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AllianceFreeing Our Brothers
Freeing Our Brothers
Freeing Our Brothers
Start Bold Karasshi
End Bold Karasshi
Level 10-35
Category Jade Forest
Experience 111000
Reputation +2000 Pearlfin Jinyu
Rewards Item level 372 belts
9g 80s
Previous A [10-35] The Missing Admiral
Next A [10-35] Kung Din


Jinyu Prisoner

Jinyu Prisoner

Alliance Prisoner

Alliance Prisoner

Free 6 Jinyu Prisoners or Alliance Prisoners.

  • Prisoners freed x6


You may be an outsider, but you and I have a common enemy in the hozen.

Many members of my tribe are trapped in cages nearby. I have also seen your... Alliance... soldiers as well.

I canot leave without freeing my brethren, just as you cannot leave without yours.

The Slingtail hold the keys to those cages. Find the keys and free our friends.


Depending on your class and specialization you will get one of the following items:
Inv belt leather panda b 02 brown [Cagebreaker's Leather Belt] Inv belt mail panda b 02 [Cagebreaker's Chain Links]
Inv belt cloth panda b 02 white [Cagebreaker's Silk Cord] Inv belt cloth panda b 02 white [Cagebreaker's Satin Cord]
Inv belt leather panda b 02 brown [Cagebreaker's Hide Belt] Inv belt mail panda b 02 [Cagebreaker's Ringmail Waistguard]
Inv belt plate panda b 01gold [Cagebreaker's Burnished Clasp] Inv belt plate panda b 01gold [Cagebreaker's Armored Girdle]
Inv belt plate panda b 01gold [Cagebreaker's Heavy Girdle]

You will also receive: 9g 80s


Are they freed?


You have freed my brothers? Good.

We are in your debt.



Pick up A [10-35] The Path of War and A [10-35] Ancient Power before heading out. Go killing, freeing, and looting until all quotas are met.


  1. A [10-35] The Missing Admiral
  2. A [10-35] The Path of War & A [10-35] Freeing Our Brothers & A [10-35] Ancient Power
  3. A [10-35] Kung Din
  4. A [10-35] Jailbreak
  5. A [10-35] The Pearlfin Situation & A [10-35] Road Rations
  6. A [10-35] Family Heirlooms & A [10-35] The Elder's Instruments
  7. A [10-35] Spirits of the Water

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