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NeutralFrom Hell's Heart
Start Sabellian [29.6, 49.7]VZ-Zaralek CavernBlip
End Ebyssian [41.0, 59.9]VZ-Zaralek CavernBlip
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Embers of Neltharion
Experience 11,900
Rewards 10x Flightstone-dragonflight [Flightstones] and one of: Inv misc questionmark [Endowed Robes]
Inv misc questionmark [Inherited Raiment]
Inv misc questionmark [Bequeathed Chainmail]
Inv misc questionmark [Bestowed Chestplate]
56g 18s
Previous N [70] A Scale for a Scale
Next N [70] No Dragon Left Behind
From Hell's Heart

Sabellian looking at Fyrakk


Help Sabellian slay Fyrakk.


No longer can we allow Fyrakk to lie here peacefully, twisting himself with shadowflame and becoming a threat on par with Deathwing. We must act! It is dangerous? Yes. But not to do anything would be catastrophic.

I have ripped gronn apart with my bare claws before. Those battles were gambles, this one is not. Slaying a proto-dragon with a weapon meant for dragonslaying is obvious. It is logical. It is guaranteed.

I will not tremble before an opportunity to end this now.


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We... were no match...

Notes and trivia[]

From Hell's Heart - Sabellian launching the spear

Sabellian launching the spear at Fyrakk

On accept:

Sabellian and Ebyssian run forward.
Ebyssian says: Has Fyrakk always been that huge? He looks bigger than when we last fought.
Sabellian says: I have killed gronn that would dwarf this gnat twice over.
Ebyssian says: I believe he is growing more powerful as he absorbs the energy of the caldera.
Sabellian says: Then it is imperative to strike now before he grows beyond us. <Name>, you have dealt with monsters like this; you know this to be true.

Speak with Sabellian:

We cannot ignore this opportunity.
I have a perfect shot at the underside of Fyrakk's neck from this angle. It will kill him.
The Zaqali will retaliate, but you are sufficient at killing djaradin by now, I measure.
Are you ready?
  • Gossip What if your plan fails?
It will not. I am certain of its success.
Regardless, Fyrakk presents an immediate danger to the dragonflights and the other peoples of the world. We cannot, in good conscience, merely observe and report. We must act!
If you are worried, fear not. We have the high ground. We have cover. Protect my flank and I will save us from this monster.
Gossip I want to talk about something else.
  • Gossip (Quest) I am ready.
Sabellian magically holds the spear above his head and launches it at Fyrakk!
Sabellian says: The black dragonflight will never allow another shadow-spawned monstrosity to arise!
Fyrakk yells: A spear!? Do you think I am a FOOL? The djaradin would gleefully kill me if they could pierce my hide!
Erupting Shadowflame

Erupting Shadowflame

Fyrakk launches a blast of shadowflame at Sabellian, launching the latter away! An Erupting Shadowflame spawns in his place.
Ebyssian says: Sabellian!
Fyrakk yells: The worms tempt me to action! The shadowflame is almost mine! Do not leave the caldera. So close...
Fyrakk yells: Use the shadowflame? Yes... Yes! My new power!

Players are debuffed with:

Spell shadow felmending Burning Miasma — Every breath feels like fire in your lungs. Strictly graphical. Does nothing.

Fend off the elemental and an in-engine cutscene plays:

Fyrakk says: THIS POWER... IS NOW... MINE!
Fyrakk gets to his feet as shadowflame bursts out of the lava around him. Ebyssian desperately pops up an earthen barrier.
A wave of shadowflame washes over Igira, awakening her.
Ebyssian says: Augh! -- We cannot hold here!
Ebyssian shifts to dragon form, snagging Sabellian and the champion and flies away.
Fyrakk says: Elder Igira! Do not let that child of Neltharion escape!
Igira says: Argh!
Igira launches her spear, striking Ebyssian!
Ebyssian says: Ahhhhhhh!
Ebyssian crash-lands, popping up a big smoke cloud. The champion and Sabellian look at Ebyssian. Fyrakk, assuming the dragons and champion died in the crash, flies eastward.
Fyrakk says: Primalists! Zaqali! Onward! PURGE THIS CAVERN -- AND THEN, THE DRAGON ISLES!
Sabellian says: Loamm...

A pre-rendered cutscene immediately follows:

Loamm. Elder Honeypelt walks along the northern path out of the city. She sniffs as the cavern lights up. As Fyrakk flies in to attack, Brynnsahce runs forward in an attempt to reach Honeypelt. Fyrakk unleashes a breath attack as the scene cuts to black.
From Hell's Heart - after

Ebyssian speared and Sabellian wounded.

On the other side of the cutscene players wake up southeast of the Molten Overflow outside of Zaqali Caldera.

Sabellian has gossip:

<Sabellian shifts slightly, wincing when it forces his burned arm to move.>

The quest title is a reference to the line "from hell's heart I stab at thee" from Moby-Dick by Herman Melville.


  1. N [70] Where There's Smoke, There's Fire
  2. N [70] Sight Beyond Sight
  3. N [70] Legends of the Zaqali & N [70] Know Thy Enemy
  4. N [70] Take Out the Head
  5. N [70] Consequences
  6. N [70] Battlefield Triage
  7. N [70] Rushing Quality
  8. N [70] Shut Them Down & N [70] Alliance of Convenience
  9. N [70] A Scale for a Scale
  10. N [70] From Hell's Heart
  11. N [70] No Dragon Left Behind
  12. N [70] Raked Over the Coals
  13. N [70] The Endless Burning Sky
  14. N [70] In the Wake of the Ashes

Patch changes[]

External links[]
