When his arms glow like show magic you should avoid him (He'll raise his hand in the air and announce it) - It's the warning for jackhammer. Everyone including the tank should move out for a few seconds (he should be remain rooted in place while doing this). Other than that just DPS him hard.
Attacks and abilities[]
Jack Hammer — Does an AoE centered on himself hitting for around 1000-1500 on regular and about 2500 on Heroic around 8 times in a short time. He stops moving when he does this, so all you have to do is run away to avoid it.
Shadow Power — Increases the caster's attack speed and size for 15 sec.
Stream of Machine Fluid — Reduces an enemy's attack speed by 35% for 10 sec. Reduces an enemy's armor by 35% for 10 sec.