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AllianceGrandma's Cat
Start Grandma Wahl[32.5, 75.5]VZ-Gilneas-t1Blip
End Grandma Wahl[32.5, 75.5]VZ-Gilneas-t1Blip
Level 1-30
Category Gilneas
Race IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female Worgen
Experience 480
Reputation +150 Gilneas
Rewards Inv hammer 16 [Granny's Mallet] or Inv misc cape 14 [Orange Blanket]
1s 25c
Previous A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] I Can't Wear This
Next A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Ready to Go


Retrieve Chance the cat.


Right! About the evacuation, dear.

I just cannot leave without my cat. He's an adorable orange tabby.

Chance's favorite spot to play is a broken down cart near an arbor northeast of here.

Bring him here and we'll be on our way.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv hammer 16 [Granny's Mallet] Inv misc cape 14 [Orange Blanket]

You will also receive: 1s 25c


You're such a charming young <man/lady>, <name>.


There he is! Grandma's special boy!

Thank you so much for finding him. I hope it wasn't too much trouble.

My... what manner of dirt found its way underneath my fingernails!


Head northeast. Chance is sitting on a rock. Right-click it to spawn Mob Lucius the Cruel who remarks on what great bait the cat is. During the fight, Grandma Wahl comes out to assist! Loot Lucius to pick up the cat.

On interacting with the cat:

Lucius the Cruel says: I'll be taking this cat. It seems to work as the perfect bait. Prepare to die now, fool!
Grandma Wahl yells: You do not mess with my kitty you son of a mongrel!
Wahl transforms into her worgen form!


  1. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] As the Land Shatters
  2. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Gasping for Breath
  3. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Evacuation
  4. Complete all of:
    • Gramma
    1. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Grandma Wahl
    2. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Grandma's Lost It Alright
    3. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] I Can't Wear This
    4. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Grandma's Cat
    5. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Ready to Go (optional)
    • Haywards
    1. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] The Hayward Brothers
    2. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Not Quite Shipshape & A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Washed Up
    3. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Escape By Sea (optional)
    • Crowley
    1. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] The Crowley Orchard
    2. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] The Hungry Ettin
    3. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Horses for Duskhaven (optional)
  5. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] To Greymane Manor
  6. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] The King's Observatory
  7. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Alas, Gilneas!
  8. A IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female [1-30] Exodus

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