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For the Classic version, see H [5] Gordo's Task.
HordeGordo's Task
Start Gordo
End Junior Apothecary Holland
Level 1-30
Category Tirisfal Glades
Experience 270
Reputation +75 with Undercity
Rewards 65c

Gordo's Task is a low-level Horde quest in Tirisfal Glades.


Collect 3 Gloom Weed and deliver them to Junior Apothecary Holland in Brill.


Master want weeds. Us gots big hands and not good at picking. You help us and we not hurt you. Us need gloom weed. Many weeds around here and near road.

When you have gloom weed you take to Master Holland in Brill.


You will receive:


Where's that useless abomination? Either you have what I need or you'd best get out there and find it.


What's this? Gloom weed?! I've no need for gloom weed! That mindless mass of flesh is out there picking daisies and convincing the Lady knows how many dupes like you into doing the same. No offense.

We'll deal with the gloom weed later. For now, we've got other matters to discuss.


  • Gloom Weed is generally found in the fields between Brill and Deathknell.
  • Players with the Herbalism skill will be able to detect Gloom Weed on their minimap by using Inv misc flower 02 [Find Herbs].
  • Sometimes it's better to go west of Gordo's path to get Gloom Weed, just east of Solliden Farmstead, because he doesn't pull out the Gloom Weed in the area.


  1. Complete all of
    • Scarlets
    1. H [1-30] Reaping the Reapers
    2. H [1-30] The Scarlet Palisade & H [1-30] A Scarlet Letter
    • New Plague
    1. H [1-30] Fields of Grief
    2. H [1-30] Variety is the Spice of Death
    3. H [1-30] Johaan's Experiment
  2. H [1-30] Gordo's Task
  3. Flight Path side chain:
    1. H IconSmall Undead MaleIconSmall Undead Female [1-30] Supplying Brill
    2. H IconSmall Undead MaleIconSmall Undead Female [1-30] Ride to the Undercity
    3. H IconSmall Undead MaleIconSmall Undead Female [1-30] Michael Garrett
    4. H IconSmall Undead MaleIconSmall Undead Female [1-30] Return to Morris
  4. H [1-30] The New Forsaken
    1. Side quest: H [1-30] A Putrid Task
  5. H [1-30] Forsaken Duties
  6. H [1-30] The Chill of Death
  7. H [1-30] Return to the Magistrate
  8. H [1-30] Darkhound Pounding
  9. H [1-30] Holland's Experiment

Patch changes[]

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