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HordeFreka Bloodaxe
Image of Freka Bloodaxe
Title <Orgrimmar Quartermaster>
Gender Female
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Orgrimmar
Location Sunreaver Pavilion, Icecrown
Status Alive

Freka Bloodaxe is an orc found in the Sunreaver Pavilion of the Argent Tournament Grounds in Icecrown as part of the Argent Tournament.


Stub Please add any available information to this section.

Ability mount warhippogryph [Argent Hippogryph]
Inv axe 108 [Axe of the Sen'jin Protector]
Inv sword 61 [Blade of the Keening Banshee]
Inv boots plate 09 [Blood-Caked Stompers]
Inv jewelry necklace 09 [Choker of Feral Fury]
Inv belt 46 [Clinch of Savage Fury]
Ability hunter pet scorpid [Durotar Scorpion]
Inv gauntlets 30 [Gauntlets of Mending Touch]
Inv weapon shortblade 98 [Greatsword of the Sin'dorei]
Inv mace 81 [Grimhorn Crusher]
Inv banner 03 [Jouster's Fury]
Inv belt 47c [Links of Unquenched Savagery]
Inv misc punchcards yellow [Music Roll: The Argent Tournament]
Inv jewelry necklace 19 [Necklace of Stolen Skulls]
Inv misc tournaments banner orc [Orgrimmar Banner]
Inv misc tournaments symbol orc [Orgrimmar Commendation Badge]
Inv misc tournaments tabard orc [Orgrimmar Tabard]
Ability mount blackdirewolf [Orgrimmar Wolf]
Inv jewelry necklace 42 [Pendant of Emerald Crusader]
Inv jewelry necklace 34 [Razor's Edge Pendant]
Inv belt 38c [Sash of Trumpeted Pride]
Inv weapon shortblade 76 [Scalpel of the Royal Apothecary]
Inv weapon rifle 34 [Sen'jin Beakblade Longrifle]
Inv weapon shortblade 97 [Spinal Destroyer]
Inv staff 81 [Staff of Feral Furies]
Ability mount blackdirewolf [Swift Burgundy Wolf]
Inv boots leather01 [Treads of the Earnest Squire]
Inv boots chain 06 [Treads of Whispering Dreams]
Inv belt 26 [Waistguard of Equine Fury]



Only champions of Orgrimmar may purchase what I have to offer.


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

She may be related to Kelgruk Bloodaxe and Kergul Bloodaxe.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
