- Formula: Iwen's Enchanting Rod
- Binds when picked up
- Use: Teaches you how to craft Iwen's Enchanting Rod.
- Iwen's Enchanting Rod
- Binds when picked up
- Unique
- Use: Consume 1 Veiled Crystal to animate an inert golem. (5 Sec Cooldown)
- Gain extra resources when disenchanting.
- Requires Level 50
- Requires Kul Tiran Enchanting / Zandalari Enchanting (150)
- "Drust magic causes the rod to thrum with power. Can also serve as any lesser runed enchanting rod."
- Grasping Wicker Arm, Runestone of Thros, Lingering Drust Essence (50), Umbra Shard (20), Veiled Crystal (10), Expulsom (10)
- Requires Level 10
- Requires Kul Tiran Enchanting / Zandalari Enchanting (150)
- Sell Price: 12
Formula: Iwen's Enchanting Rod is sold by Emily Fairweather in Boralus for 880 and Enchantress Quinni in Dazar'alor for 1100
Patch changes[]
Patch 10.1.0 (2023-05-02): Renamed from Recipe: Iwen's Enchanting Rod.
Patch 8.1.5 (2019-03-12): Added.