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HordeForging the Keystone
Start Brann Bronzebeard
End Boktar Bloodfury
Level 25-30
Category Storm Peaks
Experience 27550 or 16g 53s at 80
Reputation +350 Warsong Offensive
Rewards Choose one of:
Inv jewelry ring 33 [Amberglow Signet]
Inv jewelry ring 35 [Iceforged Battle Ring]
Inv jewelry ring 57 [Jagged Ice Band]
Inv jewelry ring 54 [Ring of the Northern Winds]
14g 80s
Previous H [25-30] The Core's Keeper


Brann Bronzebeard wants you to meet him at the Temple of Invention and help him combine Inv misc shadowegg [Norgannon's Shell] and Inv qiraj jewelblessed [Norgannon's Core]. Once you have helped Brann, report back to Boktar Bloodfury at the Grom'arsh Crash-Site.

  • Help Brann create the keystone


Aha! Here it is: the Temple of Invention, the seat of Keeper Mimir himself! Of course, that's where one would go to join the two parts of the key.

According to the prospector's notes, the Temple of Invention is one of the highest points on the western side of the Terrace of the Makers. That means it should be roughly east of your Grom'arsh Crash Site.

I'll meet you at the temple and we'll combine the parts together.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv jewelry ring 33 [Amberglow Signet] Inv jewelry ring 35 [Iceforged Battle Ring]
Inv jewelry ring 57 [Jagged Ice Band] Inv jewelry ring 54 [Ring of the Northern Winds]

You will also receive: 14g 80s


<Boktar nods in approval as you tell him how you helped Brann recover the pieces of the keystone and combine them.>

Brann may prove to be just the ally we need to discover what is truly happening in Ulduar. You've done well in aiding him. We need all the help we can get against this loken and his iron dwarf minions.



Brann is located at [45.5, 49.5]VZ-Storm PeaksBlip. Talk to him to start.

Gossip I'm ready, Brann. Let's make the keystone.

Brann Bronzebeard says: Right. Let's see if we can finish this keystone.
A Distant Voice says: Welcome, Brann Bronzebeard. I am all that remains of this temple's guardian.
A Distant Voice says: You have proven yourself as an explorer and seeker of knowledge.
A Distant Voice says: You have been a steadfast ally of the Earthen.
A Distant Voice says: You and your companions have proven yourselves in combat and in the pursuit of keystone.
A Distant Voice says: Your motives are pure. The keystone's parts shall be reunited. Go to Ulduar and learn the answers to your questions, Brann Bronzebeard.
Brann Bronzebeard says: The keystone is completed! We've done it, <name>!
Brann Bronzebeard says: Who knows what secrets await within Ulduar's archives? I'm off to discover them. Thank you again for your help, <name>. Without it, I'd still be searching for that key.


  1. H [25-30] The Missing Bronzebeard
  2. H [25-30] The Nose Knows
  3. H [25-30] Sniffing Out the Perpetrator
  4. H [25-30] Speak Orcish, Man!
  5. H [25-30] Speaking with the Wind's Voice
  6. H [25-30] Catching up with Brann
  7. H [25-30] Pieces of the Puzzle
  8. H [25-30] Data Mining
  9. H [25-30] The Library Console
  10. H [25-30] Norgannon's Shell
  11. H [25-30] Going After the Core
  12. H [25-30] The Core's Keeper
  13. H [25-30] Forging the Keystone

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