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Image of Gekkan
Gender Male
Race Saurok (Humanoid)
Level 22-37 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Vault of Kings Past, Mogu'shan Palace
Status Killable

Gekkan is a saurok and the second boss found in the Vault of Kings Past of the Mogu'shan Palace. He's responsible for the rest of the saurok.


Adventure Guide[]

As the mogu clans battle for supremacy, the cunning Gekkan leads his fearsome saurok raiding party into the palace's fabled treasure caches. Loyalty is not usually ascribed to these ruthless reptilian beings, but Gekkan's courage and tactical brilliance inspire a sense of honor in his soldiers.

Spells and abilities[]

  • Ability warrior intensifyrage Reckless Inspiration Important — Gekkan inspires one of his subordinates, increasing haste by 25% and rendering them immune to many crowd-control effects, but also increasing damage taken by 25%.

Gekkan's Entourage[]

Gekkan always travels with four Saurok trained in different styles of combat.

Glintrok Ironhide
  • Inv shield 05 Iron Protector Interruptible — Reduces the damage taken by allies within 5 yards by 50%.
Glintrok Skulker
  • Spell warrior wildstrike Shank Interruptible — Shanks an enemy, inflicting 150% weapon damage and stunning the target for 5 sec.
Glintrok Oracle
  • Spell holy innerfire Cleansing Flame Interruptible — Heals all allies within 60 yards for 300000.
  • Spell fire firebolt Fire Bolt — The Glintrok Oracle unleashes a Fire Bolt at his current target, inflicting damage equivalent to its melee swing as Fire damage.
Glintrok Hexxer
  • Spell shadow demonicempathy Hex of Lethargy Interruptible Magic Effect — Hexes the target, inflicting 50000 Shadow damage and reducing spell-casting speed by 25% for 20 sec. Stacks up to 4 times.
  • Spell fire twilightflamebolt Dark Bolt — The Glintrok Hexxer unleashes a Dark Bolt at his current target, inflicting damage equivalent to its melee swing as Shadow damage.


Either way, you have to kill all one by one. You may CC or fight all out brawl. Interrupt the casters at least to save healing.


Item Type
Normal Heroic
Inv hand 1h pandung c 01 [Claws of Gekkan] Inv hand 1h pandung c 01 [Claws of Gekkan] Agility fist weapon
Inv cape pandaria c 02 [Cloak of Cleansing Flame] Inv cape pandaria c 02 [Cloak of Cleansing Flame] Caster cloak
Inv glove mail dungeonmail c 06 [Hexxer's Lethargic Gloves] Inv glove mail dungeonmail c 06 [Hexxer's Lethargic Gloves] Spirit mail gloves
Inv boots plate dungeonplate c 07 [Glintrok Sollerets] Inv boots plate dungeonplate c 07 [Glintrok Sollerets] Spirit plate boots
Inv jewelry trinket 13 [Iron Protector Talisman] Inv jewelry trinket 13 [Iron Protector Talisman] Tank trinket

Related Achievements[]


I hear something...
Stop them!
Reckless Cry
Slay them!
Killed a player
Search its corpse!
Such a waste...

Patch changes[]



External links[]
