Footmen are warriors and versatile foot soldiers[1] who serve as basic infantry in armies of the human nations. Comprising the bulk of the Alliance army, the footman is the heart of the war machine for elves, humans and dwarves. Fighting in close formation, they use proven tactical methods: advance slowly with shields raised, then draw swords and close to melee range.
Footmen appeared as units on the human or Alliance side in Warcraft, Warcraft II and Warcraft III. They are the classic counterpart to grunts but despite their heavy armor they are weaker than them in Warcraft III (they do, however, cost much less). This may be explained by the fact that the footmen of the Third War are mostly volunteers lacking the plate armor and specialized training of their predecessors.[2]
First War[]
- Main article: Footman (Warcraft I)
Footmen were the backbone of the King's armies. They were foot soldiers trained in the art of melee combat using the sword and shield. Well armored for maximum defense against attacks, they could also deliver a solid blow with their double edged weapons.[3]
Second War[]
- Main article: Footman (Warcraft II)
Footmen were the initial line of defense against the Horde. Arrayed in hardened steel armor, they courageously wielded broadsword and shield in hand-to-hand combat against their vile orcish foes. The valorous footmen were ever prepared to heed the call to arms.[4]
Footman vs Grunt by Chris Metzen.
Third War[]
- Main article: Footman (Warcraft III)
The vast ranks of the Alliance armies have been replenished since the devastating battles of the Second War. Trained in the arts of swordsmanship, the stoic footmen of the Alliance serve as Lordaeron's first line of defense. Armed with broadswords and heavy kite shields, footmen are capable of breaking any enemy charge.[5] Though these fierce warriors lacked the shining plate mail and specialized training of their noble predecessors, they still fought with bravery and honor on the field of battle.
In-game unit in Warcraft III.
In-game unit in Warcraft III: Reforged.
On the artwork "Arthas and Archimonde" by Bayard Wu.
World of Warcraft[]
- During the World of Warcraft alpha, the Imperial Plate set was intended to equip human footmen.[6]
- Footmen are now commonly used as city and town guards in human-controlled lands like Stromgarde Keep, Stormwind City, Theramore Isle, and Honor Hold.
- It is also shown that many dwarves were footmen too,[7] even during the Second War.[8]
- During the war against the Lich King human footmen were given cloaks to combat the cold weather of Northrend and had slightly bigger pauldrons. Human footmen were given another upgrade during the Fourth War.
- Human marines are a force of specialized footmen.
- The Stormwind Set can be used in order to look like a Stormwind footman.
- Danath Trollbane
- Thornby
- Garth
- Guard Marcus
- Guard Trogdar
- Guard Troy
- Guard Seth
- Rolf Hartford
- Malakai Stone
- Footman George - Borean Tundra
- Footman Chuck - Borean Tundra
- Footman Rob - Borean Tundra
- Footman Mitch - Borean Tundra
- Footman Hordum - Zul'drak
- Footman James - Culling of Stratholme
- Footman Maxwell - Culling of Stratholme
- Warcraft III
- World of Warcraft
- Hillsbrad Footman - Hillsbrad Foothills
- Refuge Pointe Defender - Arathi Highlands
- Stromgarde Defender - Arathi Highlands
- Nijel's Point Guard - Desolace
- Dark Iron Footman - Searing Gorge
- Nethergarde Footman - Blasted Lands
- Ironforge Brigade Footman - Silithus
- Anvilrage Footman - Blackrock Depths
- Unyielding Footman - Hellfire Peninsula
- Alliance Footman - Battle for Mount Hyjal
- Human Footman - Karazhan
- Valiance Keep Footman - Borean Tundra
- Scourged Footman - Borean Tundra
- Fordragon Footman - Dragonblight
- Forgotten Footman - Dragonblight
- Onslaught Footman - Dragonblight
- Amberpine Footman - Grizzly Hills
- Westfall Brigade Footman - Grizzly Hills
- Argent Footman - Zul'drak
- Scourged Argent Footman - Zul'drak
- Lordaeron Footsoldier - Icecrown
- Boneguard Footman - Icecrown
- Lordaeron Footman - Culling of Stratholme
- Spectral Footman - Halls of Reflection
- Stormwind Infantry - Elwynn Forest
- Honor's Stand Footman - Southern Barrens
- Triumph Vanguard - Southern Barrens
- Northwatch Guard - Southern Barrens
- Northwatch Infantry - Stonetalon Mountains
- Marshtide Footman - Swamp of Sorrows
- Marshtide Invader - Swamp of Sorrows
- Baradin Guard - Tol Barad
- Fallen Footman - Tol Barad
- Time-Twisted Footman - End Time
- Theramore Footman - Theramore's Fall
- Shipwrecked Footman - Jade Forest
- Sha-Touched Footman - Shrine of Seven Stars
- Shieldwall Footman - Krasarang Wilds
- Lion's Footman - Domination Point
- Stormwind Footman - Purge of Dalaran
- Lunarfall Footman - Lunarfall
- Stormshield Footman - Ashran
- Stormshield Vanguard - Ashran
- Fort Wrynn Footman - Talador
- Southport Footman - Spires of Arak
- Telaari Footman - Spires of Arak
- Lion's Watch Footman - Tanaan Jungle
- Alliance Infantry - Battle for the Broken Shore
- Gilnean Footman - Battle for the Broken Shore
- Fort Victory Footman - Nazmir
- Gilnean Footman - Darkshore
In the RPG[]
This grim, mud-slogging soldier initially appears to be a grizzled veteran, until you get a glimpse of his young face. His weapons and armor look worn, like they were scavenged from a battlefield.
Footmen like to travel in small groups and form ranks. They are attuned to formation fighting, and coordinate their attacks. They're capable of bringing down well-armored opponents.[9]
Action figure[]
The "Human Footman" was also an action figure of the "Epic Action Figures, Collection I: Warcraft II", produced by Blizzard Entertainment.
- [Broadsword]
- [Tower Shield]
- Full Helm
Description on card back[]
- Humans
Joined by the stoic Dwarves and the reclusive Elves, the Human denizens of Lordaeron prepare to wage war against a terrifying enemy. United in arms against a common foe, this new Alliance stands upon the shores of destiny and awaits the coming of the Orcish Horde.
- Footman
- Allegiance:
- The Alliance
- Leader:
- Equipment:
Footmen serve as the initial line of defense for the lands of the Alliance and are the backbone of the King's armies. Clad in armor of hardened steel, they wield broadsword and shield in pitched hand-to-hand combat against the enemies of humanity.[10]
- In Warcraft: Orcs & Humans and Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, it is a rank you can achieve.
This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
Stormwind, Kul Tiras, Stromgarde, Theramore, Lordaeron and the Sons of Lothar are depicted as having "classic" footman armor matching the color of their faction. Gilneas have their own infantry corps, with soldiers being depicted in the form of Gilnean Guards and later Footmen. Nethergarde, Hillsbrad and the Baradin's Wardens had footmen with different armors. Dalaran have their Kirin Tor Guardians (of which the Violet Hold Guards may be a sub-division, as seen in the Nighthold). It is unknown if Alterac had footmen, but the Syndicate Enforcers and Watchmen could have been remnants of them.
- World of Warcraft
Lordaeron footman
Gilneas footman
Stormwind footman
Warlords of Draenor-era Stormwind footman.
Battle for Azeroth-era Stormwind footman.
Sons of Lothar footman
Stromgarde footman
Baradin Hold footman
Theramore footman
Triumph footman
Scarlet footman
Valiance Expedition footman
Vanilla-era Kul Tiras footman.
- Cinematic stills and art
Footmen and riflemen during the Battle for Lordaeron.
A cinematic still of a Alliance soldier from the Battle for Azeroth intro.
On the Battle for Azeroth Horde wallpaper.
Orc vs Human artwork for Battle for Azeroth.
"For Lordaeron" by Glenn Rane and Cole Eastburn.
"A Lion Among Wolves" by Samwise Didier.
- Other
Kul Tiran Footman in Hearthstone.
Risen Footman in Hearthstone.
Stormwind Avenger in Hearthstone.
Stormwind Guard in Hearthstone.
Netherwind Portal in Hearthstone.
Provoke in Hearthstone.
Footman minion in the animated short Hearth and Home.
Stormwind footmen in the United in Stormwind trailer.
Alliance Footman from the Alterac Pass battleground in Heroes of the Storm.
Varian Footman skin from Heroes of the Storm.
BlizzCon 2019 footman statue.
On the cover of The Art of Blizzard Entertainment.
Footman art by Cole Eastburn.
Footman in Warcraft Arclight Rumble
In the film universe.
Fan art[]
Fan rendition of footmen from the Seven Kingdoms.
Footmen models for Warcraft: Chronicles of the Second War fan-made mod for Warcraft III: Reforged.
- ^ The Defense of Strahnbrad (WC3 Human)
- ^
- ^ Warcraft: Orcs & Humans manual, Azeroth Army of the First War, Footman
- ^ Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual, Alliance Ground Units, Footman
- ^ Blizzard Entertainment. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Manual, 9 - 10.
- ^ File:WoW computergaming extract.jpg
- ^ Nethergarde Footman
- ^ Honor Hold Defender
- ^ Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 184-185
- ^