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NeutralFrostfire Gloves
Start Archmage Angela Dosantos
End Archmage Angela Dosantos
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Raid
Category Naxxramas
Class Mage Mage
Reputation +200 Argent Dawn
Rewards Inv gauntlets 17 [Frostfire Gloves]
Previous N [60R] Echoes of War


Archmage Angela Dosantos at Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Frostfire Gloves if you bring her the following: 1 Desecrated Gloves, 8 Wartorn Cloth Scraps and 4 Mooncloth.


As a Watcher, I was allowed access to many of Medivh's personal effects. Among those items, I found the tomes most enlightening. While the majority of the books were filled with - to put it bluntly - tripe, there were some gems. One of those tomes documented the creation of a set of armor fit for an archmage: Frostfire.

<Angela points to her head.>

It's all in here and I am willing to share the fruits of that knowledge with you as long as you are able to provide me with the necessary materials.


You will receive:


With the proper materials and reagents, I am able to reform the mythical Frostfire armor.


Desecrated Gloves drop off Maexxna in the Spider wing of Naxxramas, Wartorn Cloth Scraps drop off trash mobs in Naxxramas, and Mooncloth is created by Tailors.


Do not forget that power left unchecked is as destructive as power left unused, <class>. Use discretion when donning Frostfire.

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