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NeutralFor the Benefit of the Queen
Start Majordomo Selistra
End Alexstrasza the Life-Binder
Level 60-62
Category The Waking Shores
Experience 4,550
Reputation +100 Valdrakken Accord
Rewards Inv misc questionmark Valdrakken Accord Renown
12g 87s
Previous N [60-62] A Last Hope
Next N [60-62] The Mandate of the Red, N [60-62] Dragonriding


Ride with Majordomo Selistra to the Ruby Lifeshrine.


We safeguard our precious eggs to protect the future of all dragonflights. The Primalists do not simply threaten pain or anguish with their actions.

They threaten us with extinction.

I must inform our queen at once.


You will learn: Inv misc questionmark Valdrakken Accord Renown — Unlock Renown levels for the Valdrakken Accord faction.

You will also receive:


This is dire... but our flight has suffered many tragedies over the years. We shall endure.


Speak with Selistra:

Danger rises from every corner as the land wakes from its slumber. We must make haste if we are to safely reach our home.
Gossip (Quest) Take me with you to see the queen, please.
The adventurer hops on Selistra's back as they preview Dragonriding on the way south to the Ruby Lifeshrine.
Majordomo Selistra says: Very well. Just this once.
Majordomo Selistra says: Hold on tight... If you can.
Majordomo Selistra says: The tenders alerted me as soon as a caravan of eggs went missing. But to hear what happened to them...
Majordomo Selistra says: Our flight has endured many blows over the years. We had just started to recover... and now this.
Majordomo Selistra says: The red dragonflight was charged with nurturing life.
Majordomo Selistra says: We must stop the Primalists. We must stop the proto-dragons!
Selistra drops the adventurer off at the foot of Alextrasza before shifting back to their visage form.
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder says: Welcome to the Ruby Lifeshrine, <name>. I am glad my Majordomo has brought you to me safely... but what brings you here so urgently?

Speak with Alexstrasza:

The Ruby Lifeshrine was once the center of our flight. We must restore its former glory.
Gossip <Offer the rescued egg to Queen Alexstrasza.>

A cutscene plays out: Alexstrasza observes the egg and the Ruby Oathstone.

Alexstrasza the Life-Binder says: What has happened to this egg?
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder says: The energies that surround it are...
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder says: This is dire.
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder says: If the egg can be saved, it will be here, within the sacred waters of the Life Pools.
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder says: Once the young of dragonkind filled this vibrant place.
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder says: And the Ruby Oathstone, the very symbol of our calling, cast its bright glow high into the air for all to see.
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder says: Now it lies dormant, as do all the oathstones.
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder says: I suspect they fell quiet when we relinquished our Aspectral power.
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder says: There are so many things we left behind.
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder says: But now that we have come home, we can fulfill the callings of our flights and renew the five oathstones.
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder says: And through their unity, our absent power shall be restored.


  1. N [60-62] For the Benefit of the Queen
  2. N [60-62] The Mandate of the Red and Dragonriding chain
    1. N [60-62] Dragonriding
    2. N [60-62] How to Glide with Your Dragon
    3. N [60-62] How to Dive with Your Dragon
    4. N [60-62] How to Use Momentum with Your Dragon
    5. N [60-62] The Skytop Observatory
    6. N [60-62] A New Set of Horns
    7. N [60-62] Dragon Glyphs and You
    8. N [60-62] Return to the Ruby Lifeshrine
  3. N [60-62] Training Wings
  4. N [60-62] Who Brought the Ruckus?
  5. N [60-62] The Primary Threat
  6. N [60-62] Basalt Assault
  7. N [60-62] Proto-Fight & N [60-62] Egg Evac
  8. N [60-62] Cut Off the Head
  9. N [60-62] Exeunt, Triumphant

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