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KyrianGothic Fashion
Start Pelagos
End Pelagos [56.4, 41.4]VZ-RevendrethBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Kyrian Campaign
Experience 9,450
Rewards 25g 74s
Previous N [60] Assistance from Sinfall
Next N [60] Collecting Dust, N [60] Shards of the Countess


Collect 5 articles of venthyr clothing from Chalice Residents and Garment Trunks in the Chalice District.

  • Venthyr clothing collected (5)
  • Meet Pelagos on the wall between the Chalice District and the Redelav District.


Making my way into the city unseen was not as simple as I thought.

I trekked through some mud, where I came across these... small men.

Perhaps Kleia is right. I draw far too much attention here to be of much use.

Perhaps I can disguise myself? Please, help me by gathering some venthyr clothing as a disguise.


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 9,450 XP


Kleia is right. I am not ready for a mission such as this.


<Pelagos sifts through the clothing you brought him.>

Such fine fabric... I believe this could work!


Entering the Chalice District of Castle Nathria for N [60] Eyes of the Master and N [60] Overhead Intelligence, Pelagos runs up to the adventurer with this quest.

On accept:

Pelagos says: I will find my way over to Kleia and the Curator. Please, excuse me... uh... mates...
Pelagos runs off into the distance.

Chalice Residents have a slim chance at dropping clothing, but keep an eye out for Garment Trunks, which are guaranteed to contain a piece.

The five pieces are:

After completing the objectives of all three quests, head to the top of the walls to find the three quest givers inside a tower overlooking the Redelav District:

The Curator says: I did some digging myself. It seems the Countess keeps her sinstone locked away in a crypt, the keys spread amongst nobility as a sign of favor.
Kleia says: Hopefully our friend has found a clue to who may hold these keys, then.
Pelagos disguise attempt

Pelagos's "disguise"

On complete:

Pelagos says: Let me try this on... how do I look?
Kleia says: I do not believe that will fool anybody, brother. You have a talent for magic. Perhaps an illusion would better serve you?


  1. N [60] Assistance from Sinfall
  2. N [60] Overhead Intelligence, N [60] Eyes of the Master, N [60] Gothic Fashion
  3. N [60] Collecting Dust, N [60] Shards of the Countess
  4. N [60] Through Glass
  5. N [60] Sins of the Past
  6. N [60] Land of Light
  7. N [60] Skulking in the Darkness, N [60] Light Respite, N [60] Actions Speak Louder than Words
  8. N [60] The Folly of Envy
  9. N [60] Parting Words
  10. N [60] The Seal of Contrition

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