- 10
- Going To Need A Bigger Bag
- Obtain all of the rare items from the Timeless Isle listed below.
- Criteria:
- Cursed Swabby Helmet
- Giant Purse of Timeless Coins
- Battle Horn
- Forager's Gloves
- Bubbling Pi'jiu Brew
- Misty Pi'jiu Brew
- Ash-Covered Horn
- Captain Zvezdan's Lost Leg
- Golden Moss
- Eternal Kiln
- Sunset Stone
- Blizzard Stone
- Blackflame Daggers
- Ordon Death Chime
- Ordon Ceremonial Robes
- Scuttler's Shell
- Swarmling of Gu'chi
- Faintly-Glowing Herb
- Windfeather Plume
- Reins of the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent
- Glinting Pile of Stone
- Glowing Blue Ash
- Bonkers
- Spineclaw Crab
- Ominous Flame
- Death Adder Hatchling
- Ruby Droplet
- Ashleaf Spriteling
- Warped Warning Sign
- Crystal of Insanity
- Big Bag of Herbs
- Hardened Shell
- Thick Pi'jiu Brew
- Warning Sign
- Cauterizing Core
- Cursed Talisman
- Strange Glowing Mushroom
- Jadefire Spirit
- Ashen Stone
- Rain Stone
- Falling Flame
- Blazing Sigil of Ordos
- Rime of the Time-Lost Mariner
- Partially-Digested Meal
- Sticky Silkworm Goo
- Condensed Jademist
- Quivering Firestorm Egg
- Pristine Stalker Hide
- Odd Polished Stone
- Glowing Green Ash
- Gulp Froglet
- Skunky Alemental
- Jademist Dancer (companion)
- Dandelion Frolicker
- Azure Crane Chick
Going To Need A Bigger Bag is a collections achievement earned for entailing a massive item collection hunt from nearly every mob on the Timeless Isle.
A few items that previously only dropped from various Pandarian champions are available on the isle as well. If players had already looted one of those items (and still have it in their inventory or bank), they will get credit for that item automatically.
Blizzard updated this achievement to function account-wide in Patch 5.4.8.
Patch changes[]
- Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): [Elixir of Ancient Knowledge] removed from criteria.
- Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): [Overgrown Lilypad] removed from criteria.
- Hotfix (2014-05-27): Resolved an issue where credit for the achievement: Going To Need A Bigger Bag was not tracking correctly across characters on the account.
- Patch 5.4.8 (2014-05-20): Going To Need A Bigger Bag is now an account-wide achievement and items obtained by all characters on the account now contribute credit towards completion. This means the achievement can be completed by obtaining all the required items across multiple characters instead of having a single character obtain all the items needed.
- Hotfix (2013-09-13): Players will now correctly receive credit for Big Bag of Herbs towards the Going To Need A Bigger Bag achievement.
- Patch 5.4.0 (2013-09-10): Added.