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MobGorged Shadehound
Image of Gorged Shadehound
Race Shadehound (Beast)
Level 62 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Prodigum, Maw[53.7, 79.1]VZ-MawBlip
Status Killable

The Gorged Shadehound is a shadehound located in the Beastwarrens of the Maw as the objective of Hunt: Shadehounds.

After clearing the surrounding hostiles, the Shadehound becomes attackable. After it takes some damage, it will enter the Pit of Anguish behind it, jumping down to the bottom of the cave. Follow it and take it out.

Like all Hunt bosses, the Shadehound can only be looted once per week.


  • Spell shadow devouringplague Anima Devour — Jumps to farthest enemy, stunning them and healing itself.
  • Inv gauntlets 87 Armored Thrash — Knocks an enemy back and reduces their threat by half.
  • Ability warlock howlofterror Deafening Howl — Inflicts 13 Shadow damage to all enemies within 20 yds, interrupting spellcasting for 3 sec.
  • Spell shadow soulleech 3 Hollow Bite — Bite the target, inflicting Physical damage and increasing Physical damage taken by 50% for 4 sec.
  • Spell shadow ragingscream Shade Shift — Shifts away preventing damage.
  • Spell animamaw debuff Stygian Remnant — Releases a Stygian Remnant.
  • Ability demonhunter soulcleave2 Stygic Swipe — Reduces the healing recieved of all enemies in a cone in front of the caster by 10% for 10 sec. Inflicts Shadow damage to all enemies in front of the caster every 1 sec for 10 sec.


Objective of[]

Patch changes[]

  • Shadowlands Hotfix (2020-12-02): The rewards from Gorged Shadehound can now be looted once a week.
  • Shadowlands Patch 9.0.2 (2020-11-17): Added.

External links[]
