- Frostwolf Tailoring Kit
- Binds when picked up
- Unique
- This Item Begins a Quest
- Requires Level 10
- Requires Classic Tailoring (1)
- "The satchel is filled with cloth swatches and strange thread."
- For Alliance side item, see
[Cryptic Tome of Tailoring].
The Frostwolf Tailoring Kit can drop from any mob in Draenor for tailors, but most likely to from Dorogg the Ruthless for the quest [10-40] The Butcher of Bladespire at Bladespire Citadel. It starts
[10-40] Trega's Tailoring Kit, which begins a short chain to unlock the Tailoring Emporium blueprints for the Garrison.
Patch changes[]
Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Added.