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AllianceGadgets and Gizmos Aplenty
Start Farmer Burton
End Farmer Burton
Level 30-60
Category Stormsong Valley
Experience 16,450
Reputation +75 Storm's Wake
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous A [30-60] Checking Out the Collapse (optional)
Next A [30-60] Farming Stimulator


Collect 10 Harvester Gizmos.


The militia may have given up on us, but we haven't given up on me!

I'm a bit of a tinker, and I find that my harvest golems are better than any hired help I've ever had. They just need regular maintenance to keep running.

Of course the Briarback are now taking over my fields, and my farmhands have gone into disrepair.

If you head out into the fields, can you grab the inner mechanisms from any of them that you find? That will stop them from exploding as well as help me plan my revenge.


You will receive:


Do you have the parts yet?


Perfect! With these parts I can rebuild my entire workforce. Or make one of them REALLY powerful.


Pick up A [30-60] Stop Vining! before heading out.

Additionally, the bonus objective A [30-59B] Weed Whacking is available while in the Burton Farmstead. Don't focus on it right now -- save it to complete during A [30-60] Farming Stimulator.

Interact with Malfunctioning Harvesters to find a Inv gizmo 03 [Harvester Gizmo] or two.

While in the caves, look for rare quilboar Captain Razorspine at [47.3, 65.7]VZ-Stormsong ValleyBlip.


Optional breadcrumb at Brennadam: A [30-60] Checking Out the Collapse

  1. A [30-60] Gadgets and Gizmos Aplenty & A [30-60] Stop Vining!
  2. A [30-60] Farming Stimulator

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