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NeutralFlip Quickcharge
Image of Flip Quickcharge
Title <Engineering Trainer>
Gender Male
Race Mechagon mechagnome (Humanoid)
Level 50
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Rustbolt Resistance, Dragonscale Expedition
Location Rustbolt, Mechagon Island; Operation: Mechagon
Status Alive
Relative(s) Pristy (twin sister)

Flip Quickcharge is a Mechagon mechagnome located in Rustbolt on Mechagon Island. He is also encountered in Operation: Mechagon.

Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

He and his sister joined the Dragonscale Expedition and traveled to the Dragon Isles. They are found just north of the Dragonscale Basecamp in the Waking Shores.


Inv misc book 11 [Book of Schematics: Ub3r-Spanner]
Inv eng chemicalblastingcap [Chemical Blasting Cap]
1g 15s
Inv offhand 1h draenorchallenge d 01 [Hypersensitive Azeritometer Sensor]
Inv jewelcrafting delicatecopperwire [Insulated Wiring]



  • Dear sister, our own generator is getting low on power. I may need to go visit that Charging Station our test subject found.
  • Good news, dear sister! We have empty energy cells for the NRG-100!
  • Imagine what we could accomplish with a higher voltage generator! So many things, my dear test subject.
  • It is truly a glorious day.
  • No one wants to plumb the depths of that muck. So we'll make the muck bring it to us!
  • Of course, dear sister.
  • Of course, dear sister. We shall be in both.
  • Of course, dear sister. We will rebuild our lab even better this time.
  • Of course, dear sister. You are always correct.
  • Power spike, dear sister! Our test subject has done it!
  • Repairs on the generator are sufficient. Next step: more power!
  • So much power... the generator... it's beautiful...
  • The generator's back online!
  • Tremendous! Now the experiment can begin.
  • Yes, dear test subject, the Quickcharge twins are destined for the history books.
  • Yes, we must restore power to our generator. For science!

As I'm always telling my dear sister, energy is the lifeblood of innovation!

Trainer Train me.

Buy Let me browse your goods.

Patch changes[]

See also[]

External links[]

Mechagon Island Mechagon Island Operation: Mechagon