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Grand Hunts are scenarios taking place on the Dragon Isles, unlocked after completing N [62-65] Call of the Hunt after reaching Renown 5 with Maruuk Centaur. Each Hunt lasts two hours and is denoted by the Grand Hunts (world map) and Grand Hunting Party (zone map) icon.

Every hunt has six stages, but the stages vary.



Trainer Frodrum offers upgrades for the Grand Hunts, starting at Renown Level 9, in the form of a companion and buffs.

Hunting Party Loadout
Shikaar Hunting Tactics
Upgrade Requirement Lead-in quest
Bakar Hunting Companion or Ohuna Hunting Companion Renown Rank 9 N [60-70] Hunting Tactics: Companion
Blessing: Warding Winds or Blessing: Purifying Breeze or Blessing: Quickening Gale Renown Rank 10 N [62-65] Hunting Tactics: Blessing of Ohn'ahra
Harrowing Howl or Fatal Bite Renown Rank 12
Razor Wids or Avian Alacricity Renown Rank 12
Select Your Companion
Companion Appearances
White Ohuna or Sepia Ohuna or Red Ohuna of Dark Ohuna or Brown Ohuna
Gold Bakar or Golden Brown Bakar or White Bakar or Black Bakar or Orange Bakar or Brown Bakar


Stub Please add any available information to this section.
The progress of the objectives is shared among all participants.

Begin the Hunt[]

Talk to Scout Tomul and blow the Grand Hunting Horn to begin the Grand Hunt
  • Talk to Scout Tomul and begin the hunt
Scout Tomul says: Sound the horn! Begin the Grand Hunt and we will see who is worthy!
Speaking with Tomul
The Grand Hunt is a long, honored tradition with my people, we do not rest till we have taken our quarry. I will give you a chance to prove yourself. Show me your strength two-foot, take this horn and signal the beginning of the Hunt. We will see how you fare.
Gossip I will signal the start of the Grand Hunt!

See below for the many stages that can occur. After six are done, it is time for conclusion.

Conclude the Grand Hunt[]

Talk to Scout Tomul and blow the Grand Hunting Horn to conclude the Grand Hunt.
  • Talk to Scout Tomul and conclude the hunt
Start of the phase
  • Scout Tomul says: We near the end of our hunt. Signal the other hunters by blowing the horn.
  • Scout Tomul says: We're drawing close to the end of our hunt! Blow the horn to signal the other hunters!
  • Scout Tomul says: The end of the hunt draws near. Sound the horn to inform the other hunters!
Speaking with Tomul
A fine hunt! You did better than I expected two-foot. My clan will seek out a new hunting ground.
Gossip I will signal the end of the Grand Hunt!
  • Scout Tomul says: You did better than I expected. My scouts will search for new hunting grounds while these lands replenish.
  • Scout Tomul says: Well done, for a two-foot. This area needs to renew, but there are more places ripe for hunting. The Shikaar will seek out new grounds.
  • Scout Tomul says: Your skills impress me, two-foot! We must let this land be replenished. My scouts will seek new hunting grounds... and new challenges.

Western Azure Span[]

Root of Anger[]

Clear out the Rampaging Forest Giants.
  • Rampage stopped (Groups defeated 100%)
Scout Tomul says: Something has stirred the creatures of this area. Hold them off!

Baaaah'd Guy[]

Hunt Uurhilt
Scout Tomul says: Find the beast that roams these lands and kill it. We will make good use of the resources it provides.

To Balance Nature[]

Use rocks to clear all the Horned Filcher Nests from the trees.
  • Nests cleared (15)
Scout Tomul says: The nesting in this area is too dense. The land cannot sustain all these creatures. Clear some out.

Loot Perfect Throwing Rocks and use Throw Rock button at Filcher Nests.

The Most Annoying Sound[]

Clear out the Blaring and Roaring Caprine.
  • Caprine cleared (100%)
Scout Tomul says: The creatures here are frenzied. Kill them, quickly!

Rude Awakening[]

Waken and hunt Khuumog.
Scout Tomul says: A wild creature stalks this land. Come, join the hunt. Prove your skill!

Deerly Departed[]

Collect Vorquin Bones.
  • Vorquin Bones collected (18)
Scout Tomul says: This area is rich with resources. Collect them!

Southeast Hunt[]

Hunt creatures in the southeast hunt area.
  • Hunt creatures in the southeast hunt area. (100%)
Scout Tomul says: Hunt down the creatures in this area!

Kill Horned Armoredons.

Southwest Hunt[]

Hunt creatures in the southwest hunt area.
  • Hunt creatures in the southwest hunt area. (100%)
Scout Tomul says: Hostile creatures roam this land. Thin out their numbers.

A Giant Nuisance[]

Hunt Tenmod
Scout Tomul says: This giant is a plague upon the land. Bring it down!

Eastern Azure Span[]

A Maruuk Mess[]

Collect the lost Shikaar equipment.
  • Lost Equipment collected (18)
Scout Tomul says: Collect the remaining hunting gear. It will prove useful to us.

Collect Shikaar Great Arrows, Shikaar Spears, and Shikaar Axes.

West River Hunt[]

Hunt creatures west of the river.
  • Hunt creatures west of the river. (100)
Scout Tomul says: The creatures of this land need to be thinned out. Hunt them down!

Taken Hold Of[]

Clear out the Parched Shortcoat Bears.
  • Parched Shortcoats cleared (Groups defeated 100%)
Scout Tomul says: This group of angry beasts cannot be calmed! Cut them down!

River Hunt[]

Hunt beavers and ottuks around the river.
  • Hunt beavers and ottuks around the river. (100%)
Scout Tomul says: The land cannot sustain so much wildlife. You must cull them!

To fill up the bar, kill Wildwater Timberteeth and Wildwater Ottuks.

Thorn in Our Side[]

Clear out the Vicious Crystalspine.
Scout Tomul says: This group of angry beasts cannot be calmed! Cut them down!

Each group gives 20%

A Steamy Problem[]

Hunt Mantai.
Scout Tomul says: This elemental's magic is wild and dangerous. Destroy it so that it does no harm to others.

Deliverer of Darkness[]

Hunt Arkhuu
Scout Tomul says: Ah, the hunt is upon us! This target will test your mettle, two-foot. Are you prepared?

Pain in the Butt[]

Help the Impaled Shikaar Hunters.
  • Impaled Shikaar Hunters helped (15)
Scout Tomul says: Some of the Shikaar have been injured! Rally them to fight again!

Click on Wild Crystalspines to free the hunters.

Frantic Frenzy[]

Clear out the Frantic and Hectic Wildwater Ottuk.
  • Wildwater Ottuk cleared (Groups defeated 100%)
Scout Tomul says: Something has these creatures angered. You must fend them off before they wreak havoc.

Kill Frantic Wildwater Ottuk and Hectic Wildwater Ottuks.

Northern Ohn'ahran Plains[]

Tide and Seek[]

Bring injured Beaver Kits to Shikaar Healers.
  • Injured Beaver Kits healed (16)

Picking up the beaver behaves as vehicle, meaning to fight again you must use the new vehicle ability - Drop Injured Kit.

Speaking with a Shikaar Healer
There are injured beaver kits all over the area, bring them to me so I can tend to their wounds. We would be terrible hunters if our prey passed before they could live.
Gossip Here is an injured kit, please help them!

River Hunt[]

Hunt beavers around the river.
  • Hunt beavers around the river. (100%)
Scout Tomul says: The creatures that surround you are dangerous. Thin their numbers.

Kill Riverbend Chompers and Riverbend Timberteeth.

Bitter Beaver[]

Find and defeat Norbett.
Scout Tomul says: Ah, the hunt is upon us! This target will test your mettle, two-foot. Are you prepared?

A Bone to Pick[]

Collect bones from Rockfang Ravine.
  • Bones collected (15)

Scavenger Hunt[]

Find and defeat Boolk.
Scout Tomul says: Find the beast that roams these lands and kill it. We will make good use of the resources it provides.

Central Ohn'ahran Plains[]

Helter Shellter[]

Clean and collect Discarded Turtle Shells.

Think of the Children[]

Free Trapped Thunderspine Calf from Deranged Hunter Traps.
  • Trapped Thunderspine Calves freed (14)
Scout Tomul says: Help the land renew by nurturing these young. When they are grown, they will become fine quarry for our hunt!

Riverbeast Rampage[]

Clear the western plains of the Encroaching Riverbeasts.
  • Encroaching Riverbeasts defeated (100%)
Scout Tomul says: This group of angry beasts cannot be calmed! Cut them down!

Kill Encroaching Riverbeast and Enraged Riverbeasts.

Dig Dig Dig[]

Rescue the Trapped Bakar.
  • Trapped Bakar rescued (9)
Scout Tomul says: Our hunting companions require aid. Find them and help them!

Head inside the cave and click on Rocks on the bakar.

Western Cave Hunt[]

Hunt elementals in the western cave.

Kill Sedentary Sediments.

Scout Tomul says: Hunt down the creatures in this area!

Taken for Granite[]

Find and hunt Rokzul.
Scout Tomul says: This elemental's magic is wild and dangerous. Destroy it so that it does no harm to others.

Eastern Ohn'ahran Plains[]

River Hunt[]

Hunt beasts around the river.
  • Hunt beasts around the river. (100%)

Kill Giant Ottuk Agitators and Riverbend Chompers.

Thirsty Menace[]

Clear the river of the Disruptive Corpsewings.
  • Disruptive Corpsewings defeated (100%)
Scout Tomul says: Something has stirred the creatures of this area. Hold them off!

Otter Devastation[]

Find and hunt Zagdech.
Scout Tomul says: Ah, the hunt is upon us! This target will test your mettle, two-foot. Are you prepared?

A Restless Invasion[]

Clear out the Restless Slyvern south of the river.
  • Restless Slyvern defeated (100%)
Scout Tomul says: Something has these creatures angered. You must fend them off before they wreak havoc.

Print Pursuer[]

Find and investigate creature tracks.
  • Find and investigate creature tracks. (100%)
Scout Tomul says: There are tracks nearby. Follow them. See if they lead to our quarry.

Fine Dining[]

Clear out Famished Proto-Drakes from north of the river.
Scout Tomul says: The creatures here are frenzied. Kill them, quickly!

Steelcliff Passage, Thaldraszus[]

Big Bad Beetle Bakars[sic][]

Free the Swarmed Shikaar Bakar from the Swarming Scarabs!
  • Swarmed Shikaar Bakar freed (12)
Scout Tomul says: Our hunting companions require aid. Find them and help them!

Destructive Invaders[]

Clear out the Destructive Proto-Drakes.
Scout Tomul says: These beasts are fierce and territorial. Show your strength and cut them down!

Upper Passage Hunt[]

Hunt creatures in the upper portion of the Wildlife Passage
  • Hunt creatures in the upper portion of the Wildlife Passage. (100%)

Wooly Wanderers[]

Expel the Disoriented Wooly Lamb from the area.
  • Disorientated Wooly Lamb expelled (12)
Scout Tomul says: Help the land renew by nurturing these young. When they are grown, they will become fine quarry for our hunt!

Flock of Intruders[]

Destroy Winghunter Nests.
  • Winghunter Nests destroyed (13)
Scout Tomul says: The nesting in this area is too dense. The land cannot sustain all these creatures. Clear some out.

Northern Passage Hunt[]

Hunt creatures in the northern portion of the Wildlife Passage.
  • Hunt creatures in the northern portion of the Wildlife Passage. (100%)
Scout Tomul says: Quickly, kill these creatures so that we may harvest their bounty.

A Wooly Ruckus[]

Clear out the Rampaging Wooly Ewe
  • Rampaging Wooly Ewe cleared (100%)
Scout Tomul says: Something has stirred the creatures of this area. Hold them off!

Untimely Intruder[]

Hunt Diluu.
Scout Tomul says: A wild creature stalks this land. Come, join the hunt. Prove your skill!

Petrifying Pursuer[]

Hunt Molkeej
Scout Tomul says: Ah, the hunt is upon us! This target will test your mettle, two-foot. Are you prepared?

Waking Shores[]




Patch changes[]
