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Inv misc ticket tarot blessings
  • Fortune Card
  • Sell Price: 10s-5g

Fortune Cards are obtained by flipping over Inv misc ticket tarot stack 01 [Mysterious Fortune Cards], which are crafted with Cataclysm Inscription. There are 58 different Fortune Cards in total, each with a sell price and unique flavor text telling your fortune.

The cards range in quality from common to epic, and their sell prices range from 10s to 5,000g. The different sell prices correspond to different icons; for example, all Fortune Cards with the Storms icon are worth 5g.

List of cards[]

Quality Flavor text Sell price
Common "A Shaman's blessing is elementary." 10s
Common "Epics are like children; none are so wonderful as your own." 10s
Common "Experience, honor points and faction reputation are in the days ahead." 10s
Common "Find beauty in ordinary things. Vendor them for cash." 10s
Common "He who fights an army is a martyr; he who fights five is elite." 10s
Common "IT IS TIME TO REORDER! For more fortunes, contact F.B. Krazzlestix, Bilgewater Harbor. Bulk discounts available for a small fee." 10s
Common "Many raid wipes are in your immediate future." 10s
Common "Never stand in the shadow of dragons." 10s
Common "Never trust an honest goblin or a sober dwarf." 10s
Common "One who promises to go on a blind date is bound on pickup." 10s
Common "Stay away from mystery meat." 10s
Common "The future looks cataclysmic." 10s
Common "The road to Blackrock Mountain is paved with good intentions." 10s
Common "Trust in the Light, but watch your mount." 10s
Common "You aren't very lucky. Yet." 10s
Common "You have a good chance to roll 100 in the near future." 10s
Common "You have many hidden talents. You will gain more with experience." 10s
Common "You might have better luck with another fortune." 10s
Common "You really should've looted that spider." 10s
Common "You will develop a great sense of relaxation (and patience) from the fishing profession." 10s
Common "You will hear the tinkling of golden coins." 10s
Common "You will someday be able to afford that mount." 10s
Common "You'll never know until you loot." 10s
Common "Your future is clouded with a purple rain." 10s
Common "Your greatest fortune is in the friends you have. Especially tanks." 10s
Common "Your outlook looks bright, unless you run into Deathwing." 10s
Common "A light heart carries you through bad Battlegrounds." 50s
Common "All of the effort you are making is worth the repair costs." 50s
Common "As the purse is emptied, the rogue's heart fills." 50s
Common "Disbelief destroys the magic." 50s
Common "Every herb blooms in its own sweet time. Then you pick it!" 50s
Common "Go take a rest. You deserve it. Remember to rest in an inn though!" 50s
Common "He who expects a wipe will never be disappointed." 50s
Common "Help! I'm being held prisoner in a fortune cookie bakery!" 50s
Common "Now is the time to try something new. Perhaps a new tradeskill." 50s
Common "Never look up when there are flying mounts above you." 50s
Common "Never trust a troll. Or a rogue. Especially a troll rogue." 50s
Common "Someone nearby wants to /flirt with you." 50s
Common "The sun will shine tomorrow." 50s
Common "You will inherit a large sum of money. You will blow it at the Auction House." 50s
Common "You will receive a gift from someone you hate." 50s
Common "Your talents will be recognized and rewarded. Provided your talent spec is good." 50s
Common "All that glitters is not gold. But you can sell it for gold most of the time." 1g
Common "Be cautious in your daily quests." 1g
Common "The beginning of wisdom is to desire it. The end of wisdom is to theorycraft." 1g
Common "The path of the faceroller is not the path to wisdom." 1g
Common "You will live a long, happy life with many resurrections along the way." 1g
Common "A feather in the hand is worth a Levitate." 5g
Common "A friend asks for your time. A guild asks for your money." 5g
Common "When life gives you lemons, pay for repair costs." 5g
Common "You will give someone a piece of your mind, which you can ill afford." 5g
Common "Your lucky numbers are: 4 8 15 16 23 42" 5g
Uncommon "Your racial leader is thinking about you." 20g
Rare "Beware of a tall night elf with one blond boot." 50g
Rare "You have many friends and very few living enemies." 50g
Rare "Life is short; you should take more chances." 200g
Epic "You are very fortunate!" 1,000g
Epic "You're going to be rich!" 5,000g

Other versions[]

  • Uncommon

    Inv misc ticket tarot maelstrom 01
    • Fortune Card
    • "Your racial leader is thinking about you."
    • Sell Price: 20g
  • Rare

    Inv misc ticket tarot vengeance
    • Fortune Card
    • Sell Price: 50g-200g
  • Epic

    Inv misc ticket tarot heroism 01
    • Fortune Card
    • Sell Price: 1,000g-5,000g

See also[]

External links[]
