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HordeFriend of the Sin'dorei
Start Magister Kaendris [55, 49]VZ-GhostlandsBlip
End Lor'themar Theron
Level 1-30
Category Ghostlands
Experience 825
Reputation +75 Silvermoon City
Previous H [1-30G5] The Traitor's Destruction
Next H [1-30] Envoy to the Horde

This quest starts the Friend of the Sin'dorei quest chain. This is only available to non-blood elf players who complete H [1-30G5] The Traitor's Destruction.


Take Inv misc head undead 01 [Dar'Khan's Head] to Lor'themar Theron in Silvermoon City.


This is the beginning of a new chapter in blood elf history, <name>. You've helped cement the bond between my race and yours, <race>.

Take the traitor's head to Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron in Silvermoon City. He'll be eager to hear the news.


You seek audience with me, <class>? I do not recall hearing of an appointment.


So you killed Dar'Khan, <race>? Impressive. I've a feeling my people and yours will soon get to be very good friends.



  1. H [1-30] The Sanctum of the Sun
  2. H [1-30] The Farstrider Enclave
  3. H [1-30] The Traitor's Shadow
  4. H [1-30] Hints of the Past
  5. H [1-30] Report to Magister Kaendris
  6. H [1-30] The Twin Ziggurats
  7. Complete all of:
  8. H [1-30] Friend of the Sin'dorei / H IconSmall BloodElf MaleIconSmall BloodElf Female [1-30] Hero of the Sin'dorei
  9. H [1-30] Envoy to the Horde / H IconSmall BloodElf MaleIconSmall BloodElf Female [1-30] Envoy to the Horde
  10. H [1-30] Meeting the Orcs / H IconSmall BloodElf MaleIconSmall BloodElf Female [1-30] Meeting the Orcs
  11. H IconSmall BloodElf MaleIconSmall BloodElf Female [1-30] Allegiance to the Horde

External links[]
