- Formula: Powerful Anti-Venom
- Binds when picked up
- Use: Teaches you how to make Powerful Anti-Venom.
- Powerful Anti-Venom
- Use: Target is cured of poisons up to level 60.
- Requires First Aid (300)
- 1 Charge
- Sell Price: 5
- Huge Venom Sac
- Requires First Aid (300)
- Requires Argent Dawn - Honored
- Sell Price: 2
This item is a reputation reward that teaches you how to make [Powerful Anti-Venom]; you must be Honored with the Argent Dawn to purchase it for 10
- Argent Quartermaster Hasana <The Argent Dawn> in Western Plaguelands
- Argent Quartermaster Lightspark <The Argent Crusade> in Western Plaguelands
- Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock <The Argent Crusade> in Eastern Plaguelands
Patch changes[]
Patch 1.6.0 (2005-07-12): Added.