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Mogu Fleshshaper HS

Mogu Fleshshaper in Hearthstone.

“Dese 'Mogu,' dey workin' wicked dark magic here. Da Saurok, 'dey not born - 'dey was created. Flesh shaped an' bent. Dis be the blackest of magics, mon!”


Flesh-shaping is an extremely painful process which is used on living animals. It "stretches" skin, bone and flesh on animals, forming it into new shapes, while they're alive and screaming loudly. Mastering this power requires decades of study.[2] The Engine of Nalak'sha was the source of the mogu's flesh-shaping power.[3][4] In the Halls of Flesh-Shaping lies the mysterious substance responsible for all mogu flesh-shaping experiments.[5]

Upon entering the Dark Rookery, Vol'jin felt the residue from the creation of the saurok. According to him, the magic that could remake something so completely came from the dawn of time, and the titans had used such magic in their acts of creation. The incredible powers of such sorcery cannot be understood, let alone mastered, by a sound mind, but dreams of it fuels flights of fancy. Vol'jin thought that the same magic that had created the first saurok could unmake the murlocs that had killed his father or cause humans to regress back to vrykul. However, he also realized that in thinking that, he was falling prey to the same trap as the mogu. Immortal magic will inevitably corrupt a mortal, destroying the wielder and, likely, his people.[2]

Created by flesh-shaping[]

In Maldraxxus[]

Main article: Maldraxxi

Maldraxxus is a place all about flesh shaping and resources given to soldiers to become the best army they can Someone arriving in Maldraxxus is given a very basic kind of form that they can inhabit and then based on their victories or their losses they get upgrades or downgrades to that body, the little scrawny leftover abominations are an example for those that just didn't work out, whereas someone like Draka and Vashj who was successful working their way up the ladders very quickly they are in the position where they could start making some choices and are given some latitude in order to decide their form and start shaping their flesh their way, if someone doesn't prove themself then those choices dissipate pretty quickly.[7] The Primus using the Bindings of Fleshcrafting shaped "the very flesh and bone of Maldraxxus".[8] Margrave Gharmal had the power to shape form in ways few beings can, his heart is called the Inv misc organ 02 [Fleshshaper's Heart] and is used to empower the kyrian Crest of Ascension.[9]

