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NeutralFor Food and Rivalry
Start Scout Tomul[75.68, 31.68]VZ-Ohn'ahran PlainsBlip
End Scout Tomul[75.68, 31.68]VZ-Ohn'ahran PlainsBlip
Level 62-65
Category Ohn'ahran Plains
Experience 9,350
Reputation +200 Maruuk Centaur
Rewards 26g 21s
Previous N [62-65] Toward the City
Next N [62-65] By Broken Road


Collect 30 Fresh Game Meat from wildlife in Wanderer's Steppe.


Maruuk travel from all across the plains to attend the Khural, and the gathering lasts many days.

Feeding that many centaur is no simple feat. Clan Shikaar's hunters provide meat for all of the shared meals. It is our tradition to hunt on our way to Maruukai.

You must pull your weight as well.


You will receive:


Our youngest hunters are passionate and determined. Be sure they don't show you up.


You hunt as strangely as you fight. I hope Aru and Belika observed your technique.


On accept:

Scout Tomul says: Aru! Belika! Show the two-foot how we hunt.
Belika says: The hunt is on, <name>!
Aru says: Whoever brings back the most game wins!
Aru and Belika run off in different directions.

Inv cooking 90 aetherealmeat [Fresh Game Meat] drops in varying quantities from the mammoths (Plainswalker Calves, Plainswalker Mammoths, and elite Plainswalker Bulls), rhinos (Sunhide Stomphoofs), and argali (Fleecepelt Argali) on the steppe. Stronger beasts drop more meat. If the player kills a flock of Fleecepelt Argali, Aru will criticize them:

Aru says: Argali are hardly honorable kills, outsider. If you want to earn respect, you must hunt more dangerous game!

Aru himself can be found at [78.5, 32.5]VZ-Ohn'ahran PlainsBlip, next to a dead Plainswalker Bull. On approach:

Aru yells: This bull could feed a whole camp! Think you can do better?
He runs off and despawns.

Belika can be found at [76.1, 34.28]VZ-Ohn'ahran PlainsBlip, next to a dead Sunhide Stomphoof, Plainswalker Mammoth, Plainswalker Calf, and Plainswalker Bull. On approach:

Belika yells: That's three more, Aru and <name>! Try to keep up.
She runs off and despawns.

On completion, Aru and Belika run back in from the steppe to rejoin the caravan.

Belika says: I won! I won!
Aru says: No, I am better than you! Sure, you killed more, but most of your game cannot be used!


  1. N [62-65] Next Steppes or N [60-70] Ohn'ahran Plains
  2. N [62-65] Into the Plains
  3. N [62-65] Proving Oneself
  4. N [62-65] Welcome at Our Fire
  5. N [62-65] The Shikaar
  6. N [62-65] Making Introductions and N [62-65] Supplies for the Journey
  7. N [62-65] Toward the City
  8. N [62-65] For Food and Rivalry and N [62-65] Mysterious Beast
  9. N [62-65] By Broken Road
  10. N [62-65] Connection to Ohn'ahra
  11. N [62-65] Omens on the Wind
  12. N [62-65] Maruukai

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