of Menethil Harbor [13, 47]
- Western Plaguelands - Chillwind Camp [43, 82]
- Westfall - Sentinel Hill [55, 52]
- Twilight Highlands (dwarf)
- Outland
- Hellfire Peninsula - East of Honor Hold [62, 58]
- Zangarmarsh - South of Telredor [69, 52]
- Terokkar Forest - West of Allerian Stronghold [54, 56]
- Nagrand - West of Telaar [50, 70]
- Blade's Edge Mountains - East of Sylvanaar [41, 65]
- Netherstorm - North of Area 52 [31, 62]
- Shadowmoon Valley - North-East of Wildhammer Stronghold [40, 54]
- Northrend
- Borean Tundra - West of Fizzcrank Airstrip [55, 19]
- Crystalsong Forest - Northeast of Windrunner's Overlook [78, 74]
- Dragonblight - Northwest of Wintergarde Keep [75, 43]
- Grizzly Hills - East of Amberpine Lodge [33, 60]
- Howling Fjord - West of Fort Wildervar [57, 16]
- Sholazar Basin - South shore of River's Heart [48, 66]
- Storm Peaks - Southeast of K3 [41, 86]
- Zul'Drak - North of The Argent Stand [40, 61]
- Pandaria