G'eras is a Heroic boss rewards vendor located in the central dome of the Terrace of Light in the neutralShattrath City. Previously G'eras was located in front of the western alcove in the central dome, but was moved to the walkway above it in Patch 2.4.0 (as the alcove is now used for the portal to the Isle of Quel'Danas).
Offered immediately after the patch, the [Life-Step Belt] has since been removed from G'eras' offerings. It was one of several drops in the original Nalorakk timed encounter. This item is no longer available to players in the main game.
The Battlemaster trinkets were previously obtainable through the PvP reward system. In Patch 4.0.1, each costs 140 honor points. The system was later changed in the main game, although it remains similar in World of Warcraft: Classic.
Patch changes[]
Patch 9.0.1 (2020-10-13): Stats and gear squished.
Patch 2.4.0 (2008-03-25): Moved to the upper walkway.