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HordeFourth and Goal
Start Automatic
End Coach Crosscheck[48.8, 57.6]VZ-KezanBlip
Level 1-20
Category Kezan
Race IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female Goblin
Experience 250
Reputation +250 Bilgewater Cartel
Rewards Inv chest cloth 84v4 [Athlete's Robe] or Inv chest mail 16v3 [Crosscheck Breastplate]
Previous H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Necessary Roughness
Next H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Give Sassy the News


Score the winning goal by kicking the Footbomb through the smokestacks behind the opposing goal.

  • Footbomb Kicked Through Smokestacks


Fourth and Goal aiming

Take aim...

It's all up to you, kid. You demolished the Steamwheedle Sharks, so now all that's left to do is to kick the winning goal.

Now, just between you and me, I think we should do this one right. I don't want you to just kick a goal... I want you to kick it so far it sails between the two smokestacks behind the goal!

I've modified the footbomb to give you the extra power that you'll need.

Make me proud!


Fourth and Goal kick

...and kick!

You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv chest cloth 84v4 [Athlete's Robe] Inv chest mail 16v3 [Crosscheck Breastplate]

You will also receive: 50c


What are you just standing around here talking to me for? Get out there and win this one for Bilgewater Port!


Uh... you did it, kid. You REALLY did it! We won the game and...



This quest is automatically offered upon the completion of H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Necessary Roughness.

On accept:

Kick the Footbomb between the smokestacks up and behind the opposing goal!

Upon kicking the ball through the smokestacks:

Deathwing flies into frame toward Mount Kajaro!
Deathwing yells: The sun has set on this mortal world, fools. Make peace with your end, for the hour of twilight falls!
Deathwing attacks Mount Kajaro, setting it alight, then circles back around to the field before flying out of frame
What did that dragon do to Mount Kajaro?!!!
Ace says: What was that thing, toots?
Izzy says: Why's the ground shaking, <name>?


In early beta-testing for the Cataclysm expansion, the Footbomb itself triggered the volcano's eruption when it was kicked so far as to plunge directly into the crater, making the player directly responsible for the destruction of Kezan. It was later changed to make Deathwing the culprit, befitting his status as the ultimate enemy of the Cataclysm storyline.


  1. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Taking Care of Business
  2. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Trouble in the Mines / H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Good Help is Hard to Find
  3. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Kaja'Cola
  4. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Megs in Marketing
  5. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Rolling with my Homies
  6. Three-way quest fork:
    1. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Report for Tryouts
    2. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] The Replacements
    3. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Necessary Roughness
    4. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Fourth and Goal
    5. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Give Sassy the News
  7. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Life of the Party
  8. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Pirate Party Crashers
  9. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] The Uninvited Guest
  10. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] A Bazillion Macaroons?!
  11. Four-way quest fork:
  12. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] 447
  13. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Life Savings

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