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HordeForced Grounding
Start Faithless Trapper's Spear
End Rakjan the Unbroken
Level 30-60
Category Vol'dun
Experience 20,560 (at level 110)
Reputation +150 Voldunai
Rewards Inv offhand 1h zandalarquest b 01 [Faithless Skyrider's Focus]
or Inv shield 1h zandalarquest b 02 [Faithless Skyrider's Shield]
38g 80s (at level 110)


Fangcaller Hrillik

Fangcaller Hrillik
Sethrak commander riding a large pterrordax in the sky.

Use the Faithless Trapper's Spear to pull Fangcaller Hrillik's pterrordax down from the sky above you, and kill him.


<This is one of the spears that Faithless trappers use to pull pterrordaxes to the ground. It has a long chain attached to its base.

With good aim, you could use it to pull a Faithless pterrordax rider to the ground so you could fight them.>


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv offhand 1h zandalarquest b 01 [Faithless Skyrider's Focus] Inv shield 1h zandalarquest b 02 [Faithless Skyrider's Shield]

You will also receive:


<Rakjan lifts his head proudly.>


<Rakjan nods in approval. That's one less Fangcaller to worry about.>


Hrillik's Pterrordax is circling high above Rakjan's Peak. Use the Archaeology 5 0 spearofxuen [Faithless Trapper's Spear] to pull it to the ground and kill it, then dispatch Fangcaller Hrillik after he dismounts and becomes attackable after his mount's death. Talk to Rakjan the Unbroken nearby to turn in.


  1. H [30-60] The Missing Key
  2. H [30-60] Infiltrating the Empire
  3. H [30-60] Allies in Anarchy
  4. H [30-60] Make Them Fear Us & H [30-60] Ready to Riot
  5. H [30-60] Crater Conquered
    1. Side chain: H [30-60] Light Up the Gulch
    2. H [30-60] Unleash the Beasts & H [30-60] Untame Slaughter
    3. H [30-60] Free Ride
  6. H [30-60] Diplomacy and Dominance & H [30-60] Don't Drop It... Yet
  7. H [30-60] Vengeance From Above
  8. H [30-60] Infuriating the Emperor & H [30-60] Relics of Sethraliss
  9. H [30-60] The Fall of Emperor Korthek

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