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NeutralGidwin Goldbraids
Image of Gidwin Goldbraids
Gender Male
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Class Paladin
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Argent Crusade, Silver Hand
Location Various
Status Alive
Companion(s) Tarenar Sunstrike, Fiona

Gidwin Goldbraids is a dwarf that is a part of Fiona's Caravan. He is one of the two main protagonists of the Eastern Plaguelands storyline.



Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Gidwin aspires to become a member of the Argent Crusade along with his friend/rival Tarenar Sunstrike. Gidwin is usually in the back of the caravan as Tarenar usually takes the front seat and teases him for being short. Despite this the two, with the help from an adventurer, are able to pass a series of tests and become members of the Argent Crusade.

Sometimes afterwards he becomes restless which leads him to rush off to fight the Scourge. At some point during his fight against the undead he was captured by scourge who, under Baroness Anastari, plan to turn him into a death knight.[1] While chained down in the Plaguewood Fiona and her companions (as the player is part of her companions) save him. He then thanks everyone, giving the player a Inv misc rune 01 [Hearthstone] to Light's Hope Chapel (which has only one use), saying he will return with Fiona's caravan, this time in the front seat.

Gidwin is also one of the dozens of past NPC's encountered by adventurers to assist in killing the elementals at Sethria's Roost.

Warlords of Draenor[]

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

Gidwin accompanied Fiona and Tarenar to Draenor with the Alliance forward party. Tarenar and Gidwin left to go fishing, but were attacked by the native botani; luckily, the local draenei Rangari arrived to aid them, and Tarenar carried Gidwin back to the caravan to recuperate. Gidwin was poisoned during the attack, but adventurers succeed in brewing the herbs and other oddities necessary to save his life.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Tarenar and Gidwin joined the reborn Knights of the Silver Hand at the Sanctum of Light beneath Light's Hope Chapel.

He is later seen in Deliverance Point on the Broken Shore.

After the war, Tarenar and Gidwin were traveling the world and conducted a drinking tour of Horde capital cities, including Suramar City and Silvermoon City.[2]

Gidwin Goldbraids in the Waking Shores

In the Waking Shores.


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Gidwin and Tarenar accompanied Fiona once more and are found at the Expedition Basecamp in the Waking Shores.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Eastern Plaguelands 15-30 Alliance Horde As part of the Eastern Plaguelands storyline.
Sethria's Roost, Mount Hyjal 35 Alliance Horde
Sanctum of Light 10-45 Alliance Horde
Fiona's Caravan, Shadowmoon Valley 25-30 Alliance Horde
Deliverance Point, Broken Shore 45 Alliance Horde
Expedition Basecamp, Waking Shores 60-62 Alliance Horde


  • Spell holy devotionaura Avenger's Shield — Hurls a holy shield at the enemy, dealing Holy damage, Dazing them and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 2 total targets.
  • Spell magic magearmor Blessing of Kings — Places a Blessing on the friendly target, increasing strength, agility, stamina, and intellect by 5% for 5 min.
  • Spell holy innerfire Consecration — Consecrates the land beneath the caster, dealing Holy damage over 8 sec to enemies who enter the area.
  • Spell holy devotionaura Devotion Aura — Reduces Physical damage taken of nearby party members for 4 min.
  • Spell holy holybolt Holy Light — Calls upon Holy magic to heal an ally.
  • Spell holy blessingofprotection Holy Shield — Increases chance to block by 30% for 10 sec and deals Holy damage for each attack blocked while active. Each block expends a charge. 3 charges.


Objective of[]

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.


Stub Please add any available information to this section.

Dragonscale Basecamp gossip

Tarenar will probably skip over our grand adventure to talk about the Legion invasion if you ask him what we've been up to.

You know, we spent a lot of time at Light's Hope, but it was so jarring to see after fightin' demons all day long! I think that's part of why we took time off. We have a chance to get back to our roots and travel with Fiona and the others again.

Don't think I won't find myself a fight to get into while we're here, though! Something out there is waiting for us to find it...

Notes and trivia[]

  • Up until his appearance in Dragonflight, he was never tagged with the Argent Crusade reputation faction, despite joining them in the Eastern Plaguelands storyline.
  • Gidwin was initially planned to be a follower. He has an invisible Follower recruiting spell with the following description: Achievement character draenei male Follower: Gidwin Goldbraids — Artificer Romuul's hammer is as mighty as his knowledge of crystalworking. (the text is copied from Romuul's own recruiting spell)
  • His character may be inspired by Gimli from Lord of the Rings.

Patch changes[]

See also[]


External links[]
