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NeutralFog Wards
Start Master Bruised Paw [18.3, 31.2]VZ-Valley of the Four WindsBlip
End Master Bruised Paw [18.3, 31.2]VZ-Valley of the Four WindsBlip
Level 15-35
Category Valley of the Four Winds
Experience 129000
Rewards Item level 399 necklaces
10g 20s
Previous N [15-35] Unyielding Fists: Trial of Bamboo
Next N [15-35] Unyielding Fists: Trial of Wood


Light the Northern Fog Ward, the Western Fog Ward, and the Southern Fog Ward.



Several wards surround us, hidden in the woods near my home. They are quite effective at dispersing the mist, but they require constant upkeep.

You will find one to the north, one to the west, and one to the south. Find these wards and light them.


Item level 399 necklaces
Inv jewelry necklace 62 [Necklace of Three Sins] Inv jewelry necklace 69 [Jhuuroon's Collar]
Inv jewelry necklace 78 [Necklace of Relative Peace] Inv jewelry necklace 58 [Amulet of the Singing Marshes]
Inv jewelry necklace 63 [Otouxian Amulet]

You will also receive: 10g 20s


See if you can light one of the wards while one of the mist incarnations is nearby.


You honor your people, <name>.


  • 129000 XP


Pick up N [15-35] They Will Be Mist and N [15-35] Tenderpaw By Name, Tender Paw By Reputation before heading out.

Mist horrors are all over the area. Try to kite them to any of the three wards and light the ward to nigh-instantly kill them. Leaves can be found on rocks near trees.


  1. N [15-35] Lin Tenderpaw
  2. N [15-35] Stemming the Swarm & N [15-35] Evacuation Orders
  3. N [15-35] The Hidden Master
  4. N [15-35] Unyielding Fists: Trial of Bamboo
  5. N [15-35] They Will Be Mist & N [15-35] Fog Wards & N [15-35] Tenderpaw By Name, Tender Paw By Reputation
  6. N [15-35] Unyielding Fists: Trial of Wood
  7. N [15-35] A Taste For Eggs
  8. N [15-35] Unyielding Fists: Trial of Stone
  9. N [15-35] Training and Discipline

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