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MobGiga Sentinel
Image of Giga Sentinel
Gender Male
Race Apexis guardian (Aberration)
Level 30-40
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Lost Veil Anzu, Spires of Arak
Status Killable

Giga Sentinel is an Apexis guardian located at the Lost Veil Anzu in Spires of Arak.


  • Inv misc enggizmos 27 Optical Blast — The caster focuses an intense beam of Solar energy directly in front of them. Enemies caught in the beam suffer Fire damage every 1 sec.
  • Ability siege engineer detonate Self-Destruct — The construct activates its self-destruct feature, exploding for Fire damage to all enemies within 30 yards.
  • Ability golemthunderclap Smash — The caster smashes the ground, inflicting great Physical damage to all enemies at the point of impact.
  • Ability skyreach solar burst Solar Pulse — The caster fires a pulse of Solar energy forward in a straight line. All enemies caught in the pulse's path suffer Fire damage.

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