- Focus Augment Rune
- Use: Increases Intellect by 12 for 1 hour. Augment Rune.
- Requires Level 40
- 1 Charge
- "Can be bought and sold on the auction house."
- Sell Price: 4
Focus Augment Runes drop from "Warlords of Draenor" raid bosses (and from raid trash mobs, though only in Hellfire Citadel) in any raid difficulty but only when using personal loot). They can also drop from world raid boss Supreme Lord Kazzak.
They are also looted from the following objects and containers:
- Sargerei Warspoils
- Spoils of the Assault
[Bursting Stacked Card Deck]
[Overflowing Stacked Card Deck]
[Satchel of Savage Mysteries]
[Savage Satchel of Cooperation]
Created by[]
Focus Augment Rune is created from [Runic Pouch] when looted by the following classes and specializations.
- mage
- priest
- warlock
- Balance and Restoration druid
- Holy paladin
- Elemental and Restoration shaman
- Mistweaver monk
- Only one Augment Rune buff may be active at any given time.
- Can be combined with flasks and elixirs.
- Does not persist through death.
Patch changes[]
Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Added.